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🤙 Ho, Bumbai You Know! Shoots in Auckland Jus’ Before Da World Cup Kick-Off 🌎⚽️

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

So, bumbye dis wen happen yeah. Two peeps wen get shot dead in Auckland, New Zealand, early Thursday morning, right before da first Women’s World Cup soccer match suppose to start in da city. 🌇🔫💔

Da buggah wen pull da trigger also wen end up dead, aftah everything wen go down. Plus, one police officer wen get hurt too; he wen go hospital in critical condition but den stabilize. 🚑🏥💔

Cops no wen tell us who da shooter was yet, but they think he was around 24 years old and used to work at da construction site where da shooting wen happen.

Da Police Commissioner, dis guy name Andrew Coster, he said they believe da guy wen act out cause had something to do with his job at da site. Da shooter was on house arrest but he was allowed to be at the construction site. And the guy wen have one record already for domestic violence. Mr. Coster wen say also had signs of mental health problems. 🚧👷🔨🧠💔

Da guy nevah even had license for da shotgun he wen use, da cops wen say.

Da local newspaper, da New Zealand Herald, wen report dat da guy wen show up in court in March for charges like hitting one wahine and trying to hurt her, and had to wear one electronic ankle bracelet cause of dat.

Dis whole thing wen happen when da New Zealand and Norway soccer teams suppose to play at 7 p.m. at Eden Park Stadium, only about three miles from where da shooting wen happen. Plenny World Cup teams and fans staying in Auckland’s downtown area, and da shooting wen happen real close to where Norway’s team was staying and near one festival for the tournament.

Da U.S. team, who suppose to play their first game against Vietnam in two days in Auckland, staying in da same area too. Norway and U.S. teams both wen say all their players and staff stay safe and they going continue preparing as planned.

New Zealand’s match against Norway on Thursday night started with one moment of silence for da victims of the shooting. Both teams wen gather midfield, and New Zealand’s reserves and coaching staff wen leave their dugout to stand on the sideline in solidarity.

FIFA wen say they going also have one minute of silence at the match between Australia and Ireland on Thursday night.

Early in da morning around 7:22 a.m., da New Zealand Police wen start getting calls about one guy shooting one gun inside the construction site, Mr. Coster wen say.

According to the cops, aftah one armed man wen enter da high-rise building — which had dozens of construction workers inside — on lower Queen Street, he wen start shooting on the third floor, and wen keep shooting while he wen go through the 21-story building.

People who was walking by and commuters wen hear the gunshots during da morning rush hour. Plenny cops with guns and cop cars wen come to the area fast kine, and da authorities wen shut down parts of da city.

The shooting wen happen in one busy downtown area filled with office buildings and hotels right across from a ferry terminal on the city’s waterfront.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins, wen say during one news conference dat da shooter had one pump-action shotgun and looked like he was acting alone.

Not long aftah, choke police officers carrying automatic weapons wen come down to the site, telling people to hide and moving them out of the area. The cops closed the streets in a two-block area, and one police helicopter was flying above. The cops wen chase the gunman to the upper floors, and, once there, had one shootout — da people could hear the gunshots from the street below the tower.

The police wen confront da gunman in one elevator shaft where he wen barricade himself, and tried to talk to him, the police wen say.

“The offender fired at police, injuring one officer,” the police wen say. “Shots were exchanged, and the offender was later found dead.”

Mr. Coster wen say he no sure if the police wen kill da gunman.

Construction workers, plenty of whom wen hide in the building during da shooting, wen get let go hours later, and the police cleared the building.

Mr. Hipkins wen say the Women’s World Cup going continue as planned. FIFA, soccer’s global governing body and the organizer of the tournament, wen say their top leaders wen talk with the New Zealand authorities and that the organization was “in constant contact with the participating teams affected by this incident.”

During another news conference on Thursday afternoon, he wen say that the authorities going do one review of how they wen handle da suspect when he was on house arrest, and if had any warning signs about his behavior.

When they wen ask if the attack showed a failure of New Zealand’s strict gun laws, he wen say that the authorities needed to investigate how the gunman got the gun “before we make any judgment on the robustness or otherwise of our gun laws.”

During the shooting, all of Norway’s players were in their hotel; some were still sleeping, but local news reports said a few had come down for breakfast in a dining room just off the ground-floor lobby. As the police moved to close off access to the area around the shooting, security guards asked members of the Norway delegation to stay inside

the hotel, according to Lise Klaveness, the president of Norway’s soccer federation.

“Everything is calm in the Norwegian squad,” Halvor Lea, a spokesman for the Norway women’s team, said in a statement. “Preparations are going as normal.”

In another statement, Maren Mjelde, the captain of the Norway team, said plenty players most likely had woken up to the sound of a helicopter outside and the emergency vehicles that had come out front.

“We felt safe the whole time,” she wen say.

This was the first big shooting in New Zealand since the country banned most semiautomatic rifles in 2019, after 51 people were killed when one white supremacist wen open fire on Muslims praying in two mosques in Christchurch.

Few days aftah that shooting, Jacinda Ardern, who was the prime minister at the time, announced one temporary ban on most semiautomatic weapons, and a monthslong gun buyback and amnesty program began. Later that year, one sweeping nationwide ban wen go into effect.

Even before then, not many people owned guns in New Zealand, and gun violence is considered rare. But in 1997, six people wen get killed and four others hurt in the North Island town of Raurimu.

And in 1990, one gunman in the small seaside town of Aramoana killed 13 people and injured three others before the cops shot him dead. The shootings led to one 1992 amendment to the regulations on military-style semiautomatic weapons.


🤙 Brah, You Not Going Believe! Shooting in Auckland Just Before Da World Cup Kick-Off 🌎⚽️

Alright, so dis wat went happen. Two folks got killed and five others injured when one guy went into a construction site in Auckland, New Zealand, early Thursday morning, just few hours before the first soccer match of the Women’s World Cup was about to start in the city. 🌇🔫💔

Da guy who shot the gun ended up dead too, police announced in a press conference on Thursday afternoon. They also said that a police officer was among those injured; he was taken to a hospital in critical condition, and his condition had stabilized. 🚑🏥💔

The police haven’t identified the shooter, but they said they believed he was about 24 years old and had worked at the construction site where the shooting took place.

The Police Commissioner, a guy named Andrew Coster, said that they believe the shooter’s motive was related to his job at the site. The shooter was under house arrest but had permission to be at the construction site. He was known to the police because he had a history of domestic violence, Mr. Coster said, and there were also indications of mental health issues. 🚧👷🔨🧠💔

He did not have a firearms license for the shotgun he used, the authorities said.

The local newspaper, the New Zealand Herald, reported that he had appeared in court in March on charges including assaulting a woman and intent to injure, and had been ordered to wear an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet.

The shooting happened as the teams from New Zealand and Norway were set to play at 7 p.m. local time at Eden Park Stadium, about three miles from the site of the shooting. Many World Cup teams and fans are staying in Auckland’s central business district, and the shooting occurred very close to Norway’s team hotel and near a fan festival set up for the tournament.

The U.S. team, which will play its first game of the tournament in Auckland against Vietnam in two days, is also staying in the area. The teams from Norway and the U.S. said their players and staff were safe and their preparations would proceed as usual.

New Zealand’s match against Norway on Thursday night began on a somber note: a moment of silence for the victims of the shooting. Players from both teams gathered at midfield, and New Zealand’s reserves and coaching staff left their dugout to stand on the touchline in solidarity.

FIFA said they will also observe a minute of silence at the match between Australia and Ireland on Thursday night.

Early in the morning around 7:22 a.m., the New Zealand Police started receiving reports of a person shooting a gun inside the construction site, Mr. Coster said.

According to the police, after an armed man entered the high-rise building — which had dozens of construction workers inside — on lower Queen Street, he started shooting on the third floor, and continued shooting as he went through the 21-story building.

Passers-by and commuters heard the gunshots during the morning rush hour. Numerous police officers with guns and police vehicles rushed to the area, and the authorities shut down parts of the city.

The shooting took place in a busy downtown area filled with office buildings and hotels across the street from a ferry terminal on the city’s waterfront.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins, said at a press conference that the shooter had been armed with a pump-action shotgun and it appeared he had acted alone.

Within minutes, many police officers carrying automatic weapons arrived at the site, warning people to take cover and moving them out of the area. Streets were closed in a two-block area, and a police helicopter hovered overhead. Police chased the shooter to the upper floors, and once there, a gunfight ensued — audible from the street below the tower.

The police confronted the shooter in an elevator shaft where he had barricaded himself, and tried to engage with him, the police said.

“The offender fired at the police, injuring an officer,” the police said. “Shots were exchanged, and the offender was later found dead.”

Mr. Coster said he was unsure if the shooter had been killed by the police.

Construction workers, many of whom had hid in the building during the shooting, were released hours later, and the police cleared the building.

Mr. Hipkins said the Women’s World Cup would proceed as planned. FIFA, soccer’s global governing body and the organizer of the tournament, said its top leaders had communicated with the New Zealand authorities and that the organization was “in constant contact with the participating teams affected by this incident.”

During another press conference on Thursday afternoon, he said that the authorities would conduct a review of the handling of the suspect while he was in home detention, and whether there were any red flags about his behavior.

When asked whether the attack showed a failure of New Zealand’s strict gun laws, he said that the authorities needed to investigate how the shooter obtained the firearm “before we make any judgment on the robustness or otherwise of our gun laws.”

During the shooting, all of Norway’s players were in their hotel; some were still sleeping, but local news reports said a few had come down for breakfast in a dining room just off the ground-floor lobby. As the police moved to close off access to the area around the shooting, security guards asked members of the Norway delegation to stay inside the hotel, according to Lise Klaveness, the president of Norway’s soccer federation.

“Everything is calm in the Norwegian squad,” Halvor Lea, a spokesman for the Norway women’s team, said in a statement. “Preparations are going as normal.”

In another statement, Maren Mjelde, the captain of the Norway team, said many players likely had woken up to the sound of a helicopter outside and the emergency vehicles that had arrived out front.

“We felt safe the whole time,” she said.

This was the first major shooting in New Zealand since the country banned most semiautomatic rifles in 2019, after 51 people were killed when a white supremacist opened fire on Muslims praying in two mosques in Christchurch.

Days after that shooting, Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister at the time, announced a temporary ban on most semiautomatic weapons, and a monthslong gun buyback and amnesty program began. Later that year, a sweeping nationwide ban went into effect.

Even before then, gun ownership was relatively rare in New Zealand, and gun violence is considered unusual. But in 1997, six people were killed and four others injured in the North Island town of Raurimu.

And in 1990, a gunman in the small seaside township of Aramoana killed 13 people and injured three others before he was shot dead by the police. The shootings led to a 1992 amendment to the regulations on military-style semiautomatic weapons.

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