Delivery Driver

🚗💵 Da DoorDash, Shifting Business Model, Gonna Offer Drivers Hourly Pay

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da kumpany say da option goin’ give da drivers mo’ choice. E goin’ help DoorDash find peeps who goin’ make da less desirable deliveries too. DoorDash wen announce on Wednesday dat dey goin’ give deir delivery drivers da option fo’ get paid one hourly minimum wage, instead of makin’ money fo’ each delivery.

Da significant change in compensation goin’ address da concerns dat some delivery peeps no stay gettin’ paid fair. E goin’ also give drivers one incentive fo’ pick up smaller orders dat no pay as good an’ usually dey goin’ avoid.

Drivers goin’ get fo’ choose if dey like earn money fo’ each order – usually couple dollars in base pay plus compensation fo’ miles driven – o’ get one flat hourly amount, say DoorDash.

Da hourly rate goin’ include only da active time, meanin’ da time between acceptin’ an’ droppin’ off one order, an’ no goin’ include da time when drivers stay waitin’ fo’ da next order. Drivers goin’ have da choice fo’ toggle between da two payment methods. Da tips goin’ get added on top of da hourly base pay, say da kumpany. 🚗💰🕒

DoorDash, wea dey use gig workers fo’ transport food an’ oddah deliveries, wen announce dis change as part of Dash Forward, one product event fo’ celebrate DoorDash’s 10th anniversary.

DoorDash say dey add dis payment option fo’ respond to da feedback from da drivers an’ cuz dey like give drivers mo’ power fo’ make decisions.

“One ting we stay hear plenny is ’bout choice: Choice of when, wea, an’ how dey make money stay real important,” say Cody Aughney, da head of da kumpany’s Dasher & Logistics team.

Da relationship between gig workers an’ kumpanies like DoorDash an’ Uber stay get scrutiny from regulators an’ labor activists recent years. Da big questions stay ’bout how dey classify da workers an’ if dey stay gettin’ paid enough.

Gig drivers usually stay independent contractors, meanin’ dey responsible fo’ dey own expenses an’ no get benefits like full-time employees. Dey been complainin’ long time dat dey no get paid enough an’ sometimes dey get exploited by da kumpanies.

DoorDash say drivers who choose fo’ get paid hourly an’ those who earn money per delivery goin’ make similar amount. Da minimum compensation goin’ depend on da region an’ goin’ range from $10 to $19.50 per hour, say da kumpany.

Da new payment method stay similar to Proposition 22, one ballot measure in California in 2020 dat get support from gig kumpanies an’ guarantee drivers one minimum wage an’ oddah limited benefits, but in exchange, drivers stay not classified as employees.

But DoorDash say dey get one big difference: Drivers can switch between hourly an’ per-delivery pay as much as dey like. Dis new system no goin’ be used in California, Seattle, o’ New York – da areas dat get laws fo’ minimum pay fo’ drivers.

Sergio Avedian, one longtime driver an’ contributor to The Rideshare Guy, one blog dat give tips to gig drivers, say da hourly pay option “gives da drivers one little bit of comfort zone.”

Mr. Avedian, who encourage drivers fo’ decline orders dat no goin’ offer one decent payday o’ good tip, say da hourly payment can be one way fo’ DoorDash fo’ get dem fo’ accept smaller deliveries dey woulda passed on.

“On deir end, da point stay fo’ push as much orders as dey can, an’ on da driver’s end, e goin’ give dem some security,” he say.

Cuz some drivers do decline da less desirable orders, DoorDash say da ones who accept everything dey offered end up gettin’ plenty of da cheaper deliveries an’ stay at one disadvantage. Da hourly minimum pay, da kumpany say, goin’ help dat group. 🚗💵📦


🚗💵 DoorDash, Shifting Business Model, Will Offer Drivers Hourly Pay

The company says the option will give drivers more choice. It will also help DoorDash find people willing to handle less desirable deliveries. DoorDash announced on Wednesday that it will give its delivery drivers the option to receive an hourly minimum wage instead of being paid per delivery.

This significant change in compensation aims to address concerns about unfair pay for some delivery workers. It also provides an incentive for drivers to accept smaller orders that may not pay as well, which they would typically avoid.

Drivers will have the option to choose between earning money for each order, typically a few dollars in base pay plus compensation for mileage, or receiving a flat hourly rate, according to DoorDash.

The hourly rate will only include active time, which refers to the period between accepting and dropping off an order. It does not include the time drivers spend waiting for the next order. Drivers will have the flexibility to switch between the two payment methods. Tips will be added on top of the hourly base pay, the company explained. 🚗💰🕒

DoorDash, known for utilizing gig workers to transport food and other deliveries, made this announcement as part of Dash Forward, a product event celebrating the company’s 10th anniversary.

DoorDash stated that it added this payment option in response to feedback from drivers and to empower them to make decisions.

“One thing we’ve heard a lot is about choice: the choice of when, where, and how they earn is really important,” said Cody Aughney, head of the company’s Dasher & Logistics team.

The relationship between gig workers and companies like DoorDash and Uber has faced scrutiny from regulators and labor activists in recent years. The main questions revolve around worker classification and fair compensation.

Gig drivers are usually classified as independent contractors, responsible for their own expenses and without benefits typically provided to full-time employees. They have long complained about inadequate pay and occasional exploitation by these companies.

DoorDash claims that drivers who choose to be paid hourly and those who earn money per delivery will likely make a similar amount. The minimum compensation will vary by region, ranging from $10 to $19.50 per hour, according to the company.

This new payment method bears some similarities to Proposition 22, a 2020 ballot measure in California that received support from gig companies. Proposition 22 guaranteed drivers a minimum wage and limited benefits while keeping them classified as independent contractors.

However, DoorDash highlights a major difference: drivers can switch between hourly and per-delivery pay as frequently as they desire. This new system will not be implemented in California, Seattle, or New York, as these areas have laws governing minimum pay for drivers.

Sergio Avedian, a longtime driver and contributor to The Rideshare Guy, a blog providing tips to gig drivers, believes that the hourly pay option “gives drivers a little bit of a comfort zone.”

Mr. Avedian, who encourages drivers to decline orders that do not offer a decent payday or a good tip, sees hourly payment as a way for DoorDash to encourage them to accept smaller deliveries they would have otherwise passed on.

“On their end, the goal is to maximize the number of orders they can handle, and on the driver’s end, it may provide them with some security,” he said.

Since some drivers decline less desirable orders, DoorDash acknowledges that those who accept all offered orders end up receiving a disproportionate number of lower-paying deliveries, putting them at a disadvantage. The hourly minimum pay, according to the company, aims to address this issue. 🚗💵📦

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