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🚭 Australia Goin’ Crack Down Hard On Da Kine Illegal Vape Sales, Tryna Cut Da Teen Use 🇦🇺

Da governmen’ of Australia, dem guys stay planning foa crackdown on top da sales of all kine vape stuffs, just foa fun. Dey like make sure dat only da pharmacies can sell things like e-cigs, and only if get prescription. 😷🔖

Da Australian health minister, one dude named Mark Butler, wen’ talk story on Tuesday, sayin’ dat vaping wen’ come out like some kine medicine foa help da smokers quit. But, brah, instead all dat wen’ do was make plenny new peeps, mostly da young ones, start using nicotine. 🚬🚫

“Had no talk about dis being one fun thing, especially fo’ da keiki. But dat’s what it wen’ turn into — da biggest pilikia, I tink, in Australian health care history,” Butler wen’ say when he wen’ talk to da National Press Club of Australia. 🎤🦘

“We wen’ get fooled,” he wen’ say next. Vapes, dey only legal if get one prescription in Australia, but Butler wen’ say dat one “unregulated kinda illegal” black market wen’ blow up in da convenience stores, da smoke shops, and da vape stores all ova da place. 🌏⚖️

“One kine prescription model but almost no prescriptions, one ban but no real enforcement, one addictive product but no support foa quit,” he wen’ say. Da government gonna try harder foa block da importation of any vape stuffs not going to da pharmacies, and dey gonna stop selling vapes in da retail stores. 🏪🛑

Da vapes, dey gonna need foa have packaging same like da medicine kine stuffs. “No more bubble gum flavors, no more pink unicorns, no more vapes looking like highlighter pens fo’ da keiki fo’ hide dem in their pencil cases,” Butler wen’ add. 🦄🖍️

Australia gonna ban da single-use disposable vapes, and dey gonna let all da doctors write prescriptions fo’ da vape products. Right now, only one in 20 Australian doctors can do dat. 💉👨‍⚕️vc

Butler wen’ say dat da government’s next budget proposal gonna include $737 million Australian dollars ($492 million) fo’ fund different kine stuffs foa help with da vaping and tobacco use, including one lung cancer screening program and one national public information campaign foa encourage users fo’ quit. 💰👩‍⚕️

One in six Australians between da ages of 14 and 17 and one-quarter of those between ages 18 and 24 wen’ vape, according to Butler, and da only group seeing their smoking rate go up in da country are those unda 25. 🚸🔝

Da Australian Council on Smoking and Health and da Public Health Association of Australia wen’ clap hands foa da new anti-vaping measures. 👏🙌

“Da widespread, aggressive marketing of vaping products, especially to da keiki, is one worldwide pilikia,” wen’ say PHAA CEO Terry Slevin. 🌍💢

“Fo’ smokers who are legit trying to quit using vapes, da prescription model pathway is and should be in place,” Slevin wen’ add. “But dat should not be at da cost of creating one new generation of nicotine addicts among keiki and young people

Da government neva say wen da new efforts goin’ start. 📅🤔

Accordin’ to da Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, get plenny odda countries dat also ban da retail sale of e-cigarettes, like Brazil, India, Japan, and Thailand. 🌏🚭

Da sale of vaping products in retail stores stay legal and regulated in da U.S., but even dey wen’ see one increase in vaping rates among da teens. 🇺🇸😥

So, Australia stay stepping up dea game foa protect da young peeps from all da kine nicotine addiction dat come wit’ vaping. Dey like make shua dat only da peeps who legit need foa quit smoking goin’ get access to da vape stuffs. Dis one important move foa keep da keiki and da young peeps safe, and show da rest of da world how foa do da same. 🌈🤙


🚭 Australia Cracking Down on Illegal Vape Sales to Curb Teen Use 🇦🇺

The Australian government is planning a crackdown on the sales of all types of vape products. They want to ensure that only pharmacies can sell items like e-cigarettes, and only with a prescription. 😷🔖

Australian Health Minister Mark Butler spoke on Tuesday, stating that vaping was initially introduced as a tool to help smokers quit. However, it has led to many new users, primarily young people, starting to use nicotine. 🚬🚫

“It wasn’t promoted as a recreational product, especially not for children. But that’s what it has become — the biggest issue, I think, in Australian healthcare history,” Butler said at the National Press Club of Australia. 🎤🦘

“We’ve been deceived,” he continued. Vapes are only legal with a prescription in Australia, but Butler mentioned that an “unregulated, essentially illegal” black market has emerged in convenience stores, tobacconists, and vape shops across the country. 🌏⚖️

“A so-called prescription model with almost no prescriptions, a ban with no real enforcement, an addictive product with no support to quit,” he said. The government will intensify efforts to block the importation of any vape products not destined for pharmacies and will halt the sale of vapes in retail stores. 🏪🛑

Vapes will also be required to have packaging similar to pharmaceutical products. “No more bubble gum flavors, no more pink unicorns, no more vapes deliberately disguised as highlighter pens for kids to be able to hide them in their pencil cases,” Butler added. 🦄🖍️

Australia will ban single-use disposable vapes, and all doctors will be allowed to write prescriptions for vaping products. Currently, only one in 20 Australian doctors can do so. 💉👨‍⚕️

Butler said the government’s next budget proposal would include $737 million Australian dollars ($492 million) to fund various efforts aimed at vaping and tobacco use, including a lung cancer screening program and a national public information campaign to encourage users to quit. 💰👩‍⚕️

One in six Australians between the ages of 14 and 17 and one-quarter of those between ages 18 and 24 have vaped, according to Butler, and the only group seeing their smoking rate increase in the country are those under 25. 🚸🔝

The Australian Council on Smoking and Health and the Public Health Association of Australia applauded the new anti-vaping measures. 👏🙌

“The widespread, aggressive marketing of vaping products, particularly to children, is a worldwide scourge,” said PHAA CEO Terry Slevin. 🌍💢

“For smokers who are legitimately trying to quit using vapes, the prescription model pathway is and should be in place,” Slevin added. “But that should not be at the cost of creating a new generation of nicotine addicts among children and young people.”

The government did not specify when the new efforts would begin. 📅🤔

According to the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, dozens of other countries also ban the retail sale of e-cigarettes, including Brazil, India, Japan, and Thailand. 🌏🚭

The sale of vaping products in retail stores is legal and regulated in the U.S., which has also seen an increase in vaping rates among teens. 🇺🇸😥

Australia is stepping up their efforts to protect young people from the nicotine addiction that comes with vaping. They want to ensure that only those who genuinely need it to quit smoking have access to vape products. This important move aims to keep children and young people safe, and set an example for the rest of the world on how to address this issue. 🌈🤙

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