A photo of a city in Hong Kong

🤙🚌🌴 Da Return of Da Budget Tourists: Good or Bad Kine?

Hong Kong stay craving fo’ more business, but da recent return of budget tour groups from mainland China wen spark frustrations and even one lil’ bit snobbery. 😤💸

Da tour buses wen roll up to To Kwa Wan, one blue-collar area in Hong Kong, unloading plenny mainland China visitors who stay hungry fo’ grind. Dey wen crowd da sidewalks, smoke ciggies unda “No Smoking” signs, and even boddah real estate agents fo’ restaurant recommendations. 😒🚭🍽️

Befo’ da pandemic, mainlanders wen bring wealth to Hong Kong, but also frustrations fo’ da local peeps who wen feel like prices and rent stay going sky high. Afta Beijing wen assert its political dominance wit da national security law, complaining about mainland China stay pretty quiet. But now, da budget tourists making noise again. 📈🇨🇳🤬

Dese budget tours, costing sometimes as low as $175 fo’ two days, stay not exactly getting da warmest aloha from locals. Da tourists stay making noise, causing traffic jams, and even squatting fo’ eat boxed lunches outside in public spaces. 😠🚗🍱

Some lawmakers stay asking, “Can we get some good quality tour groups?” Mainland visitors used to make up 80% of all tourists coming to Hong Kong back in 2018. Now, da city stay desperate fo’ business afta da strict pandemic measures. 💼📉🧳

Da problem wit dese budget tourists stay dat dey no spend plenny money. Dey come by bus or boat and buy only small kine stuff from pharmacies. One pharmacy operator wen say, “Budget tourists stay mainly older people. Dey no spend much.” 💊👴🤷

Online, anti-government forums stay making fun of da tour groups, calling dem names like “locusts.” But mainland peeps no stay quiet either, mocking Hong Kongers’ no-so-good Mandarin on Douyin, da Chinese TikTok. 📲😏🗣️

Da city’s tourism minister stay telling residents fo’ be more welcoming, even while saying get need fo’ more oversight of visitors. “Tourists going make da street crowded, but it stay sign of economic growth,” he wen say. 🏙️💰🤗

No mattah how some Hong Kong peeps feel about da budget tourists, da visitors no stay worrying too much. Afta all, Hong Kong stay part of China now, and no mo’ British colony. 🇬🇧🇨🇳🌏


🤙🚌🌴 The Return of Budget Tourists: A Mixed Blessing?

Hong Kong is eager for more business, but the recent return of budget tour groups from mainland China has sparked frustrations and even a hint of snobbery. 😤💸

Tour buses have been arriving in To Kwa Wan, a blue-collar neighborhood in Hong Kong, unloading throngs of mainland Chinese visitors eager for a quick meal. They crowd the sidewalks, smoke cigarettes under “No Smoking” signs, and even bother real estate agents for restaurant recommendations. 😒🚭🍽️

Before the pandemic, mainlanders brought wealth to Hong Kong but also caused frustration for locals who felt that prices and rents were skyrocketing. After Beijing asserted its political dominance with the national security law, complaints about mainland China quieted down. But now, the budget tourists are making noise again. 📈🇨🇳🤬

These budget tours, sometimes costing as low as $175 for two days, aren’t exactly receiving the warmest welcome from locals. The tourists are noisy, cause traffic jams, and even squat to eat boxed lunches outdoors in public spaces. 😠🚗🍱

Some lawmakers are asking, “Can we get some good quality tour groups?” Mainland visitors used to make up 80% of all tourists coming to Hong Kong back in 2018. Now, the city is desperate for business after strict pandemic measures. 💼📉🧳

The problem with these budget tourists is that they don’t spend much money. They arrive by bus or boat and only make small purchases at pharmacies. One pharmacy operator said, “Budget tourists are mainly older people. They don’t spend much.” 💊👴🤷

Online, anti-government forums are making fun of the tour groups, calling them names like “locusts.” But mainlanders aren’t staying quiet either, mocking Hong Kongers’ poor Mandarin on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. 📲😏🗣️

The city’s tourism minister is telling residents to be more welcoming, even while advocating for stricter oversight of visitors. “Tourists will make the street crowded, but it’s a sign of economic growth,” he said. 🏙️💰🤗

Regardless of how some Hong Kong residents feel about the budget tourists, the visitors aren’t too worried. After all, Hong Kong is now part of China and no longer a British colony. 🇬🇧🇨🇳🌏

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