Plane Crash

🛩️😯🤐 Brahdahs Stay Quiet Aftah Da Big Plane Crash!

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eh, so you guys wen hear? One big kine plane crash went happen, an’ get dis one Russian kine big shot guy Yevgeny V. Prigozhin stay inside. Dis buggah wen cause small kine ruckus back in June, yeah? But den, no get any solid word if he stay alive or not aftah da plane wen go down. 🤷🤔

An’ guess what? No even one peep from da Russian top guns, including da big boss, President Vladimir V. Putin. He no even give one hint about what wen go down. 😶🤫

Sergey V. Lavrov, da foreign minister guy from Russia, he also never talk story about da plane crash, even wen he was at da BRICS summit in Johannesburg. Brah, instead of talking about da plane, he was all about inviting new countries join da BRICS group. Whatevahs, right? 😅🌍

Da President of Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky, he straight up say they nevah have any part in da plane crash. “We no stay involved, no way, no how,” he said wen he was in front of da media. 🙅‍♂️🇺🇦

Da plane dat everyone tink Prigozhin was on, was one business jet, and was cruising all smooth. Den out of nowhere, bam! Da plane just wen drop from da sky. 📉🌌

Flightradar24, one website for checking planes in real-time, wen come out with one report. Da jet was just doing its thing at 28,000 feet, and den in da next few minutes, went all haywire. Was like da plane was playing yo-yo in da sky, going up an’ down all kine, and den just plop down thousands of feet. Brahdahs, was nuts! 😱🎢

Da guys from Flightradar24, dey say da last time da plane was sending data, was around 6:20 p.m. Moscow time. Da plane was at about 19,725 feet, and den just like dat, all went south. They said da data shows da plane had one “dramatic descent.” Ho, must’ve been scary fo’ da guys inside! 😰🔥

Some peeps even said they saw one video released by Russian media showing da plane diving straight down from da sky, with smoke coming out. No can even imagine, brah. 🎥💨

Chris Lomas, one plane expert from Flightradar24, say cannot really tell why da plane wen crash. But he sure da plane was all good before all da drama. He tink maybe da plane wen try do something aftah something went wrong. 🛠️🔄

Da Brazilian company, Embraer, dey wen make da plane, right? But they said since 2019, dey nevah provide support for da jet cause of some sanctions stuff. Mostly was for like maintenance and other kine help. So, who knows what was going on with da jet? 🇧🇷✈️

So, all in all, da whole thing still stay one big mystery. Everybody wondering, but no one talking. Only time will tell what really wen happen. Till den, stay tuned, brahdahs and sistahs! 🧐🤙🌺


🛩️😯🤐 Major Plane Crash, Big Names Stay Tight-Lipped!

Did you hear the latest? A significant plane crash occurred, and it’s believed that the prominent Russian figure Yevgeny V. Prigozhin was onboard. This guy had caused a minor uproar back in June. However, there’s still no concrete evidence if he survived the crash or not. 🤷🤔

And here’s the catch: Not a single statement from the top Russian officials, including their main man, President Vladimir V. Putin. He hasn’t given any indication about the incident. 😶🤫

Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, also didn’t mention the plane crash during his time at the BRICS summit in Johannesburg. Instead, he focused on the topic of inviting new nations to join the BRICS group. A diversion, perhaps? 😅🌍

Ukraine’s President, Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky, made it clear that his country had no involvement in the tragic event. “We’re not connected to this incident in any way,” he confirmed during a press meet. 🙅‍♂️🇺🇦

The aircraft, believed to carry Prigozhin, was a business jet and was reportedly flying steady. But suddenly, it took a dramatic plunge from its cruising altitude. 📉🌌

Flightradar24, a real-time aircraft tracking website, published a report. The jet maintained a steady altitude of 28,000 feet, and then, within minutes, it began erratic movements. It appeared as though the plane was bouncing in the air, undergoing rapid ascents and descents, before taking a deep dive. Absolutely unsettling to imagine! 😱🎢

According to Flightradar24, the last transmission from the plane was around 6:20 p.m. Moscow time, at an altitude of 19,725 feet, followed by its “dramatic descent.” Quite a terrifying scenario for those onboard! 😰🔥

There are even reports of a video, released by Russian media, showing the plane nosediving, trailing smoke. The very thought is chilling. 🎥💨

Chris Lomas, an aviation specialist from Flightradar24, mentioned that it’s challenging to determine the exact cause of the crash. However, he’s certain that the aircraft was functioning correctly until the sudden plummet. He speculated that there might have been an effort from the plane’s side to rectify a sudden malfunction. 🛠️🔄

Now, the aircraft’s manufacturer, Embraer from Brazil, clarified that they ceased support for that particular jet model since 2019 due to sanctions. This support primarily revolved around maintenance. So, the actual condition of the plane remains a puzzle. 🇧🇷✈️

In summary, the entire event remains shrouded in mystery. Everyone’s curious, but the answers are few. Let’s hope time reveals the truth behind this tragic event. Stay updated, folks! 🧐🤙🌺

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