Israeli Civilians

Check out Israel: Da kine Travel, Culture, History an’ Politics Guide 🌍🏛️📚💼

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Heavy Kine Tings Going Down Inna Israel and Gaza Skip all da odda stuff, we goin’ straight to da main story. We talking about today’s big news from Jerusalem 🌍📰. Da war between Israel and Hamas still going strong, braddahs. Biden tinkin’ if he should make trip to Israel as things getting more pilikia in Gaza with no water 💧and fuel ⛽️ plenty kine short now.

Da diplomats from Western side try fo’ figure out how for bring emergency help inside Gaza an’ let foreigners leave go Egypt 🇪🇬. Israel wen say dat at least 199 people been taken hostage by Hamas – moa than befo’. As tings stay high strung an’ no signs of any kind diplomatic breakthrough coming soon, Isreal still get complete seige on top Gaza cutting dem off from energy 🔋 , food 🥘an’ wata 💦 . As night time come down in Khan Younis, peeps gotta struggle fo find basic needs witout electricity💡.

Unda threat of one Israeli ground attack⚔️ , ova half million peeps had run south wit plenty heading Rafah border crossing which neva open yet for Egypt. Israel neva say when dey could start invasion but keep bombarding 👊Gaza with airstrikes day after day ten times ovah. Da death toll on Monday went up again brah! Officials said that 2,808 Palestinians been killed an’ 10,850 wounded 😷 .

South side Gaza not even spared cuz one airstrike on top city of Rafah flattened buildings and took five lives according to Gazan Interior Ministry. Plenty injured Palestinians kept pouring into already overloaded hospitals inna gaza while over Tel Aviv way sirens warning bout airstrikes coming from within gaza making Israelis jumpy. President Biden weighing whether for accept invitation to visit Israel, which would show American solidarity with their ally 🇺🇸 . Israelis stay waiting fo news about da hostages taken by Hamas terrorists in the surprise attack on Oct.

7. On Monday, Israel said at least 199 people been taken by Hamas, moa than befo’ thought.


Exploring Israel: Travel, Culture, History, and Politics Gui…

Intense events are unfolding in Israel and Gaza. Let’s skip the minor details and go straight to the main story. We’re discussing today’s major news from Jerusalem 🌍📰.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to escalate, folks. Biden is contemplating whether he should visit Israel as conditions worsen in Gaza due to a severe shortage of water 💧and fuel ⛽️.Diplomats from Western countries are trying to figure out how they can deliver emergency aid into Gaza while also allowing foreigners safe passage into Egypt 🇪🇬 . It has been reported by Israeli officials that at least 199 people have been taken hostage by Hamas – more than previously thought possible.

As tensions remain high with no signs of any imminent diplomatic resolution, Isreal maintains its total blockade on Gaza depriving them access to energy 🔋 , food 🥘and water 💦 . As night falls over Khan Younis, residents struggle for basic necessities without electricity💡.Facing the threat of an Israeli ground assault⚔️ , over half a million people fled southward with many heading towards Rafah border crossing which hasn’t yet opened for entry into Egypt.. There is no word yet on when Israel might commence this invasion but relentless airstrikes 👊continue day after day upon Gaza..

The death toll rose again Monday! Officials reported that 2,808 Palestinians have been killed and another 10,850 injured 😷 .The southern part of gaza was not spared either as an airstrike hit the city of Rafah destroying buildings resulting in five fatalities according Gazan Interior Ministry reports… Many wounded Palestinians continue flooding already overwhelmed hospitals within gaza while sirens warning about incoming airstrikes keep Israelis anxious back home..

President Biden considers accepting invitation for visiting Isreal demonstrating American solidarity with their ally 🇺🇸 .. Israelis anxiously await news regarding the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists during a surprise attack on Oct.7.

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