Disney Channel

Da 🤑 Grand Plan Fo’ Disney’s ABC Sale by Bob Iger: End of Linear TV? 📺

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

👀 Da Bob Iger Grand Plan Fo’ Disney Movin’ Fast Wit Reported Talks To Sell ABC 🤔 Bob Iger neva stop tinkin big fo da House of Mouse. An now, wit reported talks to sell ABC to Nexstar, he’s showin dat he ready fo anudda big move.

Dis time it mean slimmin down da company an focus on streamin. But even if he manage ta sell dis diminish asset, challenges still remain fa him as CEO!

Da start of all dis began when Bob Iger took ova as CEO in 2005. He been tryina transform Disney from a traditional media company ta one dat focuses more on digital content – which include streaming services like Hulu and ESPN+.

Since den, we seen how hard work pay off: just last year alone Disney made over $14 billion in revenue from its streaming business! 😲 Nowadays people wen get used to watch TV shows online instead of through broadcast networks like ABC or NBC so it no surprise dat these companies suffer financially cuz dey can’t keep up wit da times (sad face emoji).

Dat why Bob is lookin into ways ta reduce costs by divesting some a his assets – includin ABC which wen launch back in 1948 – an puttin mo money inta streamins services 👌🏽 So far things seem be goan good for him since reports say negotiations between Nexstar Media Group (da biggest TV station owner) and Disney already takin place ✅ Even though nothin official yet bout wat happen aftah sale goes thruhuhu but one thing clear: this could mean end a broadcast era 🙁 Anodda twist come when Byron Allen make offer fa buyABC himself too recently ⚡️ Allen already own Entertainment Studios Network plus dozen other channels so adding another network would give him lots more control ova his own empire ❗️ Plus dere also talk bout potential merger between ViacomCBS & Discovery Inc., two giants who compete against each other but if dey combine forces together den dem gonna have even mo power ovah industry 💪🏽 No mattah wat happen next stay tuned cuz lot stuff happening right now behind scenes atDisney headquarters 👀 Who knows? Maybe soon enough we see whole new landscape emerge outta all dese changes ✨


Disney’s ABC Sale: Bob Iger’s Grand Plan & End of Linear TV

👀 Da Bob Iger Grand Plan Fo’ Disney Movin’ Fast Wit Reported Talks To Sell ABC 🤔 Bob Iger neva stop tinkin big fo da House of Mouse. An now, wit reported talks to sell ABC to Nexstar, he’s showin dat he ready fo anudda big move.

Dis time it mean slimmin down da company an focus on streamin. But even if he manage ta sell dis diminish asset, challenges still remain fa him as CEO!

Da start of all dis began when Bob Iger took ova as CEO in 2005. He been tryina transform Disney from a traditional media company ta one dat focuses more on digital content – which include streaming services like Hulu and ESPN+.

Since den, we seen how hard work pay off: just last year alone Disney made over $14 billion in revenue from its streaming business! 😲 Nowadays people wen get used to watch TV shows online instead of through broadcast networks like ABC or NBC so it no surprise dat these companies suffer financially cuz dey can’t keep up wit da times (sad face emoji).

Dat why Bob is lookin into ways ta reduce costs by divesting some a his assets – includin ABC which wen launch back in 1948 – an puttin mo money inta streamins services 👌🏽 So far things seem be goan good for him since reports say negotiations between Nexstar Media Group (da biggest TV station owner) and Disney already takin place ✅ Even though nothin official yet bout wat happen aftah sale goes thruhuhu but one thing clear: this could mean end a broadcast era 🙁 Anodda twist come when Byron Allen make offer fa buyABC himself too recently ⚡️ Allen already own Entertainment Studios Network plus dozen other channels so adding another network would give him lots more control ova his own empire ❗️ Plus dere also talk bout potential merger between ViacomCBS & Discovery Inc., two giants who compete against each other but if dey combine forces together den dem gonna have even mo power ovah industry 💪🏽 No mattah wat happen next stay tuned cuz lot stuff happening right now behind scenes atDisney headquarters 👀 Who knows? Maybe soon enough we see whole new landscape emerge outta all dese changes ✨

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