donald trump courtside at a NBA game

🤔🌟 Trump Stay Looking Like He Gonna Get His 2024 Crew, Eh?

Ho, ho, hold on tight, braddahs and sistahs! Da political scene stay heating up as potential contenders coming out fo’ da 2024 presidential race. Last week, Govanah Ron DeSantis from Florida wen officially throw his hat in da ring, and Tim Scott and oddahs stay expected fo’ follow. But fo’ da ex-president, da mo’ candidates, da bettah 🎩🤝🏛️.

Even tho’ DeSantis wen jump in da race, he still stay far away from getting dat one-on-one showdown wit da former President Donald J. Trump, dat his supporters tink he gotta win fo’ get da nomination. At da same time, former Vice President Mike Pence stay making moves in Iowa fo’ challenge da frontrunnahs, even before he wen announce he running. Former Govanah Chris Christie from New Jersey stay ramping up his preparations fo’ anoddah campaign, and he stay looking at New Hampshire. And Republican donors and leadership at da Capitol stay showing new interest in Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina, who wen kick off his campaign last week. Ehhh, even candidates who nobody really know stay starting to show some interest in 2024 🏃🏽‍♂️🗳️🌟.

Dis rapidly expanding field, along wit Trump’s strong base of support, stay posing one big threat to DeSantis. It stay making it hard fo’ him fo’ bring together da non-Trump vote, and it stay looking like how Trump wen take ovah da party back in 2016. It all about da math, you see: Every new person coming in stay taking away a piece of DeSantis’s potential coalition, while Trump’s loyal base stay standing strong. Mo’ than 30 percent of Republicans still stay down fo’ Trump, no mattah what 🧮🤷🏻‍♂️🗳️.

Trump’s advisors, dey stay happy as can be when each new candidate join da race. Dey look at ’em like one divide-and-conquer strategy, just like dey stay talking about since 2021. And you know wat? Plenny of da candidates feel mo’ comfy throwing punches at DeSantis instead of Trump himself.

But DeSantis’s campaign, dey stay seeing tings differently. Dey don’t tink dis 2016 all ovah again. Ryan Tyson, one senior advisor to DeSantis, wen say in one leaked audio recording from one private briefing dat da Republican voters can be split into three parts: 35 percent “only Trump” voters, 20 percent “never Trump” voters, and da oddah 45 percent stay right in DeSantis’s sweet spot. Tyson wen tell da donors dat every candidate, ‘cept fo’ DeSantis and Trump, stay stuck in da “never Trump” segment. “If you name no be Ron DeSantis o’ Donald Trump, you just dividing up dis group of voters,” he wen say.

Befo’ DeSantis wen launch his campaign, he and his allies stay talking bout how da 2024 primaries going be one two-man race. But as time went on, DeSantis wen face some setbacks and get some heat fo’ his personality and political skills. Da oddah candidates, dey wen start fo’ feel more emboldened. And some of ’em stay gettin’ da money fo’ stay relevant all da way through da primaries. Tim Scott wen come in wit almost $22 million in da bank, and he wen raise anoddah $2 million on his first day as one candidate. And you know wat? Even da rich but not-so-well-known Govanah Doug Burgum from North Dakota stay seeing one opening fo’ 2024. He wen start filming commercials fo’ his upcoming campaign, yeah, heard dat from two people involved in da planning.

We also get one entrepreneur named Vivek Ramaswamy. He wen invest $10 million of his own money into his campaign. Like DeSantis, Ramaswamy stay selling one anti-“woke” sentiment, but he stay doing ’em wit his own charm 💰💼🏞️.

Trump stay all happy when da non-DeSantis candidates come in da race. In January, when Nikki Haley, da former ambassador to da United Nations under Trump, wen call him fo’ say she going run, Trump no stay all mad and call her disloyal like some folks might think. He just stay cool, telling her, “Eh, do wat you gotta do,” like two people who was in da conversation wen tell da news. And da days leading up to Tim Scott’s announcement, Trump stay watching Fox News in his Mar-a-Lago office, saying, “Eh, I like ’em. We goin’ say nice tings ’bout Tim,” like somebody who know wat Trump wen say wen nobody else was around.

At da start of da year, everybody was thinking da Republican field going stay small, like maybe five candidates. Da anti-Trump Republican donors stay working hard fo’ keep da field slim, so dey no get da same mess like 2016 when Trump wen win. But now, wit DeSantis slipping and facing some challenges, we could end up wit as many as 10 candidates going head-to-head, all fighting fo’ attention and one spot on da debate stage. And dat’s one tough situation fo’ DeSantis, cause he stay getting squeezed from all angles, whether it’s ideology o’ geography 🤔🗳️🏞️.

Pence and Scott stay clear dat dey going target da influential evangelical voters in Iowa. In New Hampshire, both Christie and Govanah Chris Sununu, one moderate who no closed da door on running, stay posing threats to DeSantis and taking away some of his support. And in South Carolina, DeSantis going be caught between former Govanah Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott, who both hail from da same state.

Plenny Republicans who no like Trump stay all freaked out by dis expanding field, along wit DeSantis’s recent struggles. DeSantis stay dropping in da polls and he stay behind Trump in every state, by mo’ than 30 percentage points on average in da national polls.

Govanah Chris Sununu say, “Eh, all Republicans gotta be going aftah Donald Trump.” He believe dat if only one o’ two people stay willing fo’ take shots at Trump, den da whole party stay in trouble. He say no stay personal, no stay petty. But den, Govanah Sununu say he still kinda undecided, like “50-50,” if he going run o’ not. He stay conflicted. But he admit dat eventually, if dey like beat Trump, dey gotta come togeddah and unite.

DeSantis facing more and more challenges as da 2024 race pick up steam. On da day he jumped in, Nikki Haley wen mock him on Fox News, saying he stay just copying Trump, even da way he talk. She say, “If he just gonna be one echo of Trump, people goin’ vote for Trump.” And in Iowa, Pence going meet up with da same mainstream media outlets dat DeSantis wen stay away from, even The Des Moines Register. Pence even went meet wit Bob Vander Plaats, one evangelical leader who DeSantis wen have one private meal wit befo’.

Wen you see ’em side by side, you can see dat DeSantis stay feeling da pressure, both in terms of ideology and geography. Ehhh, da field stay getting crowded, braddahs and sistahs 📺🏞️.

Plenny Republicans who like take down Trump stay all worried ’bout dis growing field and DeSantis’s slipping position. Dey stay saying, “Eh, we gotta go straight aftah Trump, no more messing around.” Dey no like repeat da same mistakes from 2016. Back den, Trump’s rivals stay all leaving him alone, thinking he going self-destruct o’ dey going beat him when da field get smaller, but dat nevah happen.

Ronna McDaniel, da Republican National Committee Chair, say earlier dis year dat she no think dey going need two debate stages like last time. She thought da field going stay smaller. But now, we could end up wit as many as a dozen candidates by August, and dey all racing fo’ meet da party’s requirements fo’ get on da stage. Even long-shot candidates like Larry Elder, da talk radio host who wen lose bad in da California recall election, stay trying fo’ get some attention 🎙️🗳️📊.

As da 2024 race unfold, da challenge fo’ DeSantis stay becoming more clear. On da day he entered, he got mocked by Nikki Haley. And Pence stay talking wit mainstream media outlets, while DeSantis had da evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats in Tallahassee fo’ dinner. You know, dis kind situation show how DeSantis stay getting squeezed, both ideologically and geographically 📺🏞️.

Da Republicans who like take down Trump stay all troubled by dis growing field and DeSantis’s struggles. Dey know it’s crucial fo’ challenge Trump directly and not let da field get all divided, cause dat just give Trump da upper hand. Eventually, consolidation goin’ be necessary fo’ beat Trump.

But right now, da candidates gotta show discipline and come togeddah 🤝🗳️🤔.


🤔🌟 Trump Stay Looking Like He Gonna Get His 2024 Crew

Hold on tight, folks! The political scene is heating up as potential contenders emerge for the 2024 presidential race. Last week, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida officially threw his hat in the ring, joined by Tim Scott and others expected to follow suit. But for the former president, the more candidates, the merrier 🎩🤝🏛️.

Despite entering the race, DeSantis seems further than ever from securing a one-on-one matchup with former President Donald J. Trump, which his supporters believe is necessary to secure the nomination. Meanwhile, former Vice President Mike Pence is already making moves in Iowa to challenge the front-runners, even before announcing his candidacy. Former Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is intensifying preparations for another campaign with a focus on New Hampshire. And Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, who launched his campaign last week, has garnered fresh interest from Republican donors and leadership on Capitol Hill. Even lesser-known candidates are suddenly expressing their interest in the 2024 race 🏃🏽‍♂️🗳️🌟.

The rapidly expanding field, combined with Trump’s unwavering base of support, poses a significant threat to DeSantis. It hampers his ability to consolidate the non-Trump vote and mirrors the dynamics that propelled Trump’s rise within the party in 2016. It’s all a matter of math: Each new entrant chips away at a portion of DeSantis’s potential coalition, while Trump’s loyal base remains intact. Over 30 percent of Republicans continue to strongly support the former president, leaving little room for others to make significant gains 🧮🤷🏻‍♂️🗳️.

Trump’s advisors have been gleefully watching each new candidate enter the race, seeing it as part of their divide-and-conquer strategy. Many of the contenders seem more comfortable attacking DeSantis than Trump himself. Trump’s team recognizes the advantage of this dynamic and welcomes the divided field 🤝👀.

However, the DeSantis campaign sees the landscape differently. They believe it’s not a repeat of 2016. According to Ryan Tyson, a senior advisor to DeSantis, they view the Republican electorate as divided into three parts: 35 percent as “only Trump” voters, 20 percent as “never Trump” voters, and the remaining 45 percent as the DeSantis sweet spot. In a leaked audio recording from a private briefing, Tyson explained that all candidates, except DeSantis and Trump, are isolated in the “never Trump” segment. He emphasized that any candidate who is not DeSantis or Trump would divide this share of the electorate, making it difficult for the second-place candidate to secure a victory 🗣️🤝🗳️.

In the months leading up to his campaign launch, DeSantis and his allies framed the 2024 primaries as a two-man race. However, as DeSantis faced setbacks and criticism regarding his personality and political acumen, rivals became emboldened. Some contenders have amassed significant funds that could keep them relevant throughout the primary season. Tim Scott entered the race with nearly $22 million on hand and raised an additional $2 million on his first day as a candidate. Doug Burgum, the little-known wealthy governor of North Dakota, is also eyeing a 2024 campaign and has already filmed ads in preparation. Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy invested $10 million of his own money into his campaign, offering a similar anti-“woke” sentiment as DeSantis but with his own unique charm 💰💼🏞️.

Trump has openly welcomed the non-DeSantis candidates to the race, displaying a nonchalant attitude. When Nikki Haley, Trump’s former ambassador to the United Nations, called to inform him of her plans to run, Trump responded with indifference, telling her to do what she needed to do. Similarly, when watching Fox News in his Mar-a-Lago office, Trump expressed his support for Tim Scott, stating, “I like him. We’re just going to say nice things about Tim” 🤝📺👍.

Initially, it was expected that the Republican field would be relatively small, with as few as five candidates running. Anti-Trump Republican donors worked to limit the field to avoid a repeat of the divided landscape that secured Trump’s victory in 2016. However, following DeSantis’s recent struggles, the number of candidates is likely to balloon to as many as 10, all competing for attention and a spot on the debate stage. This poses a challenge for DeSantis, as he finds himself squeezed by rivals ideologically and geographically 🤔🗳️🏞️.

Pence and Scott have made it clear that they will target influential evangelical voters in Iowa. In New Hampshire, both Christie and Governor Chris Sununu threaten to draw support away from DeSantis. Meanwhile, DeSantis will be sandwiched between former Governor Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott in South Carolina. Many Republicans who oppose Trump are concerned about the expanding field and DeSantis’s lackluster performance in recent months. DeSantis has slipped in the polls, trailing Trump in all states and by an average of over 30 percentage points nationally. Republicans who want to defeat Trump believe it’s crucial to directly confront him, rather than shying away as some did in 2016 🤨🏆🤔.

The reluctance to challenge Trump echoes the 2016 race, where his rivals mostly refrained from attacking him, assuming he would eventually self-destruct. However, they were mistaken, and Trump emerged as the party’s nominee. This time around, the Republican National Committee Chair, Ronna McDaniel, initially anticipated a smaller field and a simpler debate stage. However, as many as a dozen candidates could declare their intentions by August, and the race to meet the party’s donor and polling thresholds is already in full swing. Even longer-shot candidates like Larry Elder, the talk radio host who participated in the California recall election, are vying for attention 🎙️🗳️📊.

As the 2024 race unfolds, the challenge for DeSantis becomes increasingly evident. On the day he entered the race, he faced criticism from Nikki Haley, who dismissed him as a Trump imitator. Meanwhile, Pence engaged with mainstream media outlets in Iowa, where DeSantis had recently entertained evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats. This split screen serves as a reminder that DeSantis is under pressure both ideologically and geographically as the field expands 📺🏞️.

Republicans who want to defeat Trump are alarmed by the growing field and DeSantis’s faltering position. They emphasize the importance of challenging Trump directly and avoiding a divided field that could pave the way for his victory. While consolidation will eventually be necessary to defeat Trump, the focus now is on the discipline of the candidates to unite against the former president 🤝🗳️🤔.

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