USA police officers

🚓👊🌺 Nevah See Dis One Coming! 6 Ex-Cops Own Up Afta Making Any Kine to Two Bruddahs in Mississippi

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Howzit everybody! Big kine news coming from Rankin County, Mississippi. Six ex-cops wen plead guilty afta making real bad kine stuffs to two local Black bruddahs. Dis no good action wen go down inside one house and da kine officials said, the guys wen kena beat up and worse.

So, couple weeks ago, these ex-officers wen already admit to doing wrong tings dat wen break federal civil rights. But Monday, they wen own up to da state charges too. In dat raid, which wen happen on Jan. 24, one of da victims wen kena shoot in da mouth 😲, and da other guy wen get one crazy thing forced into his mouth.

Afta all dat, the officers wen try act all slick 🦊 and cover up what they wen do by getting rid of evidence and dropping one gun at da scene, like they never do anything. The big boss lady from da Mississippi Attorney General’s office, Lynn Fitch, wen talk on Monday saying dis kind action no can run in Mississippi. She wen give big mahalos to all da guys helping bring pono (justice) for da two bruddahs who wen suffer.

Inside da court, right there in Brandon, Mississippi, these ex-cops wen confess to some heavy-duty crimes: going inside da house without permission, hiding da truth, and planning together to block da law from doing its job. One of them, Hunter Elward, wen also confess to shooting one of da Black bruddahs.

Now, da guys who make da laws wen recommend Hunter Elward stay jail for at least 15 years. The other officers might get anywhere from five to ten years. These sentences might run same time with da federal ones, but looks like the feds might make it more rough. Some of them might even stay in jail until they say, “aloha ‘oe” to the world. Their final judgement gonna come in November.

Now, who these two Black guys? Their names Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker. They wen make their own complaint in June against these six officers, saying they wen get racial abuse for almost two hours during that raid in January. They were chilling at one ranch house in Braxton, owned by one longtime friend of Mr. Parker. On that Jan. 24 night, one busybody neighbor wen tell Brett McAlpin, one sheriff’s deputy, that couple Black guys was acting all funny at the house.

So Brett McAlpin, with his posse of five other officers, wen just crash the place, no more warrant or anything. Three of these ex-cops – Middleton, Elward, and Opdyke – they wen call themselves “da goon squad”, all because they like use too much force and no talk about it.

Inside da house, the officers wen find Jenkins and Parker and wen cuff them. They wen get all mean: using stun guns, yelling racial stuff, beating them up with kitchen things and even one sword. They even poured milk, booze, and choco syrup on their faces. One crazy time, Elward wen try pretend shoot Jenkins in the mouth. But then, the real bullet wen come out, injuring Jenkins real bad.

Later, the officers wen do more bad stuffs. They wen put one gun next to Jenkins, send fake drug evidence to da lab, and destroyed all the video and other evidence.

Da Rankin County Sheriff’s Office wen later say five of their guys wen either quit or got kicked out. Da Richland Police Department wen post on Facebook that Hartfield wen quit too.

On top of all that, on Aug. 3, all six officers wen confess to more federal crimes. That same day, Ms. Finch wen announce more state charges against them.

One attorney, Jeff Reynolds, wen speak up for Mr. Opdyke saying he knows he did wrong and he ready for take the consequences.

Malik Shabazz, attorney for Parker and Jenkins, wen say the confessions wen make history. Dis the first time evah in Mississippi history where one white cop wen get held accountable for doing wrong to one Black person.

Ho, nevah see dis one coming! But, good for see da truth coming out and justice being done. Everyone deserves pono in their life, no matter where you stay or what color your skin. 🤙🌺🌈🙏🏽


🚓👊🌺 Unbelievable Turn of Events! 6 Ex-Cops Admit Guilt in Brutal Assault of Two Men in Mississippi

Breaking news from Rankin County, Mississippi: Six former police officers have pleaded guilty following a shocking assault on two Black men in a residence. The incident was so severe that authorities said the men were beaten and even worse.

A couple of weeks prior, these officers had admitted to federal civil rights violations. And now, on Monday, they’ve owned up to the state’s charges as well. During the assault, which took place on Jan. 24, one victim was tragically shot in the mouth 😲, while the other endured an unimaginable act.

After the incident, the officers allegedly tried to be crafty 🦊, attempting to hide their tracks by destroying evidence and planting a firearm at the scene. Lynn Fitch, the head of the Mississippi Attorney General’s office, voiced her thoughts on Monday, stating that such actions won’t stand in Mississippi. She expressed her gratitude to everyone involved in ensuring justice for the two innocent men who had suffered.

In court, located in Brandon, Mississippi, these ex-officers confessed to a series of crimes: breaking into the residence, obstructing justice, and plotting to interfere with legal proceedings. One of them, Hunter Elward, also admitted to the shooting of one of the Black men.

The legal team proposed Hunter Elward serve at least 15 years in prison. Sentences for the other officers could range from five to ten years. These terms might run concurrently with federal ones, which could be even harsher. Some may even spend their lives behind bars. Their final sentencing is expected in November.

As for the victims, they’re identified as Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker. They filed their own case in June against the six officers, recounting nearly two hours of racial abuse during that January raid. They were at a ranch house in Braxton, owned by Parker’s longtime friend. That night, a nosy neighbor informed Brett McAlpin, a sheriff’s deputy, of suspicious activity at the house.

Brett McAlpin and five other officers decided to storm the place without any legal warrant. Three of these former officers – Middleton, Elward, and Opdyke – had the audacity to call themselves “the goon squad,” boasting about their excessive use of force.

Once inside, they found Jenkins and Parker, handcuffed them, and began their spree of violence: deploying stun guns, shouting racial slurs, and using household items and even a sword as weapons. They further humiliated them with milk, alcohol, and chocolate syrup. At one point, Elward tried a mock execution with Jenkins, which turned horrifically real, injuring Jenkins severely.

The officers didn’t stop there. They attempted to pin the crime on Jenkins, falsified drug evidence, and erased all incriminating videos and other evidence.

Rankin County Sheriff’s Office later reported that five of the involved had either resigned or were dismissed. Richland Police Department mentioned on Facebook that Hartfield had also resigned.

Additionally, on Aug. 3, all six officers confessed to further federal offenses. That very day, Ms. Finch announced more state charges against them.

Jeff Reynolds, a lawyer representing Mr. Opdyke, acknowledged his client’s wrongdoing and stated he’s ready to face the repercussions.

Malik Shabazz, representing Parker and Jenkins, highlighted the significance of these admissions. It marked a historic moment in Mississippi, where a white law enforcement officer was held accountable for mistreating a Black individual.

This event is truly astonishing. It’s heartening to see truth prevail and justice served. Everyone deserves fairness and justice in their life, regardless of their background. 🤙🌺🌈🙏🏽

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