US bill

🧾💰 Da Bill No Pau – Debt Ceiling Bill

Bernie Sanders get one problem. Da buggah nevah vote fo’ da debt ceiling bill. Dis bugah wen’ cut da programs fo’ da kine dat need um da most, an’ was all pilikia – how come Biden neva use da 14th amendment? 🤷‍♂️📜

No fool around, yeah? Da first debt ceiling bill dat da Republicans wen’ pass inside da House, ova one 10-year stretch, would wen’ bus’ up da already broke social safety net of our country an’ wen’ make mean kine cuts to da programs dat working ohana, da keiki, da sick, da old folks, an’ da poor buggahs really need. 🏚️👶🤒👴💔

Da best ting about da current deal on da debt ceiling is dat could wen’ be mo’ worse. No need make big kine cuts to healthcare, housing, education, keiki care, kaukau help, an’ oddah important programs ova da next decade, dis bill plan fo’ make small kine cuts to dese programs ova one 2-year period. Dis bill also goin’ stop one global economic disaster by making da debt ceiling long till January 1, 2025 – when we gotta deal with dis ridiculous process one mo’ time. 🌍💸⏳

But, afta saying dat, on Thursday night I wen’ vote against da bill. 🗳️🚫

At one time when dis country moving fast kine toward Oligarchy, wit’ mo’ wealth an’ income inequality den we evah seen, I could not in good conscience vote fo’ one bill dat cuts programs fo’ da most vulnerable an’ no ask da billionaires fo’ pay one penny mo’ in taxes. Wall Street an’ corporate guys might be stoked about dis bill, but I tink it moves us da wrong way. 💰💼👎

I could not, in good conscience, vote fo’ one bill dat make um harder fo’ working ohana fo’ afford da high price of keiki care, housing an’ healthcare an’ by cutting IRS funding, actually make um mo’ easy fo’ da richest guys an’ most profitable corporations in America fo’ cheat on their taxes. 🏦🩺🏠💔

At one time when climate change one big kine threat to our country an’ da whole world I could not, in good conscience, vote fo’ one bill dat make um easier fo’ fossil fuel companies fo’ pollute an’ wreck da planet by fast-tracking da pilikia Mountain Valley Pipeline. When da future of da world on da line we gotta have da guts fo’ stand up to da fossil fuel industry an’ tell dem, an’ da politicians they sponsor, dat da future of da planet mo’ important den their short-term profits. 🌍⛽🔥💪

At one time when we spend mo’ on da military den da next 10 nations combined I could not, in good conscience, vote fo’ one bill dat gives mo’ money to da fat kine Pentagon an’ big defense contractors dat keep making huge profits by ripping off American taxpayers with no shame. No forget dat da Pentagon da only federal agency dat cannot pass one independent audit or account for trillions of dollars in spending. 💣🪖💸🚫

At one time when da pharmaceutical industry is charging da American people, by far, da highest prices in da world for prescription drugs I could not, in good conscience, vote for a bill dat does nothing to take on the greed of the big drug companies that are bankrupting Medicare and cancer patients while spending tens of billions of dollars on stock buybacks and dividends. 💊💰🏥💔

At one time when ova 45 million Americans are drowning in student debt I could not, in good conscience, vote for a bill that eliminates the moratorium on student loan payments that has been a lifeline to millions of working-class families during the pandemic. 🎓💵🌊🚫

Cutting deficit cannot just be about cutting programs that working families, the keiki, the sick, the elderly and the poor depend upon. It must be about demanding that the billionaire class and profitable corporations pay their fair share of taxes, controlling the out of control military spending, saving Medicare tens of billions on prescription drugs costs and ending billions of dollars in corporate welfare that goes to the fossil fuel industry and other corporate interests. 💰🏦💼💣🩺💊

Da true kine fact is dat this bill was totally unnecessary. Da President get da authority an’ da ability fo’ wipe out da debt ceiling today by using da 14th Amendment. I looking forward to da day when he exercises this authority and puts an end, once and for all, to the outrageous actions of the extreme right-wing to hold our entire economy hostage in order to protect their corporate sponsors. 🏛️🇺🇸📜🛡️”


🧾💰 End of the Line for the Debt Ceiling Bill

Bernie Sanders had an issue. The guy didn’t vote for the debt ceiling bill. This bill cut the programs for those who needed it the most, causing all sorts of trouble – why didn’t Biden just invoke the 14th amendment? 🤷‍♂️📜

Let’s be honest here. The initial debt ceiling bill that the Republicans passed in the House, over a ten-year period, would have demolished the already insufficient social safety net of our country and made severe cuts to the programs that working families, children, the sick, the elderly, and the poor really needed. 🏚️👶🤒👴💔

The best thing about the current deal on the debt ceiling is that it could have been much worse. Rather than making huge cuts to healthcare, housing, education, childcare, food assistance, and other critical programs over the next decade, this bill plans to make minor cuts to these programs over a two-year period. This bill also aims to prevent a global economic disaster by extending the debt ceiling until January 1, 2025 – when we will have to deal with this absurd process once again. 🌍💸⏳

However, after saying that, I voted against the bill on Thursday night. 🗳️🚫

At a time when this country is rapidly moving toward an Oligarchy, with more wealth and income inequality than we’ve ever seen, I couldn’t in good conscience vote for a bill that cuts programs for the most vulnerable and doesn’t ask billionaires to pay a penny more in taxes. Wall Street and corporate interests might be excited about this bill, but I think it takes us in the wrong direction. 💰💼👎

I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for a bill that makes it harder for working families to afford the exorbitantly high price of childcare, housing, and healthcare and by cutting IRS funding, actually makes it easier for the richest people and most profitable corporations in America to cheat on their taxes. 🏦🩺🏠💔

At a time when climate change is a significant threat to our country and the entire world, I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for a bill that makes it easier for fossil fuel companies to pollute and destroy the planet by fast-tracking the disastrous Mountain Valley Pipeline. When the future of the world is at stake, we must have the courage to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and tell them, and the politicians they sponsor, that the future of the planet is more important than their short-term profits. 🌍⛽🔥💪

At a time when we spend more on the military than the next 10 nations combined, I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for a bill that increases funding for the bloated Pentagon and large defense contractors that continue to make huge profits by fleecing American taxpayers with impunity. Let’s not forget that the Pentagon is the only federal agency that cannot pass an independent audit or account for trillions of dollars in spending. 💣🪖💸🚫

At a time when the pharmaceutical industry is charging the American people, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for a bill that does nothing to confront the greed of the big drug companies that are bankrupting Medicare and cancer patients while spending tens of billions of dollars on stock buybacks and dividends. 💊💰🏥💔

At a time when over 45 million Americans are drowning in student debt, I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for a bill that eliminates the moratorium on student loan payments that has been a lifeline to millions of working-class families during the pandemic. 🎓💵🌊🚫

Reducing the deficit can’t just be about cutting programs that working families, children, the sick, the elderly, and the poor depend on. It must be about demanding that the billionaire class and profitable corporations pay their fair share of taxes, reining in out-of-control military spending, saving Medicare tens of billions on prescription drugs costs, and ending billions of dollars in corporate welfare that goes to the fossil fuel industry and other corporate interests. 💰🏦💼💣🩺💊

The honest truth is that this bill was entirely unnecessary. The President has the authority and the ability to eliminate the debt ceiling today by invoking the 14th Amendment. I look forward to the day when he exercises this authority and puts an end, once and for all, to the outrageous actions of the extreme right-wing to hold our entire economy hostage in order to protect their corporate sponsors. 🏛️🇺🇸📜🛡️”

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