1918 Kine Sick Time Bones Show Us How Fo’ Die Clues from Spain… 💀🇪🇸

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da 1918 Flu Skeletons Show Who Had Chance Fo’ Kick Da Bucket No need fo’ skip anyting, we goin’ straight to da kine health news. 🏥👩‍⚕️ Da big talk today stay about da skeletons of people who wen mahke from dat 1918 flu. 😷💀 Everybody been thinking dis virus neva care if you young and strong or old and weak – it just went wipe out anybody in its path. But new info say maybe had some kind different story going on.

So here’s the scoop: normally, one bad flu like this would take out the keiki dem who still small yet, plus all da kupuna dem and anybody already sick with something else. That’s why everybody was so shocked when that bugger in 1918 started taking down healthy young adults too. Back then doctors said even if you was prime of your life, no matter how fit or strong you were – dis virus could still getcha! It wen kill at least fifty million people around the world – between one point three to three percent of everybody living back then!

If we compare ’em with Covid now days which only killed zero point zero nine percent population… well let’s just say das plenty more! But wait a minute… recent research might be changing that old story little bit…

This paper came out Monday inside Proceedings of National Academy Sciences, an’ dey looking at bones from peeps who died during dat time period for find clues bout what really happened. Turns out those guys found evidence suggesting peeps suffering chronic diseases or nutritional deficiencies had double chance fo die compared to others without these conditions – no matter their age! The researchers saying yeah sure enough this bugger did kill plenty young folks but they also noticed infectious diseases usually do worse damage on top frail ones or those already sick before getting hit with the flu. Sharon DeWitte, one anthropologist from University of Colorado, Boulder and one author for this paper say we gotta remember: “We should never expect any nonaccidental cause of death to be indiscriminate.” J.


1918 Pandemic Skeletons Unearth Mortality Clues from Spanish…

The 1918 Flu Skeletons Show Who Had A Chance To Die There’s no need to skip anything, we’re going straight into health news. 🏥👩‍⚕️ The big topic today is about the skeletons of people who died from the 1918 flu.

😷💀 Everyone thought this virus didn’t care if you were young and strong or old and weak – it just wiped out anyone in its path. But new information suggests there might be a different story.So here’s the scoop: normally, a severe flu like this would affect children who are still small, as well as elders and anyone already sick with something else.

That’s why everyone was so shocked when that bugger in 1918 started taking down healthy young adults too. Back then doctors said even if you were in your prime of life, no matter how fit or strong you were – this virus could still getcha!

It killed at least fifty million people around the world – between one point three to three percent of everybody living back then!If we compare it with Covid these days which only killed zero point zero nine percent population… well let’s just say that’s significantly more!

But wait a minute… recent research might be changing that old story little bit…This paper came out Monday inside Proceedings of National Academy Sciences, they’re looking at bones from individuals who died during that time period for clues about what really happened.Turns out those guys found evidence suggesting individuals suffering chronic diseases or nutritional deficiencies had double chance to die compared to others without these conditions – regardless their age!

The researchers saying yeah sure enough this bugger did kill plenty young folks but they also noticed infectious diseases usually do worse damage on top frail ones or those already sick before getting hit with the flu.Sharon DeWitte,a anthropologist from University Colorado,Boulder and an author for this paper say we gotta remember: “We should never expect any nonaccidental cause of death to be indiscriminate.

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