weight loss pills

🤙🏽🌺💊 Brahdahs and Sistahs, New Pill Might Save Yo’ Heart While You Lose Da Pounds!

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Howzit! Check dis out, yeah? Got one new kind drug called Wegovy wey dey say help peepo lose weight an’ at da same time reduce da risk fo’ kine serious heart problems by 20%! 😲🚫❤️🔥

Da company wey make ’em, Novo Nordisk, wen release dis news on one Tuesday. But hold on to yo’ rubber slippahs, ’cause get choke stuffs we no know yet. Dey neva say exactly how much weight peepo wen lose, or wot kine side effects dey wen get. 🤔👟

But hea’s da scoop: Dis trial had ’bout 18,000 adults who already get kine heart problems befo’, and dey wen track ’em for up to five years. Look like dey tryna show dat dis ain’t just one vanity pill fo’ looking good in yo’ board shorts, but actually get real health benefits fo’ da body. 💪🏽❤️🩺

Might be mo’ insurances goin’ pay for dis drug now, especially if da person get proof of heart disease. Some beeg kahuna health economist guy from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management wen say dat might be hard fo’ insurances fo’ act like dis drug no important if get heart benefits. But you know, fo’ now, Medicare no cover ’em and da price stay high! Like $1,349 every month. 😳💸

If dis drug really can help reduce heart attacks or strokes, brah, going be one game changer fo’ plenny peepo. Save ’em from pain and health troubles, and also save kala ’cause no need pay for oda treatments dat no work so good. 🎯❤️💵

Da funny ting is, Novo Nordisk get anodah drug, Ozempic, dat also help peepo with diabetes and reduce da risk fo’ heart problems. But still get choke stuffs dey gotta figure out about how dis all works. 🤷🏽‍♂️💡

Some big brain scientists like Dr. Daniel Drucker wen say dat these drugs might help da heart in two ways. Maybe dey help directly by doing good stuffs to da blood vessels and heart. Or maybe dey help by reducing body weight, blood pressure or inflammation. 🌡️❤️🔬

Plenny tings fo’ learn still, but some experts feel positive. Dr. Drucker even wen say, “It’s really the beginning of a new chapter in improving the health of people with obesity.” But stay aware, some peepo report side effects like stomach pains or even throwing up. So no all smooth sailing, brah. 🌊🤢

Da bottom line? Obesity no just ’bout making choices. No blame da peepo who struggle with weight. Maybe these kine drugs, like Wegovy, can help treat da real stuffs going on inside da body.

An’ das da news from da ‘aina! Stay healthy and aloha! 🤙🏽🏝️❤️🩺


🤙🏽🌺💊 New Weight Loss Pill Also Protects Your Heart, Say Makers!

Heads up! There’s exciting news about a new drug named Wegovy which reportedly helps people shed pounds and simultaneously reduces the risk of severe heart issues by 20%! 😲🚫❤️🔥

The pharmaceutical company, Novo Nordisk, released this statement on a Tuesday. But there’s a catch – they haven’t yet disclosed how much weight individuals lost or the potential side effects. 🤔👟

Here’s the rundown: This study included about 18,000 adults who had prior heart concerns and were observed for up to five years. It suggests that this isn’t merely a cosmetic pill to look fabulous, but offers genuine health advantages. 💪🏽❤️🩺

This could mean more insurance companies might fund this drug, particularly if a person has documented heart ailments. A health economist from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management mentioned that it might be challenging for insurance companies to overlook the drug’s importance given its heart-related benefits. However, for the moment, Medicare doesn’t cover it, and it’s priced steeply at $1,349 per month. 😳💸

If this drug can indeed minimize heart attacks or strokes, it’s a game-changer for many, saving them from medical complications and potentially reducing costs related to ineffective treatments. 🎯❤️💵

Interestingly, Novo Nordisk produces another drug, Ozempic, which also assists diabetic patients and reduces heart-related risks. Yet, there are several unanswered questions about their workings. 🤷🏽‍♂️💡

Some medical experts like Dr. Daniel Drucker suggest that these drugs might benefit the heart in two distinct ways: perhaps they provide a direct positive impact on blood vessels and the heart, or they function by reducing body weight, blood pressure, or inflammation. 🌡️❤️🔬

There’s a lot more to uncover, but some specialists remain optimistic. Dr. Drucker even said, “It’s really the beginning of a new chapter in improving the health of people with obesity.” But take note, a few individuals reported side effects like stomach issues or nausea. So, it’s not all smooth sailing. 🌊🤢

The key takeaway? Obesity isn’t merely about choices. We shouldn’t fault those battling with weight. Drugs like Wegovy could potentially treat the real underlying issues in the body.

And that’s the latest scoop! Stay healthy and take care! 🤙🏽🏝️❤️🩺

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