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Kine Insane Fast Travel Fo’ Spider-Man 2 On PS5 🤯🕷️ Wen da previews fo’ Spider-Man 2 start come out, everyting look like it gonna be jus as good as da firs one. Da map bigger an now we get two diffren Spideys wit new symbiote powers. But wateva crazy ting I seen from all dose previews was Mike Fitzgerald, Director of Core Technology at Insomniac showin us how fast travel work on PS5!

No moa Spider-Man on da subway, cuz dis time dey make it even crazier. 🤩😱 He post a video of how he morphs da map to whereevas Spidey already swingin or web flyin! Nevah seen anyting like dat before so peopo start talk bout da power of PS5!

But not sure if dat really true or if Insomniac just real smart wit dere tech. 😎👍🏽 From wat we can tell so far, looks like Spider-Man 2 gonna be even better den firs one and way more impressive too! We also see some footage from Lizard boss battle and wowzers dat look wild!!

👊🏽👹 Anotha cool ting is you no need wait for long fo’ dis game cuz Sony know they got someting special here an want peopo play it soonest possible. So yeah don’t forget check out when game drop an let’s hope for best results!!! ✌️✨


Spider: Web Design & SEO Services

When the previews for Spider-Man 2 started coming out, everything looked like it was going to be just as good as the first one. The map is bigger and now we get two different Spideys with new symbiote powers. But whatever crazy thing I saw from all those previews was Mike Fitzgerald, Director of Core Technology at Insomniac showing us how fast travel works on PS5!

🤯🕷️ No more Spider-Man on the subway, because this time they made it even crazier. 🤩😱 He posted a video of how he morphs the map to wherever Spidey is already swinging or web flying! Never seen anything like that before so people started talking about the power of PS5!

But not sure if that’s really true or if Insomniac are just really smart with their tech. 😎👍🏽 From what we can tell so far, looks like Spider-Man 2 is going to be even better than first one and way more impressive too! We also saw some footage from Lizard boss battle and wowzers that looks wild!!

👊🏽👹 Another cool thing is you don’t need to wait long for this game because Sony know they have something special here and want people playing it as soon as possible. So yeah don’t forget check out when game drops and let’s hope for best results!!! ✌️✨

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