Da 2 Recap: Abu Dhabi Judo Grand Slam – Back fo Shine! ✨🥋

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

DA ABU DHABI GRAND SLAM JUDO: BEAUCHEMIN-PINARD, AHADOV, TAIMAZOVA, KARAPETYAN KA’AU! 🥋💪🏽😎 Da Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Judo stay one big event foa all da judo fans out dea.

An’ day two wen end wit some epic fights an’ champions takin’ home da gold! Beauchemin-Pinard from Canada show her skills an’ take home da gold medal in da -63kg category!

She pull off one amazing move dat lit up the whole arena in Abu Dhabi! 😱✨ I wen do dis technique called ura-nage.

Wen she come fo attack me, I jus’ lift her halfway and spin ’em around in mid-air. It all came from my legs!

Dis technique no happen often but when it work… boom!

Big Ippon! Beauchemin-Pinard said.

Dis Canadian powerhouse stay calm from start to finish and walk away wit another win undah her belt. Ahadov from Uzbekistan came back strong aftah gettin’ bronze last year.

He put on one spectacular performance against Kosovo’s Gjakova an’ grab his first grand slam title! Otabek Umarov, Vice President of Olympic Council of Asia hand out the medals to Ahadov.

I feel so relaxed hea in Abu Dhabi like I back home in Uzbekistan. Love dis place man!

Last year I got bronze he’a but now my first Grand Slam gold medal, Ahadov said proudly. Madina Taimazova show who’s boss at -70kg by beat Sweden’s rising star Ida Eriksson with authority!

Michael Michaely, Chairman of CEDCO Hungary give Madina Taimazova ha well-deserved medal after ha victory. Da final match at -81kg between David Karapetyan an’ Dutch Dynamo Frank De Wit was one for da books!

Both of ’em fly through da air, but Karapetyan get da decisive score! Dis stay some expert judo action dat we all love to see!

🥇🥈🥉 Da Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Judo stay on fire wit all dese talented athletes goin’ head-to-head. Can’t wait foa see what day three bring us!


Day 2 Recap: Abu Dhabi Judo Grand Slam – Return to Glory

DA ABU DHABI GRAND SLAM JUDO: BEAUCHEMIN-PINARD, AHADOV, TAIMAZOVA, KARAPETYAN KA’AU! 🥋💪🏽😎 The Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Judo is a major event for all the judo fans out there.

And day two ended with some epic fights and champions taking home the gold! Beauchemin-Pinard from Canada showcased her skills and took home the gold medal in the -63kg category!

She pulled off an amazing move that lit up the whole arena in Abu Dhabi! 😱✨ I did this technique called ura-nage.

When she came to attack me, I just lifted her halfway and spun her around in mid-air. It all came from my legs!

This technique doesn’t happen often but when it works… boom!

Big Ippon! Beauchemin-Pinard said.

This Canadian powerhouse stayed calm from start to finish and walked away with another win under her belt. Ahadov from Uzbekistan came back strong after getting bronze last year.

He put on a spectacular performance against Kosovo’s Gjakova and grabbed his first grand slam title! Otabek Umarov, Vice President of Olympic Council of Asia handed out the medals to Ahadov.

I feel so relaxed here in Abu Dhabi like I’m back home in Uzbekistan. Love this place man!

Last year I got bronze here but now my first Grand Slam gold medal, Ahadov said proudly. Madina Taimazova showed who’s boss at -70kg by beating Sweden’s rising star Ida Eriksson with authority!

Michael Michaely, Chairman of CEDCO Hungary gave Madina Taimazova her well-deserved medal after her victory. The final match at -81kg between David Karapetyan and Dutch Dynamo Frank De Wit was one for the books!

Both of them flew through the air, but Karapetyan got the decisive score! This was some expert judo action that we all love to see!

🥇🥈🥉 The Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Judo is on fire with all these talented athletes going head-to-head.

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