a tech guy securing the web

🤙🌺 “Facebook” Kama’aina, Chance Fo’ Sco’ Sum Cash! 💸🎉

Eh, get one chance fo’ all da peepo in da U.S. who wen get one Facebook account since May 24, 2007, fo’ apply fo’ dea share of one $725 million privacy settlement dat Meta, da parent company, wen agree fo’ pay. 💰😲

Meta stay payin’ fo’ settle one lawsuit dat say da world’s bigges’ social media platform wen let millions of da peepo’s personal kine info go to Cambridge Analytica, one firm dat wen suppo’t Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. 🌐🗳️

No mo’ clea’ yet how much kala each person goin’ get. Da mo’ peepo dat submit da valid claims, da mo’ small each payment goin’ be, cuz da kala gotta split among ‘um. 🧮💵

Fo’ apply fo’ da settlement, peepo can fill out one form an’ send ‘um online, o’ print ‘um out an’ mail ‘um. ✍️📬

Dis case wen staht from 2018 wen everybody wen find out dat Cambridge Analytica, one firm wit ties to Trump’s political strategist Steve Bannon, wen pay one Facebook app developer fo’ access to da personal info of ’bout 87 million peepo who wen use da platform. Den, dey wen use dat data fo’ target U.S. voters during da 2016 campaign dat wen end wit Trump gettin’ elected as da 45th president. 🎯🇺🇸

Da whole pilikia wen make plenny noise, an’ even had da boss man Mark Zuckerberg all sorry an’ gettin’ grilled by U.S. lawmakers. Had peepo talkin’ ’bout deletin’ dea Facebook accounts too. 📉🗣️

Facebook’s growth wen slow down cuz mo’ peepo wen staht fo’ connect an’ get dea kicks on rival services like TikTok, but da social network still get ova 2 billion users all ova da world, includin’ ’bout 250 million in da U.S. 📱🌏


🎉 “Facebook” Users, Opportunity to Score Some Cash! 💸🌟

All US residents who have had a Facebook account since May 24, 2007, now have a chance to apply for their share of a $725 million privacy settlement that Meta, the parent company, has agreed to pay. 💰😮

Meta is paying to settle a lawsuit claiming the world’s largest social media platform allowed millions of users’ personal information to be shared with Cambridge Analytica, a firm that supported Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. 🌐🗳️

It’s not clear yet how much money each person will receive. The more people that submit valid claims, the smaller each payment will be, as the money has to be divided among them. 🧮💵

To apply for the settlement, users can fill out a form and submit it online, or print it out and mail it. ✍️📬

This case began in 2018 when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a firm with ties to Trump’s political strategist Steve Bannon, paid a Facebook app developer for access to the personal information of about 87 million users of the platform. That data was then used to target U.S. voters during the 2016 campaign, which resulted in Trump’s election as the 45th president. 🎯🇺🇸

The uproar over the revelations led to a contrite Zuckerberg being grilled by U.S. lawmakers and sparked calls for people to delete their Facebook accounts. 📉🗣️

Facebook’s growth has stalled as more people connect and entertain themselves on rival services such as TikTok, but the social network still boasts over 2 billion users worldwide, including an estimated 250 million in the U.S. 📱🌎

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