Tesla Market

🚗💨💸 Ho, Bruddah! Tesla Kine Profits Taking Da Big Dive

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eh, you heard? Tesla, da big kahuna in da electric car world, wen go take one mean hit in their money bag. Right aftah they went make their cars more cheap, da profits wen drop, and not just small kine – 44% down from da last year, brah! 😲📉

Da main man, Elon Musk, wen say even with their new model, da “Cybertruck”, no can expect quick money. He went warn everybody, no hold your breath fo’ making good money from it too soon aftah it hits da market end of November. 🚛⚡️

Da numbas? Well, Tesla’s net profit between July and September was $1.9 billion. When you think about how last year during da same time, they wen make $3.3 billion, ho, dat’s one big loss. And you know what? Elon wen say plenty hard work going be needed fo’ get the Cybertruck pumping and to make money off of it. 💪😓

You know why all this happening? ‘Cause Tesla been slashing their car prices by like one-fourth in da U.S. last year. Now their Model Y sport-utility vehicle, da one everybody like, starts at $44,000. Same kine price like da Toyota RAV4 Prime, da one with electric and gas engine. Tesla wen say in one statement, if you like be da best in da industry, you gotta be da cheapest too. 🚘🏷️

But even with da price cuts, Tesla’s share in da electric car market wen drop from 60% to 50%. Other car companies like BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, and GM, all introducing new electric cars, making it hard fo’ Tesla fo’ stay on top. 🌎🚗⚡️

Plus, no forget China and Europe. Over there, local car companies making life hard for Tesla too. 🌍🔌

Everybody been waiting for the Cybertruck fo’ boost sales. But brah, been two years already and da truck still no come out. Elon wen admit, they having one hard time making the truck ’cause the body made outta some fancy kine stainless steel. Hard fo’ work with but looks mean and no need paint. But like he wen say, “We dug our own grave with Cybertruck.” 🚚🤦

Da other companies like Ford and GM, their electric trucks sales also no dat good. Seems like da people no like buy ’em as much as everybody thought. And Elon? He still believe plenty people like buy the Cybertruck. But gotta make ’em affordable, yeah? 🤷🤑

And you know what else? If the workers at Ford, G.M., and Stellantis go on strike, might be good news for Tesla ’cause their workers no union. If da other car companies get strike, more chance fo’ Tesla. 👷✊

On da stock market side, Tesla’s stock price wen take one hit aftah Elon’s talk story session. Went down nearly 5%, and then another 3% aftah. Elon wen say, he no think things going be bad, but might be. Kinda like when da surf’s up but da waves no come. 🌊🏄

So, bruddahs and sistahs, we see how da story unfolds, yeah? Electric cars, big promises, but sometimes the tide turns. Gotta keep our eyes on da road and see where Tesla go from here. 🤙🚗💨🌺


Whoa, Folks! Tesla’s Profits Take a Nosedive 🚗💨💸

Have you heard the buzz? Tesla, the top dog in the electric car game, faced a significant hit to their bottom line. After they decided to cut their prices, their profits plummeted – we’re talking a whopping 44% from the previous year! 😲📉

Elon Musk, Tesla’s main guy, indicated that even with their anticipated new model, the “Cybertruck”, instant profits aren’t on the horizon. He hinted that we shouldn’t expect it to turn into a cash cow immediately after its launch at the end of November. 🚛⚡️

Let’s talk numbers: Tesla’s net profit from July to September was a cool $1.9 billion. Considering they raked in $3.3 billion during the same period the year before, that’s quite a drop. Musk highlighted the significant effort required to get the Cybertruck rolling and ensuring it’s profitable. 💪😓

So, why did this happen? Tesla has been aggressively reducing their car prices by about 25% in the U.S. over the past year. Their popular Model Y sport-utility vehicle now starts at $44,000, rivaling the price tag of the Toyota RAV4 Prime, a hybrid model with both an electric and a gasoline engine. Tesla’s perspective? To be the best in the business, you’ve got to offer the best prices. 🚘🏷️

But even with these aggressive price reductions, Tesla’s market share in the electric car segment dipped from 60% to 50%. Other big names like BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, and GM have been unveiling new electric models, challenging Tesla’s leadership position. 🌎🚗⚡️

Also, let’s not forget about overseas challenges, particularly in China and Europe. Over in these regions, local car companies are stepping up and giving Tesla a run for their money. 🌍🔌

Everyone’s been eagerly waiting for the Cybertruck to bolster sales. But it’s been two years, and the truck’s still in the works. Elon admitted that they’re grappling with manufacturing challenges because of the truck’s unique stainless steel body. It’s tough but looks sleek and doesn’t require painting. He candidly remarked, “We dug our own grave with Cybertruck.” 🚚🤦

Rival companies like Ford and GM haven’t seen great sales for their electric trucks either. It seems the demand might not be as high as many initially believed. But Elon remains optimistic about the Cybertruck. His caveat? It needs to be priced right. 🤷🤑

Another interesting twist? If workers at Ford, G.M., and Stellantis decide to strike, this could inadvertently benefit Tesla since their workforce isn’t unionized. If the competition faces worker strikes, Tesla might get a leg up. 👷✊

On the stock market front, Tesla’s stock price faced a dip post Musk’s briefing. A decline of nearly 5%, followed by an additional 3%. Elon remained measured, stating that he doesn’t predict a downturn but acknowledges the possibility of uncertain times ahead. Kind of like predicting the weather – you never really know. 🌊🏄

So, friends, that’s the story for now. Electric cars, grand ambitions, but sometimes challenges arise. Let’s stay tuned and see where Tesla’s journey leads next. 🤙🚗💨🌺

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