
🚁🔍 Da California Officials Stay Investigating Flight of Migrants to Sacramento

Da state attorney general said da migrants carried documents dat specified a Florida government agency and one company dat dropped migrants in Martha’s Vineyard last year. 📋🛩️🌴

Sixteen migrants from Venezuela and Colombia wen suddenly get flown on one private chartered jet to California and dropped off outside one church building in Sacramento on Friday, state officials said. Dem accuse one contractor for one state-funded Florida program of transporting da group from outside one Texas migrant center unda one false promise of jobs if da migrants agree fo’ go California. ✈️🏛️🌎

“We confident it was Florida,” da California’s attorney general, Rob Bonta, said in one interview on Sunday. He mention da documents da migrants showed authorities wen dey arrive, and da documents show dat dey travel was “administered by da Florida Division of Emergency Management” and its contractor, Vertol Systems Company. 🏛️🛫🔎

Mr. Bonta, whose office stay investigating da incident, said da migrants, who no speak English fluent, wen approached outside El Paso and told “in broken Spanish” fo’ sign da documents so dey can get on da plane to Sacramento. But no all of dem understood where dey was going and signed. 📝🤝❌

Da incident similar to da aggressive tactic dat hard-line Republican governors use fo’ protest President Biden’s immigration policies. Dey dispatch plenty migrants, wit’ litto explanation or warning, to states and cities where Democrats lead. Vertol Systems was da company dat wen transport migrants in da fall wen Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida wen direct two planeloads of South American migrants from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard, one Democratic-leaning Massachusetts island. 🛫🌊🔵

Representatives fo’ Vertol and fo’ Mr. DeSantis, one Republican who wen make immigration one major theme of his campaign fo’ president, neva respond immediately to requests fo’ comment. On da campaign trail, Mr. DeSantis wen often talk about him decision to send migrants to Martha’s Vineyard and get inta heated exchanges wit’ Gov. Gavin Newsom of California about immigration. 🗣️🔥💬

Mr. Bonta and Mr. Newsom, who both Democrats, wen meet wit’ da migrants on Saturday and promise fo’ take care of dem while dey stay in da state. 💼🏛️🤝

On Sunday, Mr. Bonta wen say dat members of da group wen take photos and videos of deir trip, showing images of da people who approached dem in Texas and guided dem to Sacramento as dey start fo’ worry about da situation. He promise fo’ aggressively pursue da possibility of criminal or civil charges fo’ everybody involved in da transport, calling da action “morally bankrupt.” ⚖️🚁😡

“To make um clear, dis was da state of Florida using its budget fo’ move migrants in Texas to New Mexico and California,” he said. “Dese migrants neva even step foot in Florida.” 🌴🛫🌵

California, along wit’ da city of Sacramento and local nonprofit organizations, goin’ work fo’ make sure da people who jus’ arrive get treated wit’ respect and dignity, and dey reach deir intended destination while pursuing deir immigration cases, Mr. Newsom said in one statement. Several nonprofit organizations in Sacramento wen confirm dat dey wen talk wit’ da migrants. 💼🏢🤝

Mr. Bonta wen say dat da migrants, plenty of dem wen meet each oddah during deir journey and stick together fo’ safety, include one girl who wen turn 18 while on da road and one faddah who wen leave six kids behind in one desperate effort fo’ take care of his family. 🚸🛣️👧👨‍👧‍👧

One man, Mr. Bonta said, wen play one voice mail message in Spanish from him 9-year-old daughter: “Papa, I’m hungry — we neva eat today,” da attorney general said while translating da message. “Mama stay sick.” 😢📞🍽️

Da 16 migrants wen get approached outside one migrant center near El Paso by people who said dey stay dere on behalf of one private contractor and could help dem get to one center where dey goin’ receive assistance fo’ find one job, shelter, clothes, and odda necessary tings, according to state and nonprofit officials. 🚧🤝🏠👕

Reading from da paperwork dat migrants share wit’ authorities, Mr. Bonta wen say dat dey had been told fo’ sign and initial waivers sayin’ dey agree “fo’ participate in da state of Florida’s voluntary transportation program” and dat dey understand “dis program administered by da Florida Division of Emergency Management” and dat “one contractor fo’ dis program stay Vertol Systems Company Inc.” 🖋️📑📝

Da waivers, which sound like odda documents migrants carry in previous transport cases, neva mention jobs, Mr. Bonta say. Da waivers release Florida and Vertol from any responsibility. 😕📄❌

Mr. Bonta wen say dat Florida authorities probably goin’ use da paperwork fo’ argue dat da migrants wen give informed consent, like Mr. DeSantis wen argue aftah da Martha’s Vineyard incident. But, Mr. Bonta add, da migrants “neva stay fully informed and it neva stay fully consensual.” 🗂️🤔❌

Den, da migrants wen get transported to New Mexico and flown on one chartered flight to Sacramento, where dey wen get driven to da Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento. Dey get left outside one administrative building fo’ da church wit’ backpacks of belongings, little information about where dey stay, and one promise dat somebody goin’ come get dem. 😟🎒🏛️

“Da ones I wen talk to — dey feel like dey wen get lied to; some of dem say dey wen get abandoned,” Cecilia Flores, who work wit’ Sacramento ACT, one community organization, wen say. “Dey no undahstand why somebody goin’ do someting like dat.” 🗣️😞❓

Da group, she say, no get any children and look like dem stay young women and men undah 40. Plenny of dem stay apply fo’ asylum in da United States, but none of dem, as far as she know, had plan fo’ go Sacramento. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🌍🌟

Sacramento ACT and odda organizations stay workin’ fo’ find da migrants one safe place to stay and help dem wit’ deir next steps. Some of da migrants get court appointments in odda parts of da country, and some get court dates outta state within da next two weeks, Mr. Bonta say. 👥💼🏘️

Mayor Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento, one Democrat, say he feel “heartened” by da attorney general’s investigation and say dat “whoever stay behind dis, dey gotta ansah fo’ dis.” 👍🏛️🔍

Dis da second time in recent months dat migrants wen get transported to Sacramento from Texas. In September, one smaller group of Venezuelans who wen cross da border in Laredo, headin’ fo’ New York, Florida, and Utah, wen show up outside one Catholic Charities building in California’s capital city. 🚍🌆🏢

Dey wen get documents directin’ dem to da local offices of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, but officials couldn’t figure out who wen send dem. Some of dem wen walk da 10 miles from Sacramento International Airport, some even wen walk wit’ no shoes. 🚶‍♂️🛫👟

Data from FlightAware, one website dat track flights all ovah da country, show one direct flight between Deming Municipal Airport in Luna County, New Mexico, and Sacramento McClellan Airport dat land on Friday jus’ before 11 a.m. aftah ’bout three hours. One representative from Berry Aviation, one charter service based in San Marcos, Texas, wen tell da Sacramento Bee dat da flight was “somethin’ da government run,” but no comment any further. 📊🛬🌉

Vertol, da company dat supposed to bring da migrants to Sacramento, stay one aviation firm and defense contractor based in Destin, Florida. Dey get connections wit’ Republican leaders in Florida, including one of Mr. DeSantis’s top aides, Larry Keefe, one former U.S. attorney who wen represent da company in lawsuits and den wen lead da state’s migrant flight program. ✈️🏢🌴

Like Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, one Republican who wen send buses of migrants to Washington and New York last year, Mr. DeSantis wen make sure fo’ send plenny South American migrants to one Democratic-leaning state fo’ draw attention to da influx of migrants at da southern border during dat time. 🚌🌃🌎

Mr. DeSantis wen target Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Barack Obama get one vacation home, and even think ’bout sendin’ one separate flight to one airport near Mr. Biden’s house in Delaware (but dat flight wen cancel). Da 49 migrants on da Martha’s Vineyard charter flights, run by Vertol, wen say dey wen get tricked into gettin’ on da planes wit’ promises dat help goin’ be dere fo’ dem when dey land. But nobody on da ground know dey was comin’, so local officials had fo’ scramble fo’ provide food and shelter, and dat wen cause big outrage all ovah da country. 🛫🏖️🔴

Da migrants, plenny of dem wen flee from one terrible economic crisis in Venezuela, wen later sue Mr. DeSantis and odda state officials in one lawsuit dat still goin’ on. Da migrant flight program cost at least $1.5 million in taxpayer money, according to state records. 💰📋⚖️

But Mr. DeSantis and him Republican allies in Florida, dey neva back down. Lawmakers wen vote fo’ expand da state’s migrant flight program dis year, authorizin’ one $12 million budget, and da state recently wen hire three private contracting companies, including Vertol, fo’ organize da program. 💼💼💼


🚁🔍 Da California Officials Stay Investigating Flight of Migrants to Sacramento 🚁🔍

Da state attorney general said da migrants carried documents dat specified a Florida government agency and one company dat dropped migrants in Martha’s Vineyard last year. 📋🛩️🌴

Sixteen migrants from Venezuela and Colombia wen suddenly get flown on one private chartered jet to California and dropped off outside one church building in Sacramento on Friday, state officials said. Dem accuse one contractor for one state-funded Florida program of transporting da group from outside one Texas migrant center unda one false promise of jobs if da migrants agree fo’ go California. ✈️🏛️🌎

“We confident it was Florida,” da California’s attorney general, Rob Bonta, said in one interview on Sunday. He mention da documents da migrants showed authorities wen dey arrive, and da documents show dat dey travel was “administered by da Florida Division of Emergency Management” and its contractor, Vertol Systems Company. 🏛️🛫🔎

Mr. Bonta, whose office stay investigating da incident, said da migrants, who no speak English fluent, wen approached outside El Paso and told “in broken Spanish” fo’ sign da documents so dey can get on da plane to Sacramento. But no all of dem understood where dey were going and signed. 📝🤝❌

Da incident similar to da aggressive tactic dat hard-line Republican governors use fo’ protest President Biden’s immigration policies. Dey dispatch plenty migrants, wit’ litto explanation or warning, to states and cities where Democrats lead. Vertol Systems was da company dat wen transport migrants in da fall wen Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida wen direct two planeloads of South American migrants from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard, one Democratic-leaning Massachusetts island. 🛫🌊🔵

Representatives fo’ Vertol and fo’ Mr. DeSantis, one Republican who wen make immigration one major theme of his campaign fo’ president, neva respond immediately to requests fo’ comment. On da campaign trail, Mr. DeSantis wen often talk about him decision to send migrants to Martha’s Vineyard and get inta heated exchanges wit’ Gov. Gavin Newsom of California about immigration. 🗣️🔥💬

Mr. Bonta and Mr. Newsom, who both Democrats, wen meet wit’ da migrants on Saturday and promise fo’ take care of dem while dey stay in da state. 💼🏛️🤝

On Sunday, Mr. Bonta wen say dat members of da group wen take photos and videos of deir trip, showing images of da people who approached dem in Texas and guided dem to Sacramento as dey start fo’ worry about da situation. He promise fo’ aggressively pursue da possibility of criminal or civil charges fo’ everybody involved in da transport, calling da action “morally bankrupt.” ⚖️🚁😡

“To make um clear, dis was da state of Florida using its budget fo’ move migrants in Texas to New Mexico and California,” he said. “Dese migrants neva even step foot in Florida.” 🌴🛫🌵

California, along wit’ da city of Sacramento and local nonprofit organizations, goin’ work fo’ make sure da people who jus’ arrive get treated wit’ respect and dignity, and dey reach deir intended destination while pursuing deir immigration cases, Mr. Newsom said in one statement. Several nonprofit organizations in Sacramento wen confirm dat dey wen talk wit’ da migrants. 💼🏢🤝

Mr. Bonta wen say dat da migrants, plenty of dem wen meet each oddah during deir journey and stick together fo’ safety, include one girl who wen turn 18 while on da road and one faddah who wen leave six kids behind in one desperate effort fo’ take care of his family. 🚸🛣️👧👨‍👧‍👧

One man, Mr. Bonta said, wen play one voice mail message in Spanish from him 9-year-old daughter: “Papa, I’m hungry — we neva eat today,” da attorney general said while translating da message. “Mama stay sick.” 😢📞🍽️

Da 16 migrants wen get approached outside one migrant center near El Paso by people who said dey stay dere on behalf of one private contractor and could help dem get to one center where dey goin’ receive assistance fo’ find one job, shelter, clothes, and odda necessary tings, according to state and nonprofit officials. 🚧🤝🏠👕

Reading from da paperwork dat migrants share wit’ authorities, Mr. Bonta wen say dat dey had been told fo’ sign and initial waivers sayin’ dey agree “fo’ participate in da state of Florida’s voluntary transportation program” and dat dey understand “dis program administered by da Florida Division of Emergency Management” and dat “one contractor fo’ dis program stay Vertol Systems Company Inc.” 🖋️📑📝

Da waivers, which sound like odda documents migrants carry in previous transport cases, neva mention jobs, Mr. Bonta say. Da waivers release Florida and Vertol from any responsibility. 😕📄❌

Mr. Bonta wen say dat Florida authorities probably goin’ use da paperwork fo’ argue dat the migrants wen give informed consent, like Mr. DeSantis wen argue aftah da Martha’s Vineyard incident. But, Mr. Bonta add, they “weren’t fully informed and it wasn’t fully consensual.” 🗂️🤔❌

Den, da migrants wen get transported to New Mexico and flown on one chartered flight to Sacramento, where dey wen get driven to da Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento. Dey get left outside one administrative building fo’ da church wit’ backpacks of belongings, little information about where dey stay, and one promise dat somebody goin’ come get dem. 😟🎒🏛️

“Da ones I wen talk to — dey feel like dey wen get lied to; some of dem say dey wen get abandoned,” Cecilia Flores, who work wit’ Sacramento ACT, one community organization, wen say. “Dey no undahstand why somebody goin’ do someting like dat.” 🗣️😞❓

Da group, she say, no get any children and look like dem stay young women and men undah 40. Plenny of dem stay apply fo’ asylum in da United States, but none of dem, as far as she know, had plan fo’ go Sacramento. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🌍🌟

Sacramento ACT and odda organizations stay workin’ fo’ find da migrants one safe place to stay and help dem wit’ deir next steps. Some of dem stay get court appointments in odda parts of da country, and some stay get court dates outta state within da next two weeks, Mr. Bonta say. 👥💼🏘️

Mayor Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento, one Democrat, say he feel “heartened” by da attorney general’s investigation and say dat “whoever stay behind dis, dey gotta ansah fo’ dis.” 👍🏛️🔍

Da episode is at least da second time in recent months dat migrants wen get transported to Sacramento from Texas. In September, one smaller group of Venezuelans who wen cross da border in Laredo, headin’ fo’ New York, Florida, and Utah, wen show up outside one Catholic Charities building in California’s capital city. 🚍🌆🏢

Dey wen get documents directin’ dem to da local offices of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, but officials couldn’t figure out who wen send dem. Some of dem wen walk da 10 miles from Sacramento International Airport, some even wen walk wit’ no shoes. 🚶‍♂️🛫👟

Data from FlightAware, one website dat track flights all ovah da country, show one direct flight between Deming Municipal Airport in Luna County, New Mexico, and Sacramento McClellan Airport dat land on Friday jus’ before 11 a.m. aftah ’bout three hours. One representative from Berry Aviation, one charter service based in San Marcos, Texas, wen tell da Sacramento Bee dat da flight was “somethin’ da government run,” but no comment any further. 📊🛬🌉

Vertol, da company dat supposed to bring da migrants to Sacramento, stay one aviation firm and defense contractor based in Destin, Florida. Dey get connections wit’ Republican leaders in Florida, including one of Mr. DeSantis’s top aides, Larry Keefe, one former U.S. attorney who wen represent da company in lawsuits and den wen lead da state’s migrant flight program. ✈️🏢🌴

Like Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, one Republican who wen send buses of migrants to Washington and New York last year, Mr. DeSantis wen make sure fo’ send plenny South American migrants to one Democratic-leaning state fo’ draw attention to da influx of migrants at da southern border during dat time. 🚌🌃🌎

Mr. DeSantis wen target Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Barack Obama get one vacation home, and even think ’bout sendin’ one separate flight to one airport near Mr. Biden’s house in Delaware (but dat flight wen cancel). Da 49 migrants on da Martha’s Vineyard charter flights, run by Vertol, wen say dey wen get tricked into gettin’ on da planes wit’ promises dat help goin’ be dere fo’ dem when dey land. But nobody on da ground know dey was comin’, so local officials had fo’ scramble fo’ provide food and shelter, and dat wen cause big outrage all ovah da country. 🛫🏖️🔴

Da migrants, plenny of dem wen flee from one terrible economic crisis in Venezuela, wen later sue Mr. DeSantis and odda state officials in one lawsuit dat still goin’ on. Da migrant flight program cost at least $1.5 million in taxpayer money, according to state records. 💰📋⚖️

But Mr. DeSantis and him Republican allies in Florida, dey neva back down. Lawmakers wen vote fo’ expand da state’s migrant flight program dis year, authorizin’ one $12 million budget, and da state recently wen hire three private contracting companies, including Vertol, fo’ organize da program. 💼💼💼

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