Ron DeSantis

Brah, DeSantis Super PAC Making Da Big Ask: ‘We Need 50 Million Da Kine Dollars!’ 🌺🤙💰

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eh, you guys heard about dis? Hours befo’ da first GOP debate was fo’ start, da head honcho of da super PAC wen’ take ova Ron DeSantis’s run fo’ be president, and he wen’ talk story with da big money guys in Milwaukee. 🎙️🍍

Jeff Roe, da main man behind all da planning, wen’ tell da donors, “A’ight, check dis out, but no go run tell errybody, ah? We gotta make moves, like right now.” Roe wen’ make one big pitch, “Day afta Labor Day, we launching big time. But, we need your kokua. We talking 50 million da kine dollars!” 💸🚀

Roe wen’ get all hamajang and wen’ tell da peeps dat he needed da big bucks, especially with da next GOP debate coming up on Sept. 27. He wen’ say he need 5 million every month just fo’ keep things running in Iowa. Plus, DeSantis gotta beat out Donald J. Trump in da next two months and leave da rest of da pack behind. 🗓️🌽

From da recording, sound like da guys running da DeSantis super PAC, “Never Back Down”, going all in now, hoping da big money guys gonna back dem up. But ho, dey get plenny work fo’ do, especially since Mr. Trump stay leading in da polls. Da campaign also stay low on da cash flow. One win fo’ Trump in Iowa might just shut down da whole GOP race. 😲📉

Roe, in his talk with da donors, wen’ give his own take on some of da Republicans. He wen’ say Senator Tim Scott stay cool and all, but no look presidential. Nikki Haley? Roe no tink she all dat and no see her as one future prez either. And den he wen’ joke about dat time one fly wen’ land on Mike Pence’s head when he wen’ debate Kamala Harris. Roe also believe dat Trump, even if he stay leading, gonna lose da big one and might even pull down da rest of da GOP with him. 😂🤔

Roe, who also stay running Axiom Strategies, not shame to ask fo’ big money. He wen’ joke around, “Da good news? We get all da money right here in dis room. Bad news? Still stay in your pockets!” But asking fo’ 50 million on da spot? Das kinda wild, especially since “Never Back Down” wen’ already pull 82.5 million from DeSantis’s political fund, and dey wen’ spend 34 million by end of June. 💼💵

Seems like “Never Back Down” changing how dey spend. Dey not gonna do door-to-door in Nevada or some other states anymore. Roe, he stay counting on da donors fo’ more kala and fast. He even say he go meet dem by da airport security fo’ da checks. “Dis campaign no can run on just aloha spirit,” Roe wen’ say. He believe in da donors but also remember da time he wen’ lose to Trump back in 2016 when he wen’ work with Senator Ted Cruz. 🚪✈️

For 2024, Roe and da “Never Back Down” crew trying something nobody wen’ try before in American politics. Dey running almost every part of DeSantis’s campaign. Usually, campaigns and Super PACs no can work too close together, but because DeSantis’s campaign stay low on funds, “Never Back Down” wen’ take charge. Kinda tricky situation, especially since DeSantis say he not part of da Super PAC, but he still use their resources. 🚫🤯

DeSantis even wen’ let go some of his team in July. His campaign had money problems cause he wasn’t doing so hot in da polls and they wen’ spend too much too soon. Now, “Never Back Down” more important than ever fo’ DeSantis’s chances.

In his chitchat with da donors, Roe wen’ share how dey been getting peeps in Iowa to promise support fo’ DeSantis. He not too trust public polls, but he believes the one showing Trump at 42% and DeSantis at 19%. He also gave his own thoughts on some other candidates. But all in all, Roe believes they gotta beat Trump in da next 60 days and stand out from da rest. 🌊🗳️

End of da day, da GOP race looking like one wild ride. And with guys like Roe behind da scenes, only time gonna tell how things shake out. But one thing fo’ sure: Da race to da White House? Stay only getting started! 🏛️🏁🤙🌺


😲💸 Brah, Da DeSantis Super PAC Going Broke!

Jus’ befo’ da big G.O.P. debate throwdown, da head guy from da super PAC supporting Ron DeSantis’s bid fo’ prez met up with da big money kine peeps in Milwaukee. 🌆

“Check dis out but no go spread da word, yeah?” Jeff Roe, da strategist, told da moneymakers, according to one sneaky audio recording dat da New York Times wen’ hear. “Gotta make moves, and gotta make ’em now!” 🏃💨

Roe wen’ throw down one heavy pitch: “Da day aftah Labor Day, we going launch big time. So, we need you guys. Cough up da cash – we looking at 50 million smackers! 💰🚀

Roe, with passion in his voice, wen’ tell da donors dat he need most of da 50 mil befo’ da next G.O.P. debate on Sept. 27. He say he burning $5 mil every month just fo’ keep things running in Iowa. And brah, he was like, “DeSantis gotta outdo Trump in da next two months!” 🗓️🥊

Dat secret kine audio wen’ show dat da peeps behind DeSantis’s super PAC, called ‘Never Back Down’, throwing big money hoping others cover their backs latah. But da odds stay stacked against dem. Trump stay ahead in da polls, DeSantis’s campaign running low on funds, and if Trump score big in Iowa, might be game over fo’ da GOP race. 📉🤦

During da talk, Roe no hold back on da other GOP candidates. He wen’ say Senator Tim Scott, even tho’ he cool, people no see him as prez material. Nikki Haley? Roe said, “She ain’t dat sweet.” And he even wen’ joke ’bout dat time one fly wen’ land on Mike Pence’s head during one debate back in 2020. 😂🦟

Roe wen’ share his vision fo’ victory, but his real focus stay on winning Iowa. He stay confident asking big moneys from da donors. “Da good news? We get da money we need right here,” Roe said to da room. “Da bad news? It’s still in your pockets, braddahs.” 😜💼

But asking for anotha 50 million? Whoa, dat’s bold. Especially when ‘Never Back Down’ wen’ already spend plenny. Now, looks like dey shifting where dey putting their cash, like cutting some programs for sway voters. 🔄💵

Roe was pushing da donors hard, saying he’ll even meet dem at da airport for collect da checks. He no want let history repeat from 2016 when he wen’ lose to Trump while helping Senator Ted Cruz. 🛫📉

For 2024, Roe and his team trying something new. They running almost everything for DeSantis from this super PAC, which technically no can coordinate directly with DeSantis or his team ’cause of da rules. Normally, super PACs just for ads, but ‘Never Back Down’ doing everything ’cause DeSantis’s campaign no get dat much cash. 😓💔

But get plenny weirdness ’cause DeSantis gotta say he not part of dis super PAC even tho’ he using their money for travel and events. Like, he even show up as “special guest” at his own events. 🚌🎉

Things went sour in July. DeSantis had to cut some of his campaign staff ’cause money wen’ slow down. But the health of ‘Never Back Down’ stay critical for DeSantis’s chances.

Last week, Roe wen’ break down how da super PAC been helping in Iowa. But he also wen’ take jabs at other candidates, calling some “not presidential” and others just weird. He also hinted dat Trump, even with strong numbers, get one limit and DeSantis gotta win over Trump’s fans too. 📊❤️

In da end, Roe clear bout one thing: DeSantis gotta beat Trump and all da others, and he gotta do ’em fast! 🏁🔥

And with that, we wait and see how da drama gonna play out. Stay tuned, island peeps! 🌺🍿

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