An Ai Robot

A.I. Revolution Stay Coming, Brah! 🤖🤙 But… No Rush! 🐢🕒

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Brah, you remember da times with steam power and da internet? Had choke time gap from wen da tech first come out to wen everybody start using ’em across all kine businesses. 🚂🌐🐾

Check dis out: Lori Beer from JPMorgan Chase stay talking about dis new kine artificial intelligence (A.I.) like she jus found da best surf spot nobody know about. She stay calling da A.I. chatbots, like ChatGPT, “big kahuna change” and one “whole new way fo’ do tings.” 🏄‍♀️🌊🤯

But guess what, cuz? Ain’t coming to JPMorgan anytime soon! 🚫🏦 They went block ChatGPT from their computers and told all their 300,000 workers fo’ make sure no bank kine stuff go inside da chatbot. 🙅‍♂️💼

Why? Beer say got too many kine risks. Like, what if bank secrets go leak? Or what if da data no stay used right? Or da A.I. no give da right kine answers? For now, they get one special area where only some data scientists and engineers can play around with da tech. They looking if can use ’em for things like help with tech problems or make software bettah. 🔒🛠️🔍

Most businesses in da U.S. thinking da same way. Even though dis Generative A.I., da ting behind ChatGPT, seem super cool, most companies jus trying ’em out small kine and thinking about da moneys. Might be long time before everybody start using ’em. 🤔💡🕰️

Da big promise is dat this A.I. can make work more efficient and add big bucks to da world economy. But like da internet time, might take time before everybody jump in. 🌎💰🤖

Remember da 90s internet buzz? Had plenny talk that it would change retail, advertising, all kine stuffs. And yeah, did happen, but took more than 10 years after da dot-com bubble went pop! 📈🌐💥

But den, stuffs got better, got cheaper, and more people got internet. Had online payment systems and even streaming got good. All of that came with plenny money and people trying different things. 💸📡🔍

Vijay Sankaran, CTO of Johnson Controls, say, “Gon’ be like one gold rush again.” He mean, people gonna learn choke from trying and failing. 🏆🎓🚀

Right now, plenny money flowing into A.I. start-ups. First half of 2023 alone, had $15.3 billion going to A.I. start-ups, according to PitchBook. 📊💸🚀

Wen ChatGPT first came out to da public, was like wen Netscape introduced their browser back in ’94. Made da internet real for everybody. But was just da start, cuz. Took time before people could really make money from it. 💡🌐💸

McKinsey Global Institute wen make one report about wen Generative A.I. gonna be big thing. They said could be anywhere from 8 to 27 years. Why so wide? All depends on economy, government rules, business ways, and decisions by da big bosses. 🤷‍♂️📅

People like Davis Liang, who used to work at Meta on A.I., now moving to health care start-ups. His A.I. can help doctors by taking notes for dem. People with his skills making big bucks! 🩺💼🤑

Some new A.I. techs can even help businesspeople get answers fast. Instead of waiting weeks, can get data or answers in one day or even instantly! ⏰📊🚀

But for now, most businesses looking at A.I. for help with their work, not for new products or services. JPMorgan, fo’ example, thinking about one A.I. investment product called IndexGPT. But no coming out anytime soon. 🏦🤷‍♂️🔜

So, yeah, da A.I. wave stay coming, but like da slow Hawaiian time, no need rush. We going get there! 🤙🌺🤖🏝️


A.I. Revolution is on the Horizon! 🤖🤙 But… Take It Slow! 🐢🕒

From steam engines to the internet, there’s always been a gap between technological breakthroughs and their mass adoption across industries. 🚂🌐🐾

Here’s the scoop: Lori Beer of JPMorgan Chase discusses the latest A.I. like she’s discovered the next big thing. She labels chatbots, particularly ChatGPT, as game-changers and revolutionary. 🏄‍♀️🌊🤯

However, there’s a catch. JPMorgan isn’t diving in just yet! 🚫🏦 They’ve restricted access to ChatGPT on their systems and instructed their 300,000-strong workforce to avoid inputting sensitive bank details into such platforms. 🙅‍♂️💼

The concerns? Beer highlights potential data breaches, misuse of data, and the reliability of the information from the A.I. At the moment, they’ve cordoned off a specific zone where select data experts and engineers are testing the waters with this technology. The aim? To see if it can help streamline tech support and software creation. 🔒🛠️🔍

This cautionary approach isn’t unique to them. Across the U.S., businesses are intrigued by Generative A.I. (the power behind ChatGPT), but they’re taking things step-by-step, evaluating its economic viability. Full-scale adoption might be on the distant horizon. 🤔💡🕰️

The big dream? This form of A.I. might drastically improve efficiency and inject a huge boost to the global economy. But, as history has shown with innovations like the internet, widespread acceptance takes time. 🌎💰🤖

Recall the internet hype in the 90s? Many predicted it would reshape various sectors like retail and advertising. And while these predictions rang true, it took over a decade post the dot-com bubble crash. 📈🌐💥

Eventually, technology advanced, prices dropped, and barriers were broken. More homes had internet, seamless online transactions became a reality, and streaming quality saw significant improvements. The journey was fueled by ample funding and tons of trial and error. 💸📡🔍

As Vijay Sankaran from Johnson Controls puts it, “It’s like a modern gold rush.” Meaning, there will be much exploration and learning in this space. 🏆🎓🚀

The investment rush is palpable. Just in the first half of 2023, a whopping $15.3 billion was funneled into A.I. startups, as per PitchBook data. 📊💸🚀

When ChatGPT debuted publicly, it was likened to the introduction of Netscape’s browser in ’94 – a pivotal point that brought the internet to life. Yet, it was merely the beginning, a door opened to a realm of untapped business opportunities. 💡🌐💸

A recent report by the McKinsey Global Institute provided a timeline for the mainstream acceptance of Generative A.I. They estimate it could take anywhere from 8 to 27 years, given several variables at play – the economy, regulations, corporate dynamics, and management decisions. 🤷‍♂️📅

Individuals with a knack for A.I., like Davis Liang (previously at Meta), are transitioning to other sectors like healthcare startups. His A.I. expertise aids doctors in note-taking, reducing their workload. And talents like his are commanding handsome salaries in today’s market! 🩺💼🤑

New A.I. solutions are providing faster, real-time insights for businesses. Rather than weeks of waiting, decision-makers can access valuable data within hours or even minutes. ⏰📊🚀

However, for the majority, the initial A.I. focus is on refining internal operations, with new products or services slated for future release. For instance, JPMorgan has trademarked ‘IndexGPT’ as a potential A.I.-powered investment product, though it’s not set for an immediate launch. 🏦🤷‍♂️🔜

In a nutshell, the A.I. wave is undoubtedly approaching, but in the true spirit of taking things slow and steady, we’ll get there when we get there! 🤙🌺🤖🏝️

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