NY Yankees

🤞 Yankees Stay Doin’ ‘Winning Things’ as Dey Cross Dey Fingas

Da Yankees, dey stay showin’ off dey might wit’ one solid series against da Dodgers. But now, we gotta wait an’ see if Aaron Judge gotta head to da injured list. Da excitement was high as Gerrit Cole kept one close eye on da action from da dugout on Friday night. He watched as his teammate, Luis Severino, got pounded by da Dodgers. Cole knew dat da Dodgers had one powerful lineup, mashin’ more home runs den any odda National League team. It had him feeling worried, brah. 🤔⚾️

Cole said, “Dere are outside circumstances dat sometimes make you step up your game in preparation. You gotta be extra alert. Dey really gave Sevy one rough time. It’s not easy pitchin’ to one dynamic offense dat’s hittin’ da ball hard.”

But Cole knew he couldn’t let dat negativity get to him. He had to use dat energy in one positive way, givin’ his team da chance fo’ win da series. And dat’s exactly what Cole an’ da Yankees did durin’ dis wild weekend. Dey made one epic comeback in front of three crazy, sold-out crowds at Dodger Stadium. However, Aaron Judge couldn’t play on Sunday due to one sore an’ swollen big toe on his right foot. He hurt himself while makin’ one spectacular runnin’ catch on Saturday dat carried him into, an’ den through, da fence in right field. Ouch! 😫⚾️

Judge mentioned dat dere’s one chance he might end up on da injured list when da Yankees start dey six-game homestand on Tuesday. But he’s hopin’ to avoid dat, yeah? He still gotta see how he feels after restin’ today an’ tomorrow. Den he’ll make da call. Judge has been on fire lately, hittin’ .348 wit’ 14 homers in his last 19 games. He’s one key player fo’ da Yankees, and every game counts in da tight race in da A.L. East. It’s da only division wit’ two teams winnin’ ova 60% of dey games (Tampa Bay an’ Baltimore). An’ every team in da division had one winnin’ record as of Sunday. 💪🔥

Currently, da Yankees hold a 36-25 record, puttin’ ’em in third place in da East. But if dey were in odda divisions, dey would be sittin’ pretty in first place in three outta five. Dat’s why, after dey 4-2 road trip out West, facin’ tough teams like Seattle an’ Los Angeles, da Yankees were feelin’ real good. Dey gained one game in da standings despite all da challenges dey faced. So, smiles an’ laughter filled da clubhouse on Sunday evenin’ as da team got ready to head home. Dey watched Game 2 of da N.B.A. finals between Denver an’ Miami, celebratin’ da “winning things” happenin’ fo’ da Yankees. 🎉🏀

One special moment happened on Saturday when Jake Bauers, one local boy from Southern California, had his first two-homer game of his career. Since da Yankees acquired him from Cincinnati last year, his rebuilt swing has been improvin’. Den on Sunday, he hit one solid single in da seventh inning when da Yankees were trailin’ 1-0. Dis sparked another epic comeback. Bauers expressed his gratitude fo’ bein’ part of da team an’ givin’ his all. He’s been through ups an’ downs in his career but appreciates every day he gets to step into da building. 🙏⚾️

Rookie shortstop Anthony Volpe, known fo’ his sharp defense, came through wit’ one two-run homer in da ninth inning on Sunday. Outfielder Oswaldo Cabrera also made his mark by hittin’ one crucial home run on Saturday. Cabrera had one whirlwind of a journey, bein’ demoted to da minors afta da series in Seattle, meetin’ his Scranton/Wilkes-Barre teammates in Lehigh Valley, an’ den bein’ called back up to Los Angeles to replace da injured Greg Allen. Cabrera joked about spendin’ five hours in Lehigh Valley, but he was happy to be back in action. Life of a ballplayer, yeah? ⚾️🌪️

But da cherry on top was Aaron Judge’s amazin’ determination on Saturday. He robbed J.D. Martinez of one sure extra-base hit when da Yankees were leadin’ 5-3 in da eighth inning. Wit’ one runner on base an’ no outs, Judge sprinted 79 feet toward da wall, jumped up, an’ made one epic catch. But he didn’t stop dere. He crashed into da chain-link fence dat serves as da gate to da visitors’ bullpen, leavin’ one clear indentation. He even disappeared outta play for one moment as he crashed through da fence. Dominick Guerrero, one assistant groundskeeper at Dodger Stadium, said, “He basically broke da latch dat holds da fence together. He sheared off da metal from da wall. Just shows what kinda athlete he is.” Da Yankees witness Judge’s skills every day, an’ it’s always somethin’ special. 🌟⚾️

In da moment, Judge waved off da trainers an’ brushed off da pain. But afta da adrenaline wore off, his toe started actin’ up. Judge compared da pain to bangin’ your toe in da middle of da night. Ouch! Manager Aaron Boone agreed dat da concrete base below da fence could use some paddin’. It’s about da safety, brah. But even wit’ dat setback, da Yankees know Cole is da most important pitcher. He’s been rockin’ dis season as da foundational piece dey needed. He’s been undefeated in da six games he’s pitched after a loss, postin’ a 3-0 record wit’ a 2.00 E.R.A. Overall, he’s 7-0 wit’ a 2.82 E.R.A., holdin’ da second-biggest workload in da league wit’ 79⅔ innings pitched. His 13-start undefeated streak ties fo’ da third-longest start to one Yankees season. Cole is one dependable workhorse dat da Yankees can always rely on. 🐎💪⚾️

So, as dis season heats up, da Yankees keep pushin’ fo’ward. Dey walk into da buildin’ wit’ one edge, prepared to compete an’ give it dey all. Dey keep winnin’ things at one high level, an’ da smiles keep gettin’ bigger. We’ll see what da future holds fo’ da Yankees as da season continues. But one thing’s fo’ sure: Da Yankees stay doin’ ‘winning things’! 🙌🔥⚾️


🤞Yankees Stay Doing ‘Winning Things’ as They Cross Their Fingers

The Yankees continue to showcase their strength with an impressive series against the Dodgers. However, the team is now awaiting news on whether Aaron Judge will be placed on the injured list. The excitement was palpable as Gerrit Cole closely followed the action from the dugout on Friday night. He witnessed his teammate, Luis Severino, struggling against the Dodgers’ formidable lineup, known for hitting more home runs than any other National League team. Cole couldn’t help but feel concerned. 🤔⚾️

Cole stated, “There are external factors that sometimes push you to elevate your game in preparation. You have to be extra alert. The Dodgers really gave Sevy a tough time. It’s not easy pitching to a dynamic offense that’s hitting the ball hard.”

Despite the potential negativity, Cole knew he had to channel that energy in a positive way to give his team a chance to win the series. And that’s precisely what he and the Yankees accomplished during this thrilling weekend. They staged an epic comeback in front of three enthusiastic, sold-out crowds at Dodger Stadium. However, Aaron Judge was unable to play on Sunday due to a sore and swollen big toe on his right foot. He injured himself while making a spectacular running catch on Saturday that carried him into and through the fence in right field. Ouch! 😫⚾️

Judge mentioned that there’s a chance he might end up on the injured list when the Yankees begin their six-game homestand on Tuesday. However, he hopes to avoid that outcome. He still needs to assess how he feels after resting today and tomorrow before making a decision. Judge has been on fire lately, batting .348 with 14 home runs in his last 19 games. He is a key player for the Yankees, and every game matters in the tight race in the A.L. East. It’s the only division with two teams winning over 60% of their games (Tampa Bay and Baltimore). Additionally, every team in the division had a winning record as of Sunday. 💪🔥

Currently, the Yankees hold a 36-25 record, placing them in third place in the East. However, if they were in other divisions, they would be comfortably sitting in first place in three out of five divisions. After their 4-2 road trip out West, facing tough teams like Seattle and Los Angeles, the Yankees are feeling confident. Despite the challenges they faced, they gained ground in the standings. As the team prepared to head home on Sunday evening, the clubhouse was filled with smiles and laughter. They even took the time to watch Game 2 of the N.B.A. finals between Denver and Miami, celebrating the “winning things” happening for the Yankees. 🎉🏀

One special moment occurred on Saturday when Jake Bauers, a local boy from Southern California, had the first two-homer game of his career. Since the Yankees acquired him from Cincinnati last year, his rebuilt swing has shown improvement. Then, on Sunday, he hit a solid single in the seventh inning when the Yankees were trailing 1-0. This sparked yet another epic comeback. Bauers expressed his gratitude for being part of the team and giving his all. He has experienced ups and downs in his career but appreciates every opportunity he gets to step onto the field. 🙏⚾️

Rookie shortstop Anthony Volpe, known for his sharp defense, came through with a two-run homer in the ninth inning on Sunday. Outfielder Oswaldo Cabrera also left his mark by hitting a crucial home run on Saturday. Cabrera had a whirlwind journey, being demoted to the minors after the series in Seattle, meeting his Scranton/Wilkes-Barre teammates in Lehigh Valley, and then being called back up to Los Angeles to replace the injured Greg Allen. Cabrera joked about spending five hours in Lehigh Valley but was happy to be back in action. The life of a ballplayer, right? ⚾️🌪️

But the cherry on top was Aaron Judge’s incredible determination on Saturday. He robbed J.D. Martinez of what would have been a sure extra-base hit while the Yankees were leading 5-3 in the eighth inning. With a runner on base and no outs, Judge sprinted 79 feet toward the wall, jumped up, and made an epic catch. But he didn’t stop there. He crashed into the chain-link fence that serves as the gate to the visitors’ bullpen, leaving a clear indentation. He even momentarily disappeared from view as he crashed through the fence. Dominick Guerrero, an assistant groundskeeper at Dodger Stadium, remarked, “He basically broke the latch that holds the fence together. He sheared off the metal from the wall. It just shows what kind of athlete he is.” The Yankees witness Judge’s skills every day, and it’s always something special. 🌟⚾️

In the heat of the moment, Judge waved off the trainers and brushed off the pain. However, once the adrenaline subsided, his toe started acting up. Judge compared the pain to stubbing your toe in the middle of the night. Ouch! Manager Aaron Boone agreed that the concrete base below the fence could use some padding for safety reasons. But despite that setback, the Yankees understand that Cole is their most crucial pitcher. He has been outstanding this season, serving as the foundational piece they needed. Cole remains undefeated in the six games he’s pitched after a loss, boasting a 3-0 record with a 2.00 E.R.A. Overall, he stands at 7-0 with a 2.82 E.R.A., having logged the second-highest workload in the league with 79⅔ innings pitched. His 13-start undefeated streak ties for the third-longest start to a Yankees season. Cole is a dependable workhorse the Yankees can always rely on. 🐎💪⚾️

So, as the season heats up, the Yankees continue to push forward. They enter the field with an edge, fully prepared to compete and give it their all. They maintain a high level of play, and their smiles only grow wider. The future holds exciting possibilities for the Yankees as the season unfolds. But one thing is certain: the Yankees stay doing ‘winning things’! 🙌🔥⚾️

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