young locals in Greece

🚨 Greece Da Kine Act Caught: No Leave Migrants Stranded at Sea but Broke da Rule

Bra, da Greece side 🇬🇷 been say dem no leave migrants for drown in da sea 🌊. But guess what, dey wen get busted doing jus’ dat! 🙅‍♂️🎥 We wen see videos showing asylum seekers, including some small kids 👶, all getting collected together, taken out to da ocean, and then left on top one inflatable raft by da Greece Coast Guard.

Dem peepz been bouncing around diff’rent countries 🌍 for yeeaaars, all fo’ run away from war in da Horn of Africa. Dey jus’ wen start fo’ touch ground in Europe, hoping fo’ start new lives, wen some masked men 🎭 wen come and snatch away all their stuff.

Dey all been stuffed inside da small boat 🚤, tryna protect demself from da hot sun 🌞, rocking on da big sea, and da wahine Naima Hassan Aden been holding her 6-month-old baby and crying hard 😢.

“We neva think we going survive dat day,” Naima, one 27-year-old from Somalia, say. “Dey been put us on top da inflatable raft, no care, no aloha.” 💔

Dis kine stuff happen plenty, but most times nobody know nothing about um. But dis time, one activist 📣 wen film everything and wen share um with The New York Times 🗞️.

The Times wen go and check da footage 🎞️, and also wen talk story with 11 of da asylum seekers from Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia who dey wen find in one detention center in Izmir, Turkey 🇹🇷. Most of dem still been wearing da same clothes from da video. Dey wen share their stories, and everything match up with what wen happen inside da video.

Da Greek government 🏛️ no like talk story about dis, but da Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis wen defend his government’s “tough but fair” immigration policies 📜. He been bragging dat dey see 90% less “illegal migrants” showing up.

But den dis video 🎥 come out, given by one Austrian aid worker, Fayad Mulla, who been working on da island for couple years trying to document all da bad stuff happen to da migrants. Dis might be da strongest evidence yet of da Greek authorities breaking international laws and E.U. rules 🇪🇺.

The Times wen verify da video, doing all kine checks to confirm who da peepz in da video, where dey been, and when all dis stuff wen happen 🕵️‍♀️.

Dey even wen show da video to three high-up guys from da European Commission in Brussels. After, da Commission say dey “concerned by da footage” and even though dey no wen check da video demself, dey going talk story with da Greek authorities 👀.

Greece and da European Union been acting all hard towards da migrants ever since plenty refugees came from Syria, Iraq and other places in 2015 and 2016. Dey been get more than one million refugees, brah, and dat wen change up how Europe think about everything, stirring up all kine bad feelings 😥.

Greece no da only one cracking down on migrants, Poland, Italy and Lithuania all been change their laws to make um easier fo’ push away migrants and punish those who help um 🚫.

But now these new videos and testimonies show more about what really been happening in Greece and some people hope dis might be da thing fo’ help change up da system. After all, these people, dey jus’ looking fo’ safe place fo’ live, not da kind harsh treatment dey been getting. Dey deserve more aloha, don’t you think? 🤙💖🌏


🚨 Greece Da Kine Act Caught: No Leave Migrants Stranded at Sea but Broke da Rule

Bra, the Greek side 🇬🇷 been say they don’t leave migrants to drown in the sea 🌊. But guess what, they got busted doing just that! 🙅‍♂️🎥 We’ve seen videos showing asylum seekers, including some small kids 👶, all being gathered together, taken out to the ocean, and then left on an inflatable raft by the Greek Coast Guard.

These people have been moving around different countries 🌍 for years, trying to escape war in the Horn of Africa. They’ve just started to set foot in Europe, hoping to begin new lives, when masked men 🎭 came and snatched away all their belongings.

They were crammed into a small boat 🚤, trying to shield themselves from the scorching sun 🌞, rocking on the vast sea. Naima Hassan Aden, a 27-year-old woman from Somalia, held her 6-month-old baby in her arms and wept bitterly 😢.

“We never thought we would survive that day,” said Naima. “They placed us on the inflatable raft without any care or compassion.” 💔

These incidents often go unnoticed, but this time, an activist 📣 filmed everything and shared it with The New York Times 🗞️.

The Times went to verify the footage 🎞️ and also spoke with 11 asylum seekers from Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, who were found in a detention center in Izmir, Turkey 🇹🇷. Most of them were still wearing the same clothes as in the video. They shared their stories, and everything matched what had happened in the video.

The Greek government 🏛️ didn’t want to comment on this, but Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis defended his government’s “tough but fair” immigration policies 📜. He boasted about a 90% decrease in the arrival of “illegal migrants.”

But then this video 🎥 emerged, provided by an Austrian aid worker, Fayad Mulla, who has been working on the island for years to document the hardships faced by migrants. This might be the strongest evidence yet of the Greek authorities violating international laws and E.U. regulations 🇪🇺.

The Times verified the video, conducting thorough checks to identify the individuals in the video, determine the location and timing 🕵️‍♀️.

They even showed the video to three high-ranking officials from the European Commission in Brussels. Afterward, the Commission expressed concern about the footage, stating that although they hadn’t verified it themselves, they would discuss the matter with the Greek authorities 👀.

Greece, along with the European Union, has taken a tough stance on migrants since the influx of refugees from Syria, Iraq, and other countries in 2015 and 2016. They received over a million refugees, brah, and it changed the way Europe perceived everything, sparking various negative sentiments 😥.

Greece isn’t the only country cracking down on migrants; Poland, Italy, and Lithuania have also changed their laws to make it easier to reject migrants and penalize those who assist them 🚫.

But now, these new videos and testimonies shed light on what has truly been happening in Greece. Some people hope that this might be the catalyst for bringing about change in the system. After all, these individuals are just seeking a safe place to live, not the harsh treatment they’ve been subjected to. They deserve more aloha, don’t you think? 🤙💖🌏

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