
🚀🇰🇵 North Korea Rocket Action Make False Alarm Kine Evacuation Order Fly In South Korea 📰

Headline: “North Korea Rocket Action Make False Alarm Kine Evacuation Order Fly In South Korea” 📰🚀🇰🇵

Da North Korea, dey wen talk story dat one big rocket 🚀 going carry one spy satellite 🛰️, da first one for dem, so dey can check out da enemies in da area, mo’ betta.

North Korea, on one Wednesday 📆, wen send one space vehicle dat get da first military spy satellite 🛰️ for keep one eye 👁️ on da South Korea an’ United States military, an’ fo’ help da North do nuclear attacks ☢️ more ono, South Korean defense guys wen tell.

As da rocket 🚀 wen make big noise 📣 to da south side, one kine automatic emergency text message 📲 wen tell da peeps in Seoul for “get ready fo’ evacuate,” cause dey scare maybe da debris from da North Korea rocket 🚀 going fall on top South Korea capital city 🏙️. Lata, da government wen take back da alert 🚨, say was just “false alarm” kine. 🚀🚨

Da South Korea military 🎖️ wen say da North Korea rocket 🚀 wen fly over da water 🌊 between da Korean Peninsula an’ China 🇨🇳.

Same ting in Japan, da government wen send alerts 🚨 in Okinawa Prefecture fo’ da residents stay inside an’ away from da windows, but right after 7 a.m. da alert was pau cause da government wen say da missile 🚀 no going toward Japan. Less den 10 minutes lata, da Ministry of Defense wen say one kine projectile already wen fall into da water. 🇯🇵🌊

Da launch on Wednesday wen make like space race 🏁 getting hot in da sky over da Korean Peninsula. Da United States 🇺🇸, Russia 🇷🇺, China 🇨🇳, and Japan 🇯🇵, dey already get satellites 🛰️ watching da peninsula, one of da big kine tension spots of East Asia. South Korea 🇰🇷 wen jump in da mix too, wen make da promise fo’ get da first military spy satellite 🛰️ up in da sky by 2025 an’ testing one launch rocket two times since March last year. 🛰️🌏

When Kim Jong-un, da North Korea’s big boss 🎩, wen order his country fo’ double up on da efforts fo’ make big and get all kine nuclear stuff ☢️ during one ruling Workers’ Party meeting in 2021, he wen make um one of his top kine priorities fo’ get military spy satellites 🛰️ up in da sky.

Da spy satellites 🛰️ would make da North’s nuclear stuff ☢️ mo’ dangerous cause give da military 👮‍♂️ eyes in da sky, da military experts wen say. Dey also going help North Korea collect data from its missile tests as da country struggles fo’ perfect its intercontinental ballistic missile technologies.

But da experts 🧠 also wen ask questions about da capabilities of da North’s prototype satellite 🛰️, which da North wen say would be carried by da rocket 🚀 launched on Wednesday.

Da rocket 🚀 wen take off from one launchpad in Tongchang-ri in da northwestern corner of North Korea. Da rocket was set fo’ fly over da sea 🌊 between China and da Korean Peninsula and over da waters east of da Philippines. As da countdown ⏲️ wen start, South Korea 🇰🇷 an’ Japan 🇯🇵 wen put their militaries on high alert in case debris wen fall on their territories. Dey both had wen beg Pyongyang fo’ cancel its satellite launch, condemning it as one dangerous kine provocation.

Unda one series of resolutions from da United Nations Security Council 🌐, North Korea no can launch space rockets 🚀, as well as testing nuclear weapons ☢️ and ballistic missiles 🚀 dat could be used fo’ deliver dem. North Korea insist on its right fo’ one peaceful space program, but Washington and its allies long time already wen accuse dem of using dat kine program as one cover for testing intercontinental ballistic missile technologies.

In da recent months, Washington 🇺🇸 and its allies wen make their joint military drills bigga to help guard against North Korea’s growing nuclear and missile threats. Dey planning to do one Proliferation Security Initiative exercise on Wednesday, when their navies will practice stopping vessels carrying materials for weapons of mass destruction to and from countries like North Korea. Last week, da American and South Korean militaries also wen start the first of a series of live-fire drills planned until mid-June near the border with North Korea. 🚢🛑☢️

Da “dangerous military acts by da U.S. and its puppet forces” make North Korea need fo’ secure “a reliable reconnaissance and information means,” Ri Pyong Chol, vice chairman of da North’s Central Military Commission, wen say on Monday, revealing da plan to launch da North’s “military reconnaissance satellite No. 1.” 🛰️🗒️

North Korea’s space and ICBM programs are real close connected.

In 2012, few months after Mr. Kim took power, North Korea wen launch a rocket 🚀 dat dey said had one satellite 🛰️. In one big shame fo’ da young leader, da rocket 🚀 wen break into pieces just after launching. But eight months lata, anoda North Korean rocket 🚀 wen fly as far as da Philippines. North Korea last wen say dey launched a satellite 🛰️ in 2016, when its rocket 🚀 also wen fly over da sea 🌊 near da Philippines.

None of these rockets 🚀 were believed to be carrying a sophisticated satellite 🛰️. But their launches showed dat da North was making progress in building a rocket 🚀 powerful enough fo’ carry a satellite 🛰️ into orbit or a warhead on an intercontinental range.

Da country did its first ICBM test in 2017.

North Korea wen step up its space and ICBM programs after Mr. Kim’s diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump wen collapse in 2019.

When it wen test rockets 🚀 off its east coast in February and March last year, it claimed to have done so to prepare to launch a satellite 🛰️. But South Korea accused da North of testing a rocket 🚀 for its new Hwasong-17 ICBM. In November, da North conducted its first successful test of the Hwasong-17.

In December, da country did a ground test of a new solid-fuel booster rocket, a major upgrade in da North’s ICBM program cause solid-fuel missiles are faster to launch and harder to intercept. In the same month, North Korea launched rockets dat da South called missile tests but da North said were tests of satellite-launching technologies.

In April, North Korea did the first flight test of the Hwasong-18, its first solid-fuel ICBM.

It was unclear whether da rocket 🚀 dat carried the satellite 🛰️ on Wednesday was da liquid-fuel rocket dat powered the Hwasong-17 or the solid-fuel engine dat boosted the Hwasong-18. 🚀🌌


🚀🇰🇵 North Korean Rocket Launch Triggers False Evacuation Alert in South Korea 📰

North Korea announced that a large rocket 🚀 would carry its first-ever spy satellite 🛰️, aiming to better monitor regional adversaries.

On a Wednesday 📆, North Korea launched a space vehicle bearing its inaugural military spy satellite 🛰️, aimed at surveilling the military activities of South Korea and the United States, thereby enhancing North Korea’s nuclear strike capabilities ☢️, according to South Korean defense officials.

As the rocket 🚀 roared towards the southern sky, an automated emergency text message 📲 was issued to citizens in Seoul, advising them to “prepare for evacuation,” due to fears that debris from the North Korean rocket 🚀 might land on the South Korean capital city 🏙️. The alert 🚨 was later retracted by the government, labeling it a “false alarm.” 🚀🚨

The South Korean military 🎖️ reported that the North Korean rocket 🚀 flew over the sea 🌊 located between the Korean Peninsula and China 🇨🇳.

Similarly in Japan, the government issued alerts 🚨 in Okinawa Prefecture for residents to stay indoors and away from windows, but by 7 a.m. the alert had been lifted as the government confirmed the missile 🚀 was not headed towards Japan. Less than 10 minutes later, the Ministry of Defense reported that a projectile had fallen into the water. 🇯🇵🌊

Wednesday’s launch escalated the space race 🏁 above the Korean Peninsula. The United States 🇺🇸, Russia 🇷🇺, China 🇨🇳, and Japan 🇯🇵, already have satellites 🛰️ monitoring the peninsula, one of East Asia’s hotspots for tension. South Korea 🇰🇷 joined in too, pledging to launch its first military spy satellite 🛰️ by 2025 and having tested a launch rocket twice since March of the previous year. 🛰️🌏

When Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader 🎩, commanded his country to double down on its nuclear efforts ☢️ during a 2021 meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party, one of his top priorities was to launch military spy satellites 🛰️.

The introduction of spy satellites 🛰️ would render North Korea’s nuclear capabilities ☢️ more threatening by providing aerial reconnaissance, military experts have pointed out. They would also assist North Korea in gathering data from its missile tests as the country strives to perfect its intercontinental ballistic missile technologies.

However, experts 🧠 raised questions about the capabilities of the prototype satellite 🛰️, which North Korea said would be carried by the rocket 🚀 launched on Wednesday.

The rocket 🚀 was launched from a pad in Tongchang-ri, located in the northwestern corner of North Korea. The rocket’s trajectory was plotted to pass over the sea 🌊 between China and the Korean Peninsula, and over the waters east of the Philippines. As the countdown ⏲️ began, South Korea 🇰🇷 and Japan 🇯🇵 put their militaries on high alert, in case debris fell on their territories. Both nations had urged Pyongyang to cancel its satellite launch, denouncing it as a dangerous provocation.

Under a series of United Nations Security Council 🌐 resolutions, North Korea is prohibited from launching space rockets 🚀, as well as testing nuclear weapons ☢️ and ballistic missiles 🚀 capable of delivering them. North Korea maintains its right to a peaceful space program, but Washington and its allies have long accused them of using the program as a cover for testing intercontinental ballistic missile technologies.

In recent months, Washington 🇺🇸 and its allies have increased their joint military drills to safeguard against North Korea’s growing nuclear and missile threats. They plan to conduct a Proliferation Security Initiative exercise on Wednesday, during which their navies will practice intercepting vessels carrying materials for weapons of mass destruction to and from countries like North Korea. Last week, American and South Korean militaries also commenced the first of a series of live-fire drills planned until mid-June near the border with North Korea. 🚢🛑☢️

The “dangerous military acts by the U.S. and its puppet forces” necessitate North Korea securing “reliable reconnaissance and information means,” according to Ri Pyong Chol, vice chairman of the North’s Central Military Commission. He disclosed on Monday the plan to launch North’s “military reconnaissance satellite No. 1.” 🛰️🗒️

North Korea’s space and ICBM programs are closely intertwined.

In 2012, a few months after Mr. Kim assumed power, North Korea launched a rocket 🚀 that they claimed carried a satellite 🛰️. In a significant embarrassment for the young leader, the rocket 🚀 disintegrated shortly after launch. However, another North Korean rocket 🚀 reached as far as the Philippines eight months later. North Korea last claimed to have launched a satellite 🛰️ in 2016, when its rocket 🚀 also flew over the sea 🌊 near the Philippines.

None of these rockets 🚀 were believed to be carrying a sophisticated satellite 🛰️. However, their launches demonstrated North Korea’s progress in developing a rocket 🚀 powerful enough to either launch a satellite 🛰️ into orbit or carry a warhead to intercontinental range.

The country conducted its first ICBM test in 2017.

North Korea ramped up its space and ICBM programs after Mr. Kim’s diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump collapsed in 2019.

When it tested rockets 🚀 off its east coast in February and March of the previous year, it claimed to have done so to prepare for a satellite 🛰️ launch. However, South Korea accused North Korea of testing a rocket 🚀 for its new Hwasong-17 ICBM. In November, North Korea successfully tested the Hwasong-17 for the first time.

In December, the country conducted a ground test of a new solid-fuel booster rocket, a significant advancement in North Korea’s ICBM program, as solid-fuel missiles are quicker to launch and harder to intercept. In the same month, North Korea launched rockets that the South identified as missile tests, but the North claimed they were tests of satellite-launching technologies.

In April, North Korea conducted the first flight test of the Hwasong-18, its first solid-fuel ICBM.

It remained unclear whether the rocket 🚀 that carried the satellite 🛰️ on Wednesday was powered by the liquid-fuel rocket that powered the Hwasong-17 or the solid-fuel engine that boosted the Hwasong-18. 🚀🌌

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