Trump at a press conference

🦆🎤 Trump Might Duck Out of Da First Couple G.O.P. Debates

Howzit! Get big news coming out from da world of politics. Looks like Donald J. Trump, da main Republican candidate fo’ president, might play hookie for at least one of da first two debates of da 2024 Republican presidential nominating contest. Das what five peeps who been talking story with da former president been saying. 🇺🇸🏛️

Last month, Ronna McDaniel, da head wahine of da Republican National Committee, said Fox News going host da first G.O.P. primary debate in Milwaukee in August. Da second debate going be held in Southern California at da Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. 📺🌴

Trump been talking in private with his aides and friends. He been saying he no like give his Republican challengers any more attention by sharing da stage with them. Trump stay ahead of his closest rival, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, by about 30 percentage points in recent polls. All da oddah contenders stay getting only single-digit numbers. 📊🔝

One of Trump’s pals said Trump told him, “I’m up by too many points.” But one adviser said everything still can change, especially cause it’s still early in da 2024 race and DeSantis no even officially running yet. Trump might find it hard fo’ stay away from a stage where oddahs stay criticizing him, and some high-up Republicans tink he going end up joining da debates. Trump always said da debates in da 2016 campaign, both for da primary and da general election, helped him win. 🏆🗳️

Still, if Trump decide fo’ skip some of da primary campaign debates, like he did one time in 2016, he going make da viewing audience smaller and make it harder fo’ his rivals fo’ get one big moment on da debate stage. Da chance fo’ get that kine attention hard fo’ come by in a race where Trump almost always da one the news media stay talking about. 🎥💬

Fo’ Trump, making it harder fo’ his low-polling rivals fo’ reach a big TV audience is part of why he might skip da debates, according to da peeps who been talking story with him. In 2015, Fox News had 24 million peeps watching for da first primary debate of da 2016 campaign. At da time, dat was da biggest audience ever for a non-sport event on cable TV. 📈🍿

One oddah reason Trump might skip da debates is cause he stay mad at da two places hosting da first two Republican candidate debates. Trump been telling his advisers dat he not going do da second debate cause it’s at da Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Da chairman of da library’s board of trustees, Frederick J. Ryan Jr., also stay da publisher and CEO of The Washington Post, and Trump always stay bringing up dat fact. 📰😡

Trump also stay upset dat da Reagan library been inviting plenty oddah high-up Republicans fo’ talk at their events over da past two years, including his presidential rival DeSantis, but neva did invite Trump, according to two peeps who know how Trump stay thinking. 🏢🤷‍♂️

Da library started one speaker series in 2021 called “Time for Choosing,” and da peeps they been invite include Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina; Nikki Haley, da former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador; and, more recently, DeSantis. One spokesperson for da library said no former president been included in da series. 📣📚

One reason Trump might skip da first debate is cause of when it stay – he thinks it’s too early, and he been telling his aides he no like debate in August. Anoddah reason is who stay hosting, Fox News. ⏰

Trump been having one complicated relationship with Fox News. Even though he often been criticizing da network, he also been appearing on Fox News more than any oddah network since he lost da 2020 election. But some peeps close to Trump been saying he stay upset with da network cause of how dey handled da 2020 election, and he no sure he like give them da chance fo’ host one debate with him in it. 📺🤨

But eh, all dis still can change. Even though right now Trump stay saying he might skip da debates, who knows what going happen in da future. Da race for da 2024 Republican presidential nomination still get plenty time left, and plenty tings can happen. We go see if Trump goin’ show up fo’ da debates or not. One ting stay certain, though – if he no show, da oddah candidates goin’ get plenty more chance fo’ shine. 🌟🔮

Regardless of where you stand on da issue, dis one big kine story dat stay developing. We go keep you updated as we learn mo’ about what’s going on. Until den, stay tuned and take care, ohana. 🌺🤙

So das da scoop, gang. Whether you one Trump supporter or not, dis story stay making big waves in da world of politics. From da presidential race to da debates, we all stay watching and waiting fo’ see how dis story going unfold. 🌊🏰

Da biggest question stay – how much influence one candidate should have over da debates? We get da right for see all da candidates together, or we should just let da ones who polling high decide who get da chance fo’ shine? 🤷‍♀️🤔

No matter where you stand on da issue, dis one big kine story dat stay developing. We go keep you updated as we learn mo’ about what’s going on. Until den, stay tuned and take care, ohana. 🌺🤙

There you have it, folks! As this kine story unfolds, we’ll be here to keep you updated. Until then, take care, and stay stoked! 🤙🌴🌈


🦆🎤 Trump Likely to Dodge First Couple of G.O.P. Debates

Hello! There’s big news emerging from the world of politics. It appears that Donald J. Trump, the primary Republican candidate for president, may skip at least one of the first two debates of the 2024 Republican presidential nominating contest. That’s what five individuals who have been in conversation with the former president have indicated. 🇺🇸🏛️

Last month, Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, announced that Fox News would host the first G.O.P. primary debate in Milwaukee in August. The second debate will be held in Southern California at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. 📺🌴

In private discussions with his aides and confidants, Trump has expressed a disinterest in giving his Republican challengers more spotlight by sharing the stage with them. Trump leads his nearest competitor, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, by approximately 30 percentage points in recent polls. All other contenders are polling in single digits. 📊🔝

One of Trump’s associates recalls Trump stating, “I’m up by too many points.” However, an adviser emphasized that the situation is fluid, particularly given how early it is in the 2024 race and DeSantis has not even officially declared candidacy. Trump may find it difficult to stay away from a stage where others are criticizing him, and some senior Republicans think he will eventually join the debates. Trump has always credited the debates in the 2016 campaign, both in the primary and the general election, for his victories. 🏆🗳️

Yet, if Trump decides to skip some of the primary campaign debates, as he did once in 2016, it will decrease the viewing audience and make it more challenging for his rivals to seize a significant moment on the debate stage. The chance to get such attention is hard to come by in a race where Trump almost always monopolizes the news media’s focus. 🎥💬

For Trump, making it harder for his low-polling rivals to reach a large TV audience is part of his calculations in potentially skipping the debates, according to people who have discussed the matter with him. In 2015, Fox News had 24 million viewers for the first primary debate of the 2016 campaign. At the time, it was the largest viewership ever for a non-sporting event on cable TV. 📈🍿

Another reason Trump might skip the debates is his displeasure with the two venues hosting the first two Republican candidate debates. Trump has told his advisers that he will not participate in the second debate because it’s at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The chairman of the library’s board of trustees, Frederick J. Ryan Jr., also serves as the publisher and CEO of The Washington Post, a fact that Trump frequently mentions. 📰😡

Trump is also annoyed that the Reagan library has invited numerous other prominent Republicans to speak at their events over the past two years, including his presidential rival DeSantis, but has never extended an invitation to Trump, according to two individuals familiar with Trump’s thinking. 🏢🤷‍♂️

The library began a speaker series in 2021 called “Time for Choosing,” and invitees have included Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina; Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador; and, more recently, DeSantis. A spokesperson for the library said no former president has been included in the series. 📣📚

One reason Trump may skip the first debate is its timing — he believes it’s too early, and has told aides he doesn’t want to debate in August. He thinks that it’s too far ahead of the primaries and that he doesn’t want to peak too soon.⏰

Another reason that Trump might skip the debates is due to the host, Fox News. While Trump has had a complicated relationship with the network, he has appeared on Fox News more than any other network since losing the 2020 election. However, some people close to Trump say that he is upset with the way Fox News handled the 2020 election, and he’s not sure he wants to give them the chance to host a debate with him in it.🤷‍♀️🤔

Regardless, the situation is still fluid, and anything can happen between now and the debates. The race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination still has plenty of time left, and anything can happen. We will have to wait and see whether Trump shows up for the debates or not. One thing is for sure, though – if he doesn’t show up, the other candidates will get plenty more chances to shine.

No matter where you stand on the issue, this is one big story that is developing. We will keep you updated as we learn more about what’s going on. Until then, stay tuned and take care, ohana. 🌺🤙

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