
Brussels Kine Scary Bang-Bang: Two Guys Wen Pau From Da Suspected Terroris… 💥🌍💔

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Heavy Kine Shooting in Brussels, Two People Pau – Da One Act of Terrorism No make skip da content, no need site index. Jus’ look and go straight. So wat we get?

Europe news fo’ today paper: two guys wen mahke in one shooting ova dea Brussels. Dey say was one act of terrorism. Da guy who wen pull da trigga still on top loose Monday night time an’ everybody all scared now cuz he neva get caught yet!

Prime Minister Alexander de Croo from Belgium went talk story dat da victims was Swedes 🇸🇪. Had dis kine shooting scene ova dea Brussels on Monday 📷…by Matina Stevis-Gridneff reporting live from Brussels Oct 16, 2023 at about half past five p.m ET time ⏰ Two Swedish nationals got shot dead Monday evening right smack dab in the middle of central Brussel by only one armed man 😱 Dat’s what Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said – dat it was an act of terrorism. Da suspect still running around free even hours aftah he went shoot um up 🔫 Belgian police stay saying “I just offered my sincere condolences to @swedishpm following tonight’s harrowing attack on Swedish citizens here,” Mr.de Croo posted em online X for the Swedish prime minister 👥 Our hearts heavy for those families and friends who lost their loved ones 💔 As close partners our fight against this kind terror is together.

The victims had Sweden soccer shirts when they got shot local media reported; maybe they were getting ready to watch a match between Sweden and Belgium at a big stadium over there northern part Brussel ⚽️ The game had to stop because that crazy thing happened! One video going around social media showed a man wearing white helmet with high visibility orange jacket chasing down his victims into some building, then shooting them again up close and personal, execution style 😨 Another video going around showed a man in one high visibility orange jacket just like the shooter talking Arabic saying he was part of Islamic State. “So there has been a claim via social media where someone says he is the perpetrator, that he has sympathies for IS,” Eric Van Der Sypt from federal prosecutor’s office told Belgian broadcaster VTM.

“He also mentions victims being Swedish nationals.


Brussels Terror Attack: Two Fatalities in Suspected Terroris…

Intense Shooting in Brussels, Two People Dead – The Act of Terrorism Doesn’t Skim Over the Details, No Need for Site Index. Just Look and Go Straight.

So What’s the Scoop?European news for today’s paper: two men were killed in a shooting over there in Brussels. They say it was an act of terrorism.

The person who pulled the trigger is still at large Monday night and everyone is now frightened because he hasn’t been caught yet!Prime Minister Alexander de Croo from Belgium reported that the victims were Swedes 🇸🇪 There was this kind of shooting scene over there in Brussels on Monday 📷…by Matina Stevis-Gridneff reporting live from Brussels Oct 16, 2023 at about half past five p.m ET time ⏰ Two Swedish nationals were shot dead Monday evening right smack dab in central Brussel by only one armed man 😱 That’s what Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said – that it was an act of terrorism. The suspect is still running around free even hours after he went on a shooting spree 🔫 Belgian police are saying “I just offered my sincere condolences to @swedishpm following tonight’s harrowing attack on Swedish citizens here,” Mr.de Croo posted online X for the Swedish prime minister 👥 Our hearts are heavy for those families and friends who lost their loved ones 💔 As close partners our fight against this kind terror is together.The victims had Sweden soccer shirts when they got shot local media reported; maybe they were getting ready to watch a match between Sweden and Belgium at a big stadium up north part Brussel ⚽️The game had to stop because that crazy thing happened!

One video circulating social media showed a man wearing white helmet with high visibility orange jacket chasing down his victims into some building then executing them at close range 😨 Another video circulating showed a man in high visibility orange jacket just like the shooter speaking Arabic saying he was part of Islamic State. “So there has been a claim via social media where someone says he is the perpetrator, that he has sympathies for IS,” Eric Van Der Sypt from federal prosecutor’s office told Belgian broadcaster VTM.

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