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🤖💰 Reddit Laik Get Paid Fo’ Help Teach Da Big A.I. Systems

Da internet site Reddit stay one main place fo’ talk story bout all kine tings, an’ da companies like Google an’ OpenAI stay using um fo’ dea A.I. projects. 🌐🗣️

Reddit stay one hot spot fo’ conversation on top da internet. Every day, 57 million peopo go da site fo’ chat bout all kine tings, like makeup, video games, an’ how fo’ clean driveways wit’ one pressure washer. 🎮💄💦

In da recent past, da Reddit chats been helping Google, OpenAI, an’ Microsoft fo’ free. Dem companies stay using da talks fo’ build big A.I. systems, da kine dat Silicon Valley tink goin’ be da next big ting in da tech world. 🌍💡

Now, Reddit laik get paid fo’ dat. Da company wen say on Tuesday dat dey goin’ start charge companies fo’ access dea application programming interface (A.P.I.), da way dat oddah guys can download an’ process all da talk story dat goin’ on. 💸🔒

“Da Reddit data stay real valuable,” said Steve Huffman, da guy who wen start Reddit an’ da CEO. “But we no need give all dat value to da biggest companies in da world fo’ free.” 🌟🏢

Dis move stay one of da first big examples of one social network charging fo’ use dea talk stories fo’ build A.I. systems like ChatGPT from OpenAI. Da new A.I. systems goin’ make big money in da future, but dey no goin’ help companies like Reddit dat much. Dey even might make competition by making automated duplicates of da Reddit chats. 🔄🤖

At da same time, Reddit stay getting ready fo’ maybe go public on Wall Street dis year. Da company, wen start in 2005, make most of dea money from ads an’ e-commerce transactions on da platform. Reddit still figgah out how much dey goin’ charge fo’ A.P.I. access an’ goin’ let peopo know da prices soon. 📈📊

Da Reddit talk story forums stay getting mo’ valuable now dat big language models (L.L.M.s) stay important fo’ making new A.I. technology. 🧠💡

L.L.M.s stay fancy algorithms made by companies like Google an’ OpenAI, da one dat stay tight wit’ Microsoft. Fo’ da algorithms, Reddit’s talk stories stay like data, an’ da algorithms use um fo’ learn mo’ bettah. 📚🔍

Google’s Bard, one talking A.I., an’ OpenAI’s Chat GPT, stay both trained wit’ Reddit data. Oddah companies also starting fo’ see value in da conversations an’ images dey get. Shutterstock, da image hosting service, sold some data to OpenAI fo’ help make DALL-E, da A.I. program dat makes awesome pictures wit’ jus’ one text prompt. 🖼️🎨

Last month, Elon Musk, da guy who get Twitter, wen say he goin’ make mo’ tight rules fo’ use Twitter’s A.P.I., da one dat thousands of companies an’ developers use fo’ follow da millions of conversations happening on da network. Da new fees could be big kine, like tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. 💸📈

Fo’ make dea A.I. models mo’ bet tah, da A.I. developers need two big tings: plenny computing power an’ choke data. Some of da big A.I. developers get enough computing power but still look outside dea own networks fo’ get da data dey need fo’ make dea algorithms mo’ bettah. Dey use sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles, an’ Reddit. 🌐📚🖥️

Representatives from Google, OpenAI, an’ Microsoft nevah say anyting yet wen we ask fo’ comment. 📧❓

Reddit an’ da search engines from companies like Google an’ Microsoft get one give-an-take relationship. Da search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages fo’ index information an’ make um available fo’ search results. Dat crawling, or “scraping,” not always welcome by every site on da internet. But Reddit stay benefit cuz dey come up higher in search results. 🕷️🔎

Da situation stay different wit’ L.L.M.s — dey stay grinding as much data as dey can fo’ make new A.I. systems like da chatbots. 🤖🔄

Reddit tink dea data stay extra valuable cuz stay always get updates. Dat fresh an’ relevant info, Mr. Huffman said, stay wat da big language modeling algorithms need fo’ make da bestest results. 📈💯

“Mo’ den any oddah place on da internet, Reddit stay one home fo’ da real kine talk story,” said Mr. Huffman. “Plenny stuff on da site you would only talk bout in therapy, or A.A., or not even talk at all.” 🏠💬

Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. still goin’ be free fo’ da developers who like build apps dat help peopo use Reddit. Dey can make one bot, fo’ example, dat watch if da users’ comments stay following da rules fo’ post. Researchers who like study Reddit data fo’ school o’ non-commercial reasons still goin’ get free access to da data. 🎓🔓

Reddit also like use mo’ machine learning fo’ how da site work. Dey could use um, fo’ example, fo’ spot wen get A.I.-generated text on Reddit an’ add one label dat tell da users dat da comment wen come from one bot. 🤖🚩

So Reddit stay tryna make dea mark in da world of A.I. technology an’ get paid fo’ all da valuable data dey get, an’ we goin’ see how dat goin’ change tings in da future. 🌟🔮


🤖💬💰 Reddit Seeks Payment for A.I. Training with Its Conversations

Reddit has long been a hub for discussions on the internet, with about 57 million people visiting the site daily to talk about various topics, from makeup and video games to tips for power washing driveways.

In recent years, Reddit’s diverse conversations have also served as a free teaching resource for companies like Google, OpenAI, and Microsoft. These companies use Reddit’s discussions to develop massive artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley believe could become the tech industry’s next big thing. Now, Reddit wants to be compensated for it. 💸🌐

On Tuesday, the company announced its plans to start charging companies for access to its application programming interface (API), allowing external entities to download and process the social network’s extensive collection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” said Steve Huffman, founder and CEO of Reddit. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” 🚀💼

This move is one of the first significant instances of a social network charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT program. While these new A.I. systems could lead to major businesses, they are not likely to benefit companies like Reddit directly. Instead, they could be used to create competitors, mimicking Reddit’s conversations. 🏢🤼

Reddit is also considering an initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, founded in 2005, primarily earns revenue through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit plans to announce API access pricing details in the coming weeks. 📈📊

Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models (LLMs) play an essential role in creating new A.I. technology. LLMs are sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which partner closely with Microsoft. To these algorithms, Reddit’s discussions are data fed into LLMs for their development. 🧠🗣️

Google’s conversational A.I. service, Bard, partially relies on Reddit data for training its underlying algorithm. OpenAI’s ChatGPT also lists Reddit data as one of its training sources. Other companies, such as Shutterstock, have sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, an A.I. program that generates vivid graphical images based on text prompts. 🎨📷

Last month, Elon Musk, Twitter’s owner, announced a crackdown on the use of Twitter’s API, accessed by thousands of companies and independent developers to monitor millions of conversations across the platform. Although Musk did not mention LLMs as a reason for the change, the new fees could range from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. 💰🐦

To improve their models, A.I. developers require two significant resources: vast computing power and enormous amounts of data. Some of the largest A.I. developers have ample computing power but still look to external networks for the necessary data to enhance their algorithms. They turn to sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles, and Reddit. 🌐📚🖥️

Representatives from Google, OpenAI, and Microsoft have not yet commented on the matter.

Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with search engines like Google and Microsoft. Search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages to index information and make it available in search results. Although not every website welcomes this “scraping,” Reddit benefits from higher search result rankings. However, the dynamic is different with LLMs, as they consume as much data as possible to create new A.I. systems like chatbots. 🤖📈

Reddit believes its data is especially valuable because it is continuously updated. This freshness and relevance, according to Mr. Huffman, are what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. 🔄🌟

“More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” 🗨️💬

Mr. Huffman stated that Reddit’s API would remain free for developers who want to build applications that help people use Reddit. For example, they could develop a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to posting rules. Researchers seeking to study Reddit data for academic or non-commercial purposes will continue to enjoy free access. 🎓🔬

Additionally, Reddit aims to integrate more machine learning into the site’s operations. This technology could be used, for instance, to identify A.I.-generated text on Reddit and add a label notifying users that the comment came from a bot. 🤖🔖

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