Artificial Intelligence Robot

🤖 Zoom Pau Hana Time 📹: Fake Alohas, Funny Kine Names, and One Busted A.I. Presentation

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ho, brah! Get choke A.I. startups out dea battling foa get ahead, trying foa be numba one, just like one Hawaiian cockfight, yeah? 😹

So, dis A.I. company in da Big Apple, Arthur AI, get one email from anoddah start-up, OneOneThree. Da head tech guy, Yan Fung, was like, “Eh, I like see wat you guys get!” He like buy da tech, so he wanted foa check ’em out. 🍎👀

Fast forward one week, and da Arthur AI ohana get one Zoom meeting wit dis Mr. Fung foa show off their software. Den, as dey was talking story, get one odd kine thing happen. Fung said dat their “main engineer” Karina Patel going join, but when da screen show da name, was Aparna Dhinakaran. Ho, Arthur AI guys was all “Eh?!” ‘Cause dey know dat name; she one big kahuna at Arize AI, one oddah company trying foa make it big. Da Arthur AI peeps was all, “Eh, how she wen get da link?” 🤷‍♂️💻

Da plot thickens, brah! Turns out, Mr. Fung might be dis guy Dat Ngo from ArizeAI. And dat OneOneThree company? Was like some ghost ship, no moa action going on. 👻🚢

A.I. business nowadays more cutthroat than one dollar steak plate lunch. Big tech companies and small kine startups all scrambling foa da kala, da smart kine people, and foa be da big kahuna. It’s all about da partnerships, da biggest clients, and making noise. Noisy as my aunty’s chihuahua, I tell you! 🐶📢

Back in da day, had companies acting like dey get A.I. even if dey neva had. Faking it till you make it, I guess. Just like when Uncle Kimo say he can play da ukulele but only can strum ‘C’. 😂🎸

Olivier Toubia, one professor kine, say peeps in tech go all out, especially when da stakes high. Kinda like when we was all crazy foa dot-coms back in da ’90s.

Now, every startup peeking at each oddah, but you gotta draw one line somewhere, yeah? Like, you no go use fake kine name or act like you somebody else foa get ahead. No make li’dat! 🚫😤

Arize AI and Arthur AI, both of dem offer dis software foa watch and fix A.I. stuff. Customers gotta pick one, so dey check out both. Dhinakaran, da wahine behind Arize AI, she get plenty experience in da A.I. world, and she even get award from Forbes. On top of dat, she was on one TV show, “The Amazing Race,” with her braddah and came in fifth. No bad, yeah? 🏁📺

On LinkedIn, Mr. Ngo (or Mr. Fung?) get history of being wit dis OneOneThree Project, which was about autonomous cars or someting. But seems like was all for show, ’cause OneOneThree neva really was making waves or anything. 🚗💨

But get dis, OneOneThree name wen pop up for anoddah A.I. company called WhyLabs. Looks like Mr. Ngo, acting like Mr. Fung, was trying foa check out everybody’s stuff, but was kinda picky. 🧐🔍

Before da Zoom call, Mr. Fung was saying dat OneOneThree was in “stealth mode” and dey neva had one website. Den, during da Zoom, when Ms. Dhinakaran’s name pop up, everyting wen go quiet. Like when da music stop at da grad party and everybody looking around. Da Arthur AI team was like, “Eh, you know her?” And Mr. Ngo was all, “Nah, I no know her.” 🙄🤫

Aftah da Zoom, one Arthur AI guy wen message Mr. Ngo on LinkedIn. And instead of owning up, Mr. Ngo was trying foa recruit da guy foa work foa Arize AI. Talk about chutzpah! 😲

So, wat we learn from all dis? Da world of A.I. more drama than one telenovela. And you gotta watch your back, ’cause neva know who’s using fake aloha out dea! 🌺🤙🤖


Zoom Drama Unfolds 📹: Fake Names, A.I. Rivalry, and A Bungled Presentation 🤖

Wow, the world of A.I. startups is becoming intense, reminiscent of a high-stakes competition, don’t you think? 😹

So, there’s this A.I. company, Arthur AI, based in the heart of New York City. They got an intriguing email from another startup named OneOneThree. Yan Fung, the tech head at OneOneThree, expressed interest in acquiring Arthur AI’s groundbreaking technology. He was keen on seeing a demonstration. 🍎👀

A week rolls around, and Arthur AI sets up a Zoom meeting with Mr. Fung to flaunt their software. But here’s the twist: during this online rendezvous, a surprising name appeared on the Zoom interface. Instead of seeing “Karina Patel,” the name “Aparna Dhinakaran” flashed. Hold on, isn’t she a key figure at Arize AI, another trailblazing company? The folks at Arthur AI were left scratching their heads, thinking, “How on Earth did she get the invite link?” 🤷‍♂️💻

Digging deeper into this mystery, some insider scoop suggested that Mr. Fung might actually be Dat Ngo from ArizeAI. And as for OneOneThree? Turns out, it might be more phantom than real. 👻🚢

The A.I. domain is seeing fierce rivalry, with giant tech companies and emerging startups all vying for dominance. It’s all about strategic alliances, securing high-profile clients, and creating a buzz. The louder, the better, right? 🐶📢

In the past, several companies boasted about their A.I. capabilities, even if they were somewhat embellishing the truth. All show and no go, as they say. Just like those folks who claim to be musical prodigies but can barely play a note. 😂🎸

According to professor Olivier Toubia, the tech realm has always been cutthroat, especially when there’s a golden opportunity up for grabs. Kind of reminds us of the dot-com frenzy of the ’90s.

Startups are naturally curious about their competitors. But adopting fake identities? That’s a whole new level of sneaky. 🚫😤

Both Arize AI and Arthur AI offer niche software solutions to monitor and rectify A.I. issues. Customers, in their quest for the best, often compare the two. Dhinakaran, the brain behind Arize AI, boasts an impressive track record in the A.I. circuit, even bagging accolades from renowned platforms like Forbes. She even showcased her competitive spirit on the TV show “The Amazing Race” and secured a commendable fifth position. 🏁📺

On LinkedIn, Mr. Ngo’s (or should we say Mr. Fung’s?) affiliation with the OneOneThree Project is detailed, hinting at research in autonomous vehicles. But there’s a catch: OneOneThree seemed to be more of a paper tiger than an industry lion. 🚗💨

Interestingly, OneOneThree’s name did pop up for another A.I. entity, WhyLabs. So, was Mr. Ngo, under the guise of Mr. Fung, just shopping around? 🧐🔍

Before that revealing Zoom call, Mr. Fung dropped hints about OneOneThree being in “stealth mode,” justifying their lack of a digital footprint. Then, during the Zoom session, the unexpected appearance of Ms. Dhinakaran’s name became the elephant in the room. When questioned about the unexpected guest, Mr. Ngo played innocent. 🙄🤫

Post this virtual drama, an Arthur AI representative reached out to Mr. Ngo on LinkedIn. And instead of clarifying things, Mr. Ngo tried to woo him over to Arize AI. Talk about audacity! 😲

The moral of this tale? In the rapidly evolving world of A.I., it seems there’s more suspense and drama than in a blockbuster movie. Always stay alert because you never know who might be donning a mask of deceit! 🌺🤙🤖

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