Joe Biden

Biden’s Campaign Pau Get Strong Wit $71.3M Fundraising in Q3, Brah… 💰💪🇺🇸

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Biden Stay Pulling In Da Kala, But No Moa Dan Trump Last Time 🤑💰 Skip all da kine nonsense on top. We goin’ talk story ’bout politics yeah?

So, get dis one paper dat say Biden Campaign wen pull in $71.3 million. Dat’s plenny moa dan Trump and his Republican ohana did this time around.

Da president stay trying fo’ win again an’ he wen announce how much money dey make for da quarter, but still no can beat wat Donald J. Trump wen bring in during the same time when he was running fo’ re-election back in 2020.

President Biden’s campaign said dey got choke cash – about $90.5 million – from tree different ways dem guys been fundraising 💸🎉 Credit… Kent Nishimura for The New York Times By Reid J Epstein Oct 15th year of our Lord two tousand twenty-tree Updated nine tirty a.m ET On Sunday President Biden’s campaign announced dat together with the Democratic National Committee and one joint fund-raising committee they pulled togedda $71.3 million during da three-month period weh end September last month 📅 Dass way more than what his Republican rivals got but still not as much as where President Donald J.Trump was at this point four years ago 😲 Da campaign neva tell us how they split up the cash between those three fund-raising vehicles though 👀 Ho brah!

We had one mean quarter, Jeffrey Katzenberg (the Hollywood big shot who Mr.Biden named co-chairman of his own campaign) said on Saturday “We went way beyond our own expectations around it significantly.The fact that we’re sitting with $91million today is really extraordinary.” But even so Mr.Biden’s fundraising haul stay well short of the whopping$125million Mr.Trump and the Republican National Committee raised during the same period of his 2020 re-election campaign. And it is just a touch more than da $70.1 million President Obama and da D.N.C.raised at this point in his 2012 campaign – at a time when individual contribution limits were far lower than they are today.

Mr.Katzenberg, wen talk story with us, dismissed comparisons to such campaigns as “comparing apples to submarines.


Biden’s Campaign Bolsters with $71.3M Fundraising in Q3 with…

Biden Continues to Rake in the Cash, But Not More Than Trump Last Time 🤑💰 Let’s cut through all the noise and get straight to politics, shall we?There’s a report that states Biden’s Campaign managed to gather $71.3 million.

That’s significantly more than what Trump and his Republican allies amassed this time around.The president is aiming for another victory and he announced their earnings for the quarter, but it still couldn’t surpass what Donald J.

Trump accumulated during his re-election campaign back in 2020.President Biden’s campaign disclosed they have a hefty sum of cash – approximately $90.5 million – gathered from three different fundraising methods 💸🎉 Credit…

Kent Nishimura for The New York Times By Reid J Epstein Oct 15th year of our Lord two thousand twenty-three Updated nine thirty a.m ET On Sunday President Biden’s campaign declared that along with Democratic National Committee and one joint fund-raising committee they collected together $71.3 million during last month ending three-month period 📅 This is substantially more than what his Republican competitors acquired but still not as much as where President Donald J.Trump was at this point four years ago 😲 The campaign didn’t disclose how they divided up the money among those three fundraising sources though 👀 Wow!

We had an impressive quarter, Jeffrey Katzenberg (the Hollywood heavyweight who Mr.Biden appointed co-chairman of his own campaign) stated on Saturday “We far exceeded our own expectations considerably.The fact that we’re sitting with $91million today is truly extraordinary.” However, even so Mr.Biden’s fundraising haul falls short of the staggering$125million Mr.Trump and Republican National Committee raised during same period of his 2020 re-election bid.And it just slightly exceeds da amount which was around$70.1 million that President Obama and the D.N.C.raised at this point in his 2012 campaign – during a time when individual contribution limits were much lower than they are today.Mr.

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