Cancer patient

🩺🚫 Da Whole Bunch Told Dey Might Get Cancer, Test Company Admit

Grail, which makes a blood test for cancer, say one vendoah’s software problem wen make dem send wrong letters to ’bout 400 customers last month. 😱

Da company, Grail, wen send one email statement last Sunday and admit dat ’cause of one “software configuration issue” from one vendoah dey work wit, dey wen send plenny letters wit wrong test results. 😬📧💻

Da letters wen go out to customers who wen buy Grail’s Galleri test, one test dat use blood draw fo’ find one sign of cancer dat come from 50 different types. Dis test you can only get if you get one prescription. 🩸🩺

Grail say dis problem no happen ’cause of wrong test results. Mo’ than half da people who wen get da wrong letter nevah even wen draw blood fo’ da test yet, da company say. 🙅‍♂️❌🩸

Da vendoah, PWNHealth, wen tell Grail on May 19 dat dey wen send “inaccurate form letter” to ’bout 400 customers from May 10 to May 18. Dis news wen come out from da Financial Times. 📅📩🗞️

Aftah Grail wen find out ’bout da problem, dey wen contact da customers who was affected by phone and email, da company say. Dey say, “No patient health information was let out or breached cuz of dis issue, and no patients wen get hurt or have bad stuff happen to dem.” 📞📧🤝👥

PWNHealth wen send one email statement and say dat aftah dey wen find out ’bout da problem, dey wen find out dat da system dey use fo’ send standard messages to people had one “misconfiguration.” Dey nevah say how dey wen find out. 📧👥💻🔧

“We wen fix da main problem inside one hour aftah we find out, and we wen add mo’ processes fo’ make shua dis no happen again,” da company say. “Together wit Grail, we wen start contact da people who wen get affected within 36 hours.” 🕒🔧🤝👥

Da wrong letters wen go out wen da United States and Grail’s parent company, Illumina, stay fighting one legal battle. Illumina stay one top company dat make gene-sequencing machines, and dey wen buy Grail in August 2021. 🏛️💼🤝

In April, da Federal Trade Commission wen tell Illumina dey gotta sell off Grail ’cause da buyin’ action goin’ “stop competition and innovation” in cancer testing. Dis action goin’ make da prices go up and give customers less choices. ⚖️💸🛑

Illumina wen say dey goin’ appeal da F.T.C. ruling and one similar regulatory challenge from da European Union. In April, dey say if dey win da appeals, dey goin’ make da Galleri test mo’ available fo’ everybody and make um mo’ cheap and profitable. 🏛️📜📣💼💰

But if dey appeals no work out, Illumina goin’ “make one fast move” and sell off Grail, da company say. ⚡💨💼


🩺🚫 The Test Company Admits Mistake: Hundreds Told They Might Have Cancer

Grail, one company dat make blood tests fo’ cancer, stay sayin’ dat one software issue from one vendor wen cause ’em fo’ send wrong letters to ’bout 400 customers last month. 😱

Da company, Grail, wen send one email statement dis past Sunday and admit dat da issue come from one “software configuration problem” wit one vendor dey work wit. Dey wen send plenny letters wit inaccurate test results. 😬📧💻

Da letters wen go out to customers who wen buy Grail’s Galleri test, one test dat use blood samples fo’ detect signs of 50 different types of cancer. Dis test you can only get wit one prescription. 🩸🩺

Grail say da problem no happen ’cause of incorrect test results. Mo’ than half da people who wen receive da wrong letter nevah even had dey blood drawn fo’ da test yet, da company say. 🙅‍♂️❌🩸

Da vendor, PWNHealth, wen inform Grail on May 19 dat dey wen send “inaccurate form letters” to ’bout 400 customers from May 10 to May 18. Da Financial Times wen report ’bout dis issue. 📅📩🗞️

Aftah Grail wen find out ’bout da problem, dey wen reach out to da affected customers through phone and email, da company say. Dey state, “No patient health information wen get exposed or compromised ’cause of dis problem, and no patients wen experience harm or adverse events.” 📞📧🤝👥

PWNHealth wen send one email statement and say dat aftah dey wen discover da problem, dey wen find out dat da system dey use fo’ send standard messages had one “misconfiguration.” Dey no specify how dey wen find out. 📧👥💻🔧

“We wen address da main issue within one hour aftah we became aware, and we wen implement mo’ processes fo’ ensure dis no happen again,” da company say. “In collaboration wit Grail, we wen start reachin’ out to da affected individuals within 36 hours.” 🕒🔧🤝👥

Da wrong letters wen go out while da United States and Grail’s parent company, Illumina, stay engaged in one legal battle. Illumina, one top company dat make gene-sequencing machines, wen acquire Grail in August 2021. 🏛️💼🤝

Back in April, da Federal Trade Commission wen order Illumina fo’ divest from Grail ’cause dey believe dat da acquisition could “hinder competition and innovation” in cancer testing, leadin’ to higher prices and limited choices fo’ consumers. ⚖️💸🛑

Illumina wen state dey goin’ appeal da F.T.C. ruling as well as one similar regulatory challenge from da European Union. In April, dey mention dat winnin’ both appeals goin’ enable ’em fo’ make da Galleri test more widely available, affordable, and profitable. 🏛️📜📣💼💰

But if dey appeals no succeed, Illumina goin’ “take swift action” and divest from Grail, da company say. ⚡💨💼

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