Noble Prizes

2023 Nobel Prize: Wot You Gotta Know 🤔🤓👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

🤔Wat U Need 2 Know Bout Da 2023 Nobel Prizes 🤩 Nobel Prize season jus come round again, an every October committees in Sweden an Norway name da winners fo all kinds of prizes like science, literature, economics and peace work. In total six prizes gonna be awarded dis year.

Cuz of da pandemic last year some events get canceled so dey had a digital ceremony fo da winners instead plus Oslo’s ceremony for peace prize was smaller den usual wit a limited audience. Da laureates gonna receive their medals an diplomas in Stockholm dis December – las’ years’ ceremony included 15 laureates from 2020 and 2021 who got their diplomas and medals at home cuz of COVID-19 stay safe rules!

So wat u need to know bout dese Nobel Prizes? Six different awards get given out each one recognizin somebody or organization’s contribution to specific field – physiology or medicine, physics, chemistry economic science literature plus peace work which is usually the most attention grabbin one cuz it involve people doin amazing tings!

Dis year 351 candidates up fo consideration for Peace Prize accordin ta Nobels committee – dat second highest number ever behind 2016 when 376 peeps nominated (dis how dem nominations go down). Previous Peace Prize recipients include Kailash Satyarthi n Malala Yousafzai (2014), Barack Obama (2009), Nelson Mandela n F W De Klerk (1993) 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso(1989) n Mother Teresa(1979).

🙌🏽 One award announced each day start Monday Oct 2nd through 9th between 5am-7am Eastern time so if yer up early enough you can watch live on official digital channels ova at Nobel Prize website 😎 Each winner gets diploma medal document with amount 11 million Swedish krona aka about $989K current exchange rate ✨ Last years recipients check here 👉👈 . Now we all wait ta see who win dese prestigious awards but watevah happen make sure show luv support those chosen cos they do amazing tingz fa us all!!


2023 Nobel Prize: What You Need to Know

🤔What Do You Need to Know About the 2023 Nobel Prizes 🤩 It’s Nobel Prize season again, and every October committees in Sweden and Norway announce the winners of prizes for science, literature, economics and peace work. In total six prizes will be awarded this year.

Due to the pandemic last year some events were cancelled so they had a digital ceremony for the winners instead plus Oslo’s ceremony for peace prize was smaller than usual with a limited audience. The laureates will receive their medals and diplomas in Stockholm this December – last years’ ceremony included 15 laureates from 2020 and 2021 who got their diplomas and medals at home due to COVID-19 stay safe rules!

So what do you need to know about these Nobel Prizes? Six different awards are given out each one recognizing somebody or organization’s contribution in a specific field – physiology or medicine, physics, chemistry economic science literature plus peace work which is usually the most attention grabbing one because it involves people doing amazing things!

This year 351 candidates are up for consideration for Peace Prize according to Nobels committee – that is second highest number ever behind 2016 when 376 people were nominated (this is how nominations go down). Previous Peace Prize recipients include Kailash Satyarthi n Malala Yousafzai (2014), Barack Obama (2009), Nelson Mandela n F W De Klerk (1993) 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso(1989) n Mother Teresa(1979).

🙌🏽 One award will be announced each day starting Monday Oct 2nd through 9th between 5am-7am Eastern time so if you’re up early enough you can watch live on official digital channels over at Nobel Prize website 😎 Each winner gets diploma medal document with an amount 11 million Swedish krona aka about $989K current exchange rate ✨ Last years recipients check here 👉👈 . Now we all wait to see who wins these prestigious awards but whatever happens make sure show love support those chosen because they do amazing things for us all!!

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