🤖📲 Google, Da Big Kahuna, Buss Out Wit Da Powah of A.I. – No Mo Joke Brah! 🌐

🤖📲 Google, Da Big Kahuna, Buss Out Wit Da Powah of A.I. – No Mo Joke Brah! 🌐

Ho, da big boys stay moving! Google, da one we know and love, stay putting da pedal to da metal with artificial intelligence (A.I.) inside all kine stuffs – from their search engine to da kine emails 📧.

Last year, when OpenAI from San Francisco let loose their ChatGPT, everybody was shaking in their slippahs – even Google. Looked like da first real competition Google had in donkey years. Some people was even talking stink about Google search engine, saying it was old news.

So, da big boss man dem at Google said, “Nah, we gotta protect our golden goose.” So dey decided for weave A.I. into all their stuff, from da search engine to da email. You know, kinda like how Tutu weave one lauhala mat.

Now, we all know Google get plenny money 💰, but dis was like one new kine thing. Everybody been saying how A.I. going change da tech world, and Google been one of da first guys on da scene. But dey neva like jump in all da way, because A.I. get some kine dangers too, like spreading all kine false information.

But den, ChatGPT went blow up big time, and even Google was all, “Whoa, we neva see dat coming.” So in December, Google said “code red” and went start looking how for incorporate da technology behind ChatGPT, called generative A.I., into their own stuff.

Fast forward to dis year, Google had their big shindig, one conference up in Mountain View, California. Ova dea, dey was showing off all da kine stuff dey been working on. Dey said da search engine going start using A.I. for answer people’s questions, and let users ask more questions after dat 🗣️👤.

But Google no stop dea. Dey also announced two new phones and one tablet at da conference. Da top of da line one was da Pixel Fold, Google’s first folding phone 📱. For da people who no like spend too much, dey had da Pixel 7A, one phone dat only cost $500. Dey also came out with da Pixel Tablet dat can dock on a speaker, so it can work like one smart home display.

But, you know, no matta how fast Google stay running, dey still gotta beat OpenAI and Microsoft. Back in February, Microsoft showed off how da new version of their search engine, Bing, get one chatbot dat work with da technology OpenAI wen develop. But Google still taking one more chill approach than da other guys.

And no forget about da new chatbot Google wen release in March, called Bard. Dis one meant for compete with ChatGPT. Now, dey letting more people use da tool, and even get it in Japanese and Korean. Plus, dey working on one even more powerful A.I. technology, called PaLM 2, and one other big one called Gemini.

But da big kahuna, da cherry on top, was how Google said dey integrating generative A.I. into their Workspace applications, like Gmail, Docs and Sheets. Users going be able use short text descriptions for make images for slides or draft documents. Can even change da writing style for be more professional or casual.

Even with all da talk story about Google not moving fast enough, da big boss dem at Google say dey listening to their users. As da wise ones say, “Da customer always right,” yeah? Even with all da competition, dey believe get choke opportunity in da world for meeting people’s information needs.

Ms. Reid, one Google search vice president, say users expect da company for have high-quality information and dey no like let down that trust. She wen say, “Da technology still young, but it’s amazing in some ways and get choke challenges in other ways.”👩‍💻

To make use of da latest search features, users gotta sign up for Search Labs, one new project for let users and da company test out experimental features. Google plans for let up to 30 million people in da U.S. use da updates by da end of da year.

Google’s Bard, da chatbot, wen get even more smarter and creative because dey run it on PaLM 2. Da chatbot going be able show and interpret images and let users send responses to Gmail, Docs and other applications. 📸📚

Da company wen start integrating generative A.I. into its Workspace applications, like Gmail, Docs and Sheets. Users going be able use short text descriptions for create images for a slide deck or draft documents, with options for change da writing style for be more professional or casual.

Ever since ChatGPT was introduced, Google been taking heat from tech industry insiders that it no move fast enough for improve its search. But Ms. Reid say da company’s large number of users was “da chorus we should listen to da loudest.” 🎤

She wen say, “Get still choke opportunity in da world for meeting people’s information needs and always going have plenny people trying for solve it, and I think dat’s great. It going help us — help everybody — evolve.”

So, no worry, gang. Looks like Google get our backs, and dey no going let us down. As we say in da islands, “No task is too big when done together by all.” So let’s see where dis A.I. wave 🌊 going take us, yeah? Aloha! 🤙🌺


🤖📲 Google, The Big Shot, Makes Waves with the Power of A.I. – No Joke, Mate! 🌐

Wow, the big players are on the move! Google, the one we know and love, is pressing on full steam ahead with artificial intelligence (A.I.) embedded into all sorts of things – from their search engine to emails 📧.

Last year, when OpenAI from San Francisco launched their ChatGPT, it sent shockwaves through everyone – including Google. It seemed like the first serious competition Google had in a very long time. Some people even started disparaging Google’s search engine, branding it as outdated.

The executives at Google thought, “No, we need to protect our golden egg.” So they decided to weave A.I. into all their products, from the search engine to emails. You know, kind of how a grandmother weaves a straw mat.

Now, it’s no secret that Google has plenty of money 💰, but this was a new venture. Everyone has been saying how A.I. is going to revolutionize the tech world, and Google was one of the first pioneers in the field. But they were hesitant to go all in, as A.I. carries certain risks too, like spreading all sorts of false information.

Then, ChatGPT became a massive success, and even Google was like, “Whoa, we didn’t see that coming.” So in December, Google declared a “code red” and started exploring ways to incorporate the technology behind ChatGPT, called generative A.I., into their own products.

Fast forward to this year, Google held their grand conference in Mountain View, California. There, they showcased all the various things they’ve been working on. They announced that the search engine would start using A.I. to answer people’s queries, and allow users to ask follow-up questions 🗣️👤.

But Google didn’t stop there. They also unveiled two new smartphones and a tablet at the conference. The top-tier product was the Pixel Fold, Google’s first folding phone 📱. For those who are budget conscious, they offered the Pixel 7A, a smartphone that costs only $500. They also launched the Pixel Tablet which can dock on a speaker, so it can function like a smart home display.

However, no matter how fast Google is moving, they still have to outpace OpenAI and Microsoft. Back in February, Microsoft demonstrated how the new version of their search engine, Bing, has a chatbot that works with the technology developed by OpenAI. But Google is still taking a more cautious approach than its main competitors.

Let’s not forget the new chatbot Google released in March, named Bard. This one is meant to compete with ChatGPT. Now, they’re expanding access to the tool, and it’s even available in Japanese and Korean. Plus, they’re working on an even more advanced A.I. technology, named PaLM 2, and another major one called Gemini.

The big surprise, the cherry on top, was how Google announced that they’re integrating generative A.I. into their Workspace applications, like Gmail, Docs and Sheets. Users will be able to use brief text descriptions to create images for slides or draft documents. They can even alter the writing style to be more professional or casual.

Despite all the chatter about Google not moving fast enough, the executives at Google say they’re listening to their users. As the wise ones say, “The customer is always right,” right? Even with all the competition, they believe there’s a wealth of opportunity in the world to meet people’s information needs.

Ms. Reid, a Google search vice president, says users expect the company to provide high-quality information and they do not want to undermine that trust. She stated, “The technology is still young, but it’s amazing in some ways and has a multitude of challenges in other ways.” 👩‍💻

To make use of the latest search features, users need to sign up for Search Labs, a new project that allows users and the company to test out experimental features. Google plans to let up to 30 million people in the U.S. use the updates by the end of the year.

Google’s Bard, the chatbot, has become even smarter and more creative because they run it on PaLM 2. The chatbot will be able to display and interpret images and let users send responses to Gmail, Docs, and other applications. 📸📚

The company has started integrating generative A.I. into its Workspace applications, like Gmail, Docs and Sheets. Users will be able to use short text descriptions to create images for a slide deck or draft documents, with options to change the writing style to be more professional or casual.

Ever since ChatGPT was introduced, Google has been under fire from tech industry insiders that it hasn’t moved fast enough to improve its search. But Ms. Reid argues that the company’s large number of users was “the chorus we should listen to the loudest.” 🎤

She stated, “There is still a tremendous opportunity in the world for meeting people’s information needs and there will always be plenty of people trying to solve it, and I think that’s great. It will help us — help everyone — evolve.”

So, don’t worry, folks. It appears that Google has our backs, and they won’t let us down. As we say, “No task is too big when done together by all.” Let’s see where this A.I. wave 🌊 will take us, shall we? Cheers! 🤙🌺

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