
🙌💐🎶 Shakira and Tom Cruise? Nah, Bruddah! Shakira at Grand Prix as da Guest of Lewis Hamilton

Shakira fans, no need panic! Da rumors of Shakira dating Tom Cruise – all kapakahi! We wen find out dey not together, and nevah was heading dat direction. Insiders close to Shakira say she single, and just so happen fo’ be around Cruise at da F1 Miami Grand Prix ’cause dey get one famous friend in common. 🏁🏎️

Our sources say dat both Tom and Shakira wen get invited to da race by Team Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton. Lewis, as we all know, he da biggest kahuna in da racing world. So, dat’s why dey been together plenny times during da race. 🎫🎉

As fo’ da story by Page Six dat Tom sent Shakira flowers, our source no can confirm if dat one true kine story, but dey say Shakira not ready fo’ date right now. No need da drama, she just chilling. 💐💔

On one Wednesday, Shakira was spotted on one boat with her friends, and dat includes Hamilton. But, just like befo’, we been told nothing romantic going on dea, all just friends having good times. 🚤🌴

Five days aftah Shakira and Tom Cruise wen get seen talking story in Miami, da scoop on their relationship status is out. Shakira and Tom Cruise wen look comfy talking to each oddah at da Miami Grand Prix on May 7, but no need think more of it. Shakira is single and she and Tom just hang in da same group ’cause of their mutual friend, Lewis Hamilton, who is one Formula 1 racer.

Lewis, he wen invite both of dem as his guests to da race in Miami. Dat’s why dey been hanging around by da racetrack. Meanwhile, Shakira also wen spend time with Lewis on May 10, but again, no need think anything more of it. 🏁🏎️🏆

Lewis wen help Shakira get on one boat with him and some of their friends in Miami, but all of dat just friendly kine stuff. Da source say Shakira not interested in dating right now, especially aftah her 2022 split with Gerard Pique. 💔👎

Shakira, she nevah been shy about sharing how much she been hurt aftah her relationship with Gerard, who she get two sons with, wen end. Gerard wen start dating his new girlfriend, Clara Chia, not too long aftah da split, and Shakira been giving some shade to da relationship in her songs. 💔🎤

In Jan. 2023, she wen team up with Bizarrap on da song “BZRP Music Sessions #53,” where she wen give some hard words to Gerard and Clara. But in da end, Shakira and Gerard announced their separation in June 2022, and by December they had settled custody over their sons. Shakira, she wen move with da boys from Barcelona to Miami aftah everything been settled out of court. 🏖️🌴

So, da scoop is dis – Shakira, she single and just hanging loose. She not dating Tom Cruise or Lewis Hamilton. She just one independent wahine, enjoying life and focusing on herself and her keiki. 🙌🎶👩‍👦‍👦


🙌💐🎶 Shakira and Tom Cruise? No Chance! Shakira Attends Grand Prix as Lewis Hamilton’s Guest

Fans of Shakira, there’s no need for alarm! The rumors of Shakira dating Tom Cruise are completely unfounded. We’ve learned that they are not an item, and they were never heading in that direction. Insiders close to Shakira confirm that she’s single and just happened to be around Cruise at the F1 Miami Grand Prix because they share a famous mutual friend. 🏁🏎️

Our sources reveal that both Tom and Shakira were invited to the event by Team Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton. Lewis, as we all know, is the biggest name in the racing world. That explains why they were seen together several times during the race. 🎫🎉

As for the Page Six report that Tom sent Shakira flowers, our source cannot confirm its authenticity. However, they did mention that Shakira is not interested in dating at the moment. 💐💔

Shakira was spotted on a boat with friends, including Hamilton, on a Wednesday. But we’ve been told there’s nothing romantic there either. It’s all just friendly interaction. 🚤🌴

Five days after Shakira and Tom Cruise were photographed chatting in Miami, their relationship status has been clarified. Shakira and Tom Cruise appeared comfortable with each other at the Miami Grand Prix on May 7, but there’s no romantic relationship between them. Shakira is “very much single” and she and Tom simply run in the same social circle because of their mutual friend, Lewis Hamilton, a Formula 1 racer.

Lewis invited both stars as his guests to the event in Miami, which explains why they were seen hanging out by the racetrack. Meanwhile, Shakira also spent time with Lewis on May 10, but there’s nothing romantic going on between those two either. 🏁🏎️🏆

Lewis was photographed assisting Shakira as she boarded a boat with him and some of their friends in Miami. Yet again, it was purely platonic. Sources claim that Shakira is not interested in dating at the moment, especially after her 2022 split from Gerard Pique. 💔👎

Shakira has been quite vocal about how hurt she was after her relationship with Gerard, with whom she shares two sons, ended. Gerard started dating his new girlfriend, Clara Chia, shortly after the split, and Shakira has hinted at the relationship in her songs. 💔🎤

In January 2023, she collaborated with Bizarrap on the song “BZRP Music Sessions #53,” where she took a swipe at Gerard and Clara. Eventually, Shakira and Gerard announced their separation in June 2022, and by December they had settled custody over their sons. Shakira then moved with her boys from Barcelona to Miami after the arrangements were made out of court. 🏖️🌴

So, here’s the scoop – Shakira is single and just taking it easy. She’s not dating Tom Cruise or Lewis Hamilton. She’s an independent woman, enjoying life and focusing on herself and her children. 🙌🎶👩‍👦‍👦

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