Pope Francis

🤯 No Can Trus’ Anyting We See: Da Fake Pics Take Ova’ 😱


Long time ago, seeing no mean believing. Photos stay faked an’ manipulated fo’ long as photography stay around. 📷

Nowadays, no need even reality fo’ make da photos look legit. Jus’ need artificial intelligence dat respond to one prompt. Even da experts get hard time fig’ring out if da photo stay real o’ not. Can you? 🤖🧐

Da fas’ progress of AI get peeps all worried dat da kine technology fo’ fool peeps stay moving fasta den da technology fo’ catch da tricks. Tech companies, researchers, photo agencies an’ news peeps stay all hustling fo’ catch up, trying fo’ set standards fo’ content proof an’ ownership. 💻🔍

All da new kine advancements stay already causing mo’ disinformation an’ causing all kine political beef. Da kine bossy governments stay making real-looking news broadcasters fo’ push dea political agendas. Las’ month, some peeps wen believe da pics showing Pope Francis wearing one puff’d out Balenciaga jacket an’ one earthquake wrecking da Pacific Northwest, even tho’ neva’ happen. Da pics wen get made wit’ Midjourney, one popular image generator. 🎭🌎

On Tuesday, as former President Donald J. Trump wen turn himself in at da Manhattan district attorney’s office fo’ face criminal charges, AI-generated pics wen show up on Reddit showing da actor Bill Murray as da president inside da White House. An’ anodah image showing Mr. Trump marching in front of one big crowd wit’ American flags in da background wen get reshared quick on Twitter wit’out da original post disclosure, sayin’ dat no was one real photo. 🚔🇺🇸

Da experts stay scared dat dis technology goin’ speed up da erosion of trus’ in media, in government, an’ in society. If can make any kine image — an’ can change ‘um — how we goin’ trus’ wat we see? 🌐🕵️‍♀️

Wasim Khaled, da big boss of Blackbird.AI, one company dat help peeps fight disinformation, wen say, “Da tools goin’ get bettah, goin’ get cheapah, an’ one day goin’ come wea’ notting you see on da internet can be believed.” 🖥️🚫

Artificial intelligence let almost anyb’dy create all kine complicated artwork, like da kine on display at da Gagosian art gallery in New York, o’ lifelike images dat make da line between wat stay real an’ wat stay make believe all blurry. Jus’ plug in one text description, an’ da AI can make one related image — no need any special skills. 🎨✍️

Plenny times, get hints dat da viral images stay made by one computah an’ not from real life


🤯 Can We Trust Anything We See Anymore? The Fake Photos Take Over 😱

For a long time, seeing wasn’t believing. Photos have been faked and manipulated for as long as photography has existed. 📷

Now, not even reality is required for photographs to look authentic. All that’s needed is artificial intelligence responding to a prompt. Even experts sometimes struggle to tell if a photo is real or not. Can you? 🤖🧐

The rapid advent of AI has set off alarms that the technology used to deceive people is advancing far faster than the technology that can detect the tricks. Tech companies, researchers, photo agencies, and news organizations are all scrambling to catch up, trying to establish standards for content provenance and ownership. 💻🔍

These advancements are already fueling disinformation and stoking political divisions. Authoritarian governments have created seemingly realistic news broadcasters to advance their political goals. Last month, some people fell for images showing Pope Francis wearing a puffy Balenciaga jacket and an earthquake devastating the Pacific Northwest, even though neither event had occurred. The images were created using Midjourney, a popular image generator. 🎭🌎

On Tuesday, as former President Donald J. Trump turned himself in at the Manhattan district attorney’s office to face criminal charges, AI-generated images appeared on Reddit showing actor Bill Murray as president in the White House. Another image showing Mr. Trump marching in front of a large crowd with American flags in the background was quickly reshared on Twitter without the disclosure from the original post, noting it was not an actual photograph. 🚔🇺🇸

Experts fear that this technology could hasten the erosion of trust in media, government, and society. If any image can be manufactured and manipulated, how can we believe anything we see? 🌐🕵️‍♀️

Wasim Khaled, the CEO of Blackbird.AI, a company that helps clients fight disinformation, said, “The tools are going to get better, they’re going to get cheaper, and there will come a day when nothing you see on the internet can be believed.” 🖥️🚫

Artificial intelligence allows virtually anyone to create complex artworks, like those on display at the Gagosian art gallery in New York, or lifelike images that blur the line between what is real and what is fiction. Simply input a text description, and the AI can produce a related image — no special skills required. 🎨✍️

Often, there are hints that viral images were created by a computer rather than captured in real life

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