Biden Say He Gonna Help Out Wit Da Wildfire Recovery During Him Trip To Hawaii 🌺🔥

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Biden, Wen ‘E Come Hawaii, Say He Gonna Help Wildfire Recovery! U.S.

President Joe Biden wen make promise to da people who wen suffa from da wildfires in Hawaii fo help dem rebuild. Dis na afta almost two weeks since da fires kill ova 114 people an’ wreck plenny homes an’ moke out most of Lahaina town.

Biden an’ his wife Jill went visit Maui island where dey meet wit officials like Gov. Josh Green and say mahalo to all da first responders fo deir hard work during dis tragic time.

Biden talk about how we seen stories of sadness but also stories of hope and heroism from dis wildfire situation. He mention how all emergency responders put demself on top the line fo save oddahs and everyday heroes come out for help each oddah too!

Native Hawaiian leaders step up for give comfort an’ strength. He say dat our whole country grieving wit you guys, so he goin do everyting possible fo support recovery efforts while still respecting local culture as we rebuild.

Maui stay trying find hundreds missing Long as it take us, we goin be here, Biden tell um while standing next to one banyan tree in Lahaina dat burn down but still standing strong. He believe dat tree get special meaning behind um.I tink dis tree show wat we can do when times stay tough, he add.

Some Republicans accuse him saying he nevah act fast enough right after the fire happenings happened.. Even former president Donald Trump said disgraceful cause Biden nevah respond quick like das why White House officials explain that his visit was delayed so no interfere with emergency response efforts plus he been talking wit Hawaii officials during crisis happening too.

But some locals not happy either cuz even though most peeps cheer when they see him driving by burned area waving back at em’, some show displeasure using less friendly hand signals.


Biden Pledges Wildfire Recovery Support During Hawaii Visit

Biden, when he came to Hawaii, said he’s gonna help wildfire recovery! 🌋🔥 U.S.President Joe Biden made a promise to the people who suffered from the wildfires in Hawaii to help them rebuild.

This comes after almost two weeks since the fires killed over 114 people and destroyed many homes and most of Lahaina town.Biden and his wife Jill visited Maui island where they met with officials like Gov. Josh Green and thanked all the first responders for their hard work during this tragic time.Biden talked about how we’ve seen stories of sadness but also stories of hope and heroism from this wildfire situation.

He mentioned how all emergency responders put themselves on the line to save others, and everyday heroes came out to help each other too! 👏Native Hawaiian leaders stepped up to give comfort and strength.

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