Airline Safety

🛫 Airlines Weigh Passengers: Da Safety Benefits Explained 🤔

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

👀 Eh, Passengers Gotta Weigh In Fo’ Safety? 🤔 Monday get mo’ int’restin fo’ passengers flyin on Korean Air cuz dey gotta step on da scale befo’ boardin. Da airline said it’s fo safety, but specialists say fuel efficiency might be da real reason why.

Da move is part of a trend dat’s been happenin lately wit airlines tryna make sure dere planes stay light an efficient as possible by keep track ova passenger weight. Airlines like Hawaiian Airlines an Alaska Airlines already weigh passengers whenevah dey check in at certain airports across Hawaii and Alaska respectively. Da practice can also help with safety since too much weight onboard can cause issues wit balance durin takeoff or landings if all da passengers ain’t distributed evenly throughout da plane – which happens sometimes cuz people like to sit next to each other so dey can talk story or whatever 🤷‍♂️ .

But it still doesn’t answer why airlines would wanna weigh folks who are gonna fly anyway…🧐 It turns out dat havin lighter planes means more money saved from fuel costs – which makes sense consider how expensive jet fuel is nowadays 😳 . If ya do some math (which we won’t get into here) you’ll see dat every extra pound onboard adds up fast when ya multiply it by hundreds ova thousands of flights per year 👨‍💻 . Plus, dis way gives dem more control ovah how much they spend on gas for any given flight ✈️ , so even if yo ass don know whatcha weighs now yo ass bettah start watcha diet!

Anotha factor playahs should consider is privacy concerns ⚠️ : Ya know how companies always collect data bout us these days? Well imagine wat kinda info could come outta this situation: What height/weight range gets flagged for additional screening? Who gets charged extra fees based off their size??

All dis stuff has yet ta be answered 🙅‍♂️ …But hey maybe its worth the tradeoff between convenience and security (or something). At least that’s wat airline execs seem ta think anyway 😉 Bottom line: People gotsta figure out wats mo important ta dem – privacy or convenience ☑ ? Or maybe both…Whatevahs the case we’ll jus haveta wait n see wats gonna


🛫 Airlines Weigh Passengers: The Safety Benefits Explained 🤔

👀 Eh, do passengers gotta weigh in fo’ safety? 🤔 Monday got mo’ int’restin fo’ passengers flyin on Korean Air cuz dey gotta step on da scale befo’ boardin. Da airline said it’s fo safety, but specialists say fuel efficiency might be da real reason why.Da move is part of a trend dat’s been happenin lately wit airlines tryna make sure dere planes stay light an efficient as possible by keep track ova passenger weight.

Airlines like Hawaiian Airlines an Alaska Airlines already weigh passengers whenevah dey check in at certain airports across Hawaii and Alaska respectively. Da practice can also help with safety since too much weight onboard can cause issues wit balance durin takeoff or landings if all da passengers ain’t distributed evenly throughout da plane – which happens sometimes cuz people like to sit next to each other so dey can talk story or whatever 🤷‍♂️ .But it still doesn’t answer why airlines would wanna weigh folks who are gonna fly anyway…🧐 It turns out dat havin lighter planes means more money saved from fuel costs – which makes sense consider how expensive jet fuel is nowadays 😳 . If ya do some math (which we won’t get into here) you’ll see dat every extra pound onboard adds up fast when ya multiply it by hundreds ova thousands of flights per year 👨‍💻 .

Plus, dis way gives dem more control ovah how much they spend on gas for any given flight ✈️ , so even if yo ass don know whatcha weighs now yo ass bettah start watcha diet!Anotha factor playahs should consider is privacy concerns ⚠️ : Ya know how companies always collect data bout us these days? Well imagine wat kinda info could come outta this situation: What height/weight range gets flagged for additional screening? Who gets charged extra fees based off their size??All dis stuff has yet ta be answered 🙅‍♂️ …But hey maybe its worth the tradeoff between convenience and security (or something).

At least that’s wat airline execs seem ta think anyway 😉 Bottom line: People gotsta figure out wats mo important ta dem – privacy or convenience ☑ ? Or maybe both…Whatevahs the case we’ll jus haveta wait n see wats gonna

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