a photo of a mother and child

🤰🚨 Complications Aftah Delivery: Wot Women Need fo’ Know 💔

New muddahs stay at risk fo’ up to one year, research wen show. But da first six weeks stay da most dangerous. Aftah one wahine wen give birth, everybody usually focus on da baby’s health, an’ da muddah’s health kinda take da backseat. Plenny busy new muddahs no can make it to da postpartum visit wit da obstetrician or midwife, even dough recent medical guidelines say dey should go within three weeks aftah delivery. But new research wen point out how often serious complications aftah pregnancy come up aftah childbirth, an’ plenny times it happen long aftah da muddah leave da hospital.

Dis wot you need fo’ know.

Wen dey postpartum complications most likely fo’ happen?

Da first six weeks aftah delivery stay da mos’ dangerous. Wahine an’ dey partners o’ support teams gotta stay extra careful, especially during da first week. But complications related to pregnancy can show up up to one year aftah having one keiki. “Da whole first year stay one time wey stay kinda fragile,” Dr. Cheryl Franklin, one assistant professor of obstetrics an’ gynecology at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, wen say.

Who stay at da mos’ risk?

Black wahine stay almost twice as likely as white wahine fo’ have serious complications during da postpartum period. Native American wahine get even highah risk fo’ complications, both during an’ aftah pregnancy. But all muddahs who stay 35 years o’ age o’ older get highah chances fo’ experience complications aftah dey leave da hospital, no mattah dey race o’ ethnicity. Wahine who wen have one cesarean section an’ wahine who wen have one stillbirth also get higher odds fo’ complications. Plus, obese wahine an’ wahine wit underlying conditions like heart disease get mo’ chances fo’ complications. Wahine in da South get higher complication rates than da ones in da Northeast.

Wot da mos’ common warning signs?

Dey get plenny symptoms aftah having one keiki wey can mean serious medical complications, an’ wahine gotta go see da doctor right away if dey get dem. Da symptoms include:

  • One headache wey no go away o’ stay gettin’ worse 🤕
  • Feeling dizzy o’ fainting 😵
  • Changes in vision 👀
  • One fever wey 100.4 degrees o’ highah 🌡️
  • Da face o’ hands stay swell up bad 🤚🤤
  • Hard fo’ breathe 😫
  • Chest pain o’ heart beatin’ fast ❤️💔
  • Vomiting wey no can stop 🤮
  • Severe pain in da belly 🤰💔
  • One arm o’ leg stay swell up bad o’ get red o’ pain 🦵🔴💔
  • Heavy bleedin’ o’ discharge from down dea 👩‍⚕️🩸
  • Feeling extremely tired an’ exhausted 😴💤

If you no can reach yo’ regular doctor, go to da emergency room an’ make shua you tell dem you was pregnant wit da last year.

Da C.D.C. get one handy quiz wey can help wahine get familiar wit da warning signs during an’ aftah pregnancy.

Wot if one pregnancy o’ delivery stay difficult? Is one smooth one less likely fo’ cause complications aftah?

Yeah, one difficult pregnancy o’ delivery get highah chances fo’ cause postpartum complications, but anybody can develop medical complications aftah havin’ one keiki, even if dey pregnancy stay easy an’ smooth. Some medical conditions wey show up during pregnancy, like hypertensive disorders an’ diabetes, can increase da risks durin’ da postpartum period. Wahine wey get hypertension o’ get family history of it might wanna get one cuff at home fo’ check dey blood pressure, o’ dey can use one remote blood pressure monitor program. Certain outcomes from givin’ birth also raise red flags. Cesarean sections can lead to infections an’ even life-threatenin’ blood clots. Havin’ one preterm birth o’ havin’ one baby wey small fo’ dey age fo’ gestation should make da muddah’s health get close monitorin’, not jus’ da baby’s health. A traumatic experience durin’ childbirth can lead to depression, anxiety, an’ post-traumatic stress disorder, as Katayune Kaeni, one psychologist, wen say. All wahine should get screened fo’ depression durin’ dey postpartum checkups.

Is dey any precautions we can take fo’ lower da risk?

If you no stay pregnant yet, but plan fo’ get one keiki, go see yo’ doctor fo’ one preconception visit. If you get one partner, bring dem too (dey medical history might be important). “Make shua you stay in good health before you get pregnant. Eat healthy, exercise, get cancer screenings, an’ vaccinations,” Dr. Franklin wen advise. “Take care of chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, an’ cardiovascular disease. Understand yo’ family history an’ yo’ own risk factors.”

Once you pregnant, start prenatal care early an’ no skip da appointments.

Aftah you give birth, make shua fo’ go back to yo’ OB-GYN o’ midwife fo’ checkups, ideally within da first two to three weeks aftah you leave da hospital. If you had any difficulties durin’ pregnancy, o’ if you get underlying conditions like hypertension, diabetes, o’ obesity, talk to yo’ provider ’bout gettin’ an earlier check-in, more frequent calls o’ visits, o’ transitionin’ to doctors wey can manage yo’ postnatal care.

If you get any concerns, call yo’ doctor. If da doctors ignore yo’ concerns but you still no feel right, go to da emergency room.

Is it normal fo’ feel weepy right aftah childbirth? Wot psychological symptoms should make me go see one doctor right away?

Some new muddahs might feel sad aftah givin’ birth, but dat usually no stay fo’ long. If da feelings of sadness an’ hopelessness stay fo’ long time, o’ if you feel like you no good muddah o’ you no get control ova yo’ life an’ stay always worried, get help right away. Seek help immediately if you get thoughts of hurtin’ yo’self o’ yo’ baby, o’ if intrusive thoughts keep poppin’ up in yo’ head an’ you can’t make dem go away. Yo’ regular doctor should be able fo’ give you one referral. You can get mo’ information at Postpartum Support International.


🤰🚨 Complications After Delivery: What Women Need to Know 💔

New mothers are at risk for up to one year, research has shown. But the first six weeks are the most perilous. After a woman gives birth, everybody usually focuses on the baby’s health, and the mother’s health often takes a backseat. Many busy new mothers can’t make it to the postpartum visit with the obstetrician or midwife, even though recent medical guidelines say they should go within three weeks after delivery. But new research has pointed out how often serious complications after pregnancy arise after childbirth, and many times, it happens long after the mother leaves the hospital.

This is what you need to know.

When are postpartum complications most likely to occur?

The first six weeks after delivery are the most dangerous. Women and their partners or support teams have to be extra careful, especially during the first week. But complications related to pregnancy can show up up to one year after having a baby. “The whole first year is a time that is somewhat fragile,” said Dr. Cheryl Franklin, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta.

Who is at the most risk?

Black women are almost twice as likely as white women to have serious complications during the postpartum period. Native American women have an even higher risk of complications, both during and after pregnancy. But all mothers who are 35 years of age or older have higher chances of experiencing complications after they leave the hospital, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Women who had a cesarean section and women who had a stillbirth also have higher odds of complications. Plus, obese women and women with underlying conditions like heart disease have more chances of complications. Women in the South have higher complication rates than those in the Northeast.

What are the most common warning signs?

There are many symptoms after having a baby that can indicate serious medical complications, and women should go see the doctor right away if they have them. The symptoms include:

  • A headache that doesn’t go away or is getting worse 🤕
  • Feeling dizzy or fainting 😵
  • Changes in vision 👀
  • A fever of 100.4 degrees or higher 🌡️
  • Severe swelling of the face or hands 🤚🤤
  • Difficulty breathing 😫
  • Chest pain or a fast-beating heart ❤️💔
  • Inability to stop vomiting 🤮
  • Severe pain in the belly 🤰💔
  • Severe swelling and redness or pain in an arm or leg 🦵🔴💔
  • Heavy bleeding or discharge from down there 👩‍⚕️🩸
  • Feeling extremely tired and exhausted 😴💤

If you can’t reach your regular doctor, go to the emergency room and make sure you tell them you were pregnant within the last year.

The C.D.C. has a handy quiz that can help women get familiar with the warning signs during and after pregnancy.

Is a difficult pregnancy or delivery more likely than a smooth one to cause complications after?

Yes, a difficult pregnancy or delivery has higher chances of causing postpartum complications, but anybody can develop medical complications after having a baby, even if their pregnancy was easy and smooth. Some medical conditions that arise during pregnancy, like hypertensive disorders and diabetes, can increase the risks during the postpartum period. Women who have hypertension or have a family history of it might want to have a cuff at home to check their blood pressure, or they can use a remote blood pressure monitoring program. Certain outcomes from giving birth also raise red flags. Cesarean sections can lead to infections and even life-threatening blood clots. Having a preterm birth or having a baby who is small for their gestational age should prompt close monitoring of the mother’s health, not just the baby’s health. A traumatic experience during childbirth can lead to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, as Katayune Kaeni, a psychologist, said. All women should be screened for depression during their postpartum checkups.

Are there any precautions we can take to lower the risk?

If you are not pregnant yet but planning to have a baby, go see your doctor for a preconception visit. If you have a partner, bring them too (their medical history might be important). “Make sure you are in good health before you get pregnant. Eat healthy, exercise, get cancer screenings, and vaccinations,” advised Dr. Franklin. “Take care of chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Understand your family history and your own risk factors.”

Once you are pregnant, start prenatal care early and don’t skip appointments.

After you give birth, make sure to go back to your OB-GYN or midwife for checkups, ideally within the first two to three weeks after you leave the hospital. If you had any difficulties during pregnancy, or if you have underlying conditions like hypertension, diabetes, or obesity, talk to your provider about getting an earlier check-in, more frequent calls or visits, or transitioning to doctors who can manage your postnatal care.

If you have any concerns, call your doctor. If the doctors ignore your concerns but you still don’t feel right, go to the emergency room.

Is it normal to feel weepy right after childbirth? What psychological symptoms should make me go see a doctor right away?

Some new mothers might feel sad after giving birth, but that usually doesn’t last long. If the feelings of sadness and hopelessness persist for a long time, or if you feel like you’re not a good mother or you have no control over your life and are constantly worried, get help right away. Seek help immediately if you have thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby, or if intrusive thoughts keep popping up in your head and you can’t get rid of them. Your regular doctor should be able to give you a referral. You can get more information at Postpartum Support International.

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