Afghanistan girls

😷💊 Nuff Afghan Schoolgirls Sick: Poisoning Suspish

Nearly 90 schoolgirls an teachas wen end up in hospital afta dem wen start feel sick at two different schools up north in Afghanistan. Officials dem tink somebody wen try fo poison dem. 😱💉

On Saturday, 63 students an teachas wen start feel sick right afta dem wen go inside Kabod Aab School, one elementary school fo girls inside Sar-i-Pul Province. Dem parents an officials wen say so. 🏫🤢

Da nex day, 26 moa students an teachas wen start feel sick at Faiz Abad Girls’ School wea dey stay close by, an dem wen report da same kinda symptoms. 😔💔

Da idea dat somebody wen try fo poison da schoolgirls, dass one scary kine ting fo da young girls an dea parents. Dis region inside Afghanistan, wea da Taliban wen take ova in 2021, get plenny restrictions on education, especially fo girls. Da way dey stay treatin da wahine, dey like dey no even exist no moa. 😞🙅‍♀️📚

Da local officials inside Afghanistan, dey tink da poisonings wen happen cuz get some kine fightin an hard feelings between da villages. But plenny local people an elders, dey no believe dat story. Dey tinking get moa to da story. 🤔🏘️🤨

Girls, dey not supposed to go school afta sixth grade inside Afghanistan. But dey can go elementary school. So most of da girls wey wen fall sick, dey was between 6 an 12 years old. 😢🎒

Da students an teachas, dey all had fo go hospital cuz dey had hard time breathing, felt weak, had nausea an headache. Plenny of dem had fo go on ventilators. Da relatives wen say dat by Monday, bout half of dem had come out da hospital. 🌬️💪🏥

“One unknown person, or maybe moa, wen put poison inside da classrooms. So wen da students dem went inside, dey wen start breathe hard, get watery eyes an noses, an den pass out,” wen say Umair Sarpuli, da director of culture an information inside da province. 🤫💔

Da security an intelligence forces still stay looking fo da ones wey wen do dis. Da timing stay real sketchy cuz plenny girls all ova Afghanistan stay facing rough times. Las year, da Taliban wen say no more high school fo girls. An in November, dey wen say no moa women inside university. No can go gym, no can go park, no can go nowhere without one male relative, no can work outside private sector or healthcare. 🚫🏫🚷

All dese rules, dey stay making da Taliban look real bad in da eyes of Western countries, even Islamic countries like Iran an Saudi Arabia stay mad at dem. Dey all say dis no right. 🌍🙅‍♀️💔

Dem problems at da two schools, dey wen start Saturday morning, like round 8 a.m., wen da parents an elders say. Soon as da teachers start teach, two kids wen start convulsin an have hard time breathing. 🤮💔

Da school boss wen send da two kids home, tinkin dey just had one flu. But 20 minutes latah, plenny oddah students wen start get da same symptoms. So dey had fo hurry dem inside cars an take dem all to one clinic close by. 🚗🏥

Qasim Qurban, one 38-year-old farmer inside da district, he stay work inside da field wen one neighbor wen come runnin an tell him dat his daughters wen get sick. He say he went to da clinic an found his 10-year-old daughter Sabera an his 13-year-old daughter Hadia, dey was breathin hard an strugglin. So he wen send dem to da hospital. 😥🌾👨‍👧‍👧

“Every half hour, one hour, dey was havin hard time breathe, an den dey wen need go on ventilator,” he say. 😞💔💨

Da nex day, oddah students at Faiz Abad Girls’ School, dey wen get sick too. Da officials wen say so. 😷🤒

Fo moa den ten years now, Afghanistan stay seein dese poisonings happen from time to time, all ova da country. Befo wen get one government wey Western countries wen back, dey was always blaming da Taliban fo all da attacks. But da Taliban wen say dat time, “No, we neva do dat.” 🤷‍♂️🚷

In 2012, nearly 300 schoolgirls wen fall sick inside Takhar Province up north. One year latah, like 200 schoolgirls wen get sick inside da capital, Kabul. Den in 2016, like 600 schoolgirls inside Herat Province, up north again, dey wen get targeted wit one gas dat officials tink was toxic. 😱🌡️🏥

Dis year, we wen hear ’bout same kine tings inside Iran. Plenny schoolgirls wen get sick, an da Iranian officials wen say, “Oh, maybe somebody wen try fo poison dem so dey no go school.” 😢🇮🇷

Both da schools wey get da problems, dey still stay closed on Monday so da police an soldiers can do dea investigation. But all ova da province, parents stay stayin scared, especially da ones wey stay scared already fo dea daughters go elementary school. 😰🚧🔒

Since da Taliban wen take ova an take away da rights from da wahine, plenny parents, dey stay worried dat people wey no like girls go school, dey stay feelin moa bold now fo do tings an maybe even attack girls’ schools. Dey stay sayin dat. 🙏🏫💔

“Everybody stay scared, an we gotta be scared cuz dis tings wey happen to da students, dass not small kine,” say Hassan Haidari. His daughter, she one teacha inside Kabod Aab School, an she wen end up inside da hospital on Saturday. Monday still no moa bettah. She still stay inside serious condition an on one ventilator inside da provincial hospital. 😭🙏💔

“We like know who wen do dis, so dass no happen again,” say Mr. Haidari. “Or else, nobody goin send dea daughters school.” 🤬🔍🙅‍♀️


😷💊 Many Afghan schoolgirls are sick: Suspected poisoning

Many Afghan schoolgirls and teachers ended up in the hospital after they started feeling sick at two different schools up north in Afghanistan. Officials suspect that someone tried to poison them. 😱💉

On Saturday, 63 students and teachers started feeling sick right after they entered Kabod Aab School, an elementary school for girls in Sar-i-Pul Province. Their parents and officials confirmed it. 🏫🤢

The next day, 26 more students and teachers at Faiz Abad Girls’ School, which is located nearby, started feeling sick and reported the same symptoms. 😔💔

The idea that someone tried to poison the schoolgirls is terrifying for the young girls and their parents. In this region of Afghanistan, where the Taliban took over in 2021, there are many restrictions on education, especially for girls. The way they treat women, it’s as if they no longer exist. 😞🙅‍♀️📚

Local officials in Afghanistan believe that the poisonings occurred due to conflicts and tensions between villages. However, many local people and elders do not believe that story. They suspect there is more to the story. 🤔🏘️🤨

According to the rules in Afghanistan, girls are not supposed to attend school after sixth grade. However, they can attend elementary school. So most of the girls who fell sick were between 6 and 12 years old. 😢🎒

The students and teachers had to go to the hospital because they had a hard time breathing, felt weak, and experienced nausea and headaches. Many of them had to be put on ventilators. Relatives said that by Monday, about half of them had been discharged from the hospital. 🌬️💪🏥

“One unknown person, or maybe more, put poison inside the classrooms. So when the students entered, they started having difficulty breathing, watery eyes, and runny noses, and then passed out,” said Umair Sarpuli, the director of culture and information in the province. 🤫💔

The security and intelligence forces are still searching for those responsible. The timing of the incident is suspicious, as many girls all over Afghanistan are facing difficult times. Last year, the Taliban announced a ban on high school for girls, and in November, they declared that no more women could attend university. They cannot go to the gym, the park, or anywhere without a male relative. They are restricted from working outside the private sector or healthcare. 🚫🏫🚷

All these rules make the Taliban look bad in the eyes of Western countries, and even Islamic countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia are angry at them. They all say that this is not right. 🌍🙅‍♀️💔

The problems at the two schools started on Saturday morning, around 8 a.m., according to parents and elders. As soon as the teachers started teaching, two children began convulsing and had a hard time breathing. 🤮💔

The school principal sent the two children home, thinking they just had the flu. But 20 minutes later, many other students started experiencing the same symptoms. So they had to quickly put them in cars and take them all to a nearby clinic. 🚗🏥

Qasim Qurban, a 38-year-old farmer in the district, was working in the field when a neighbor came running and told him that his daughters were sick. He went to the clinic and found his 10-year-old daughter Sabera and his 13-year-old daughter Hadia struggling to breathe. So he sent them to the hospital. 😥🌾👨‍👧‍👧

“Every half hour, one hour, they were having a hard time breathing, and then they needed to go on a ventilator,” he said. 😞💔💨

The next day, other students at Faiz Abad Girls’ School also fell sick. The officials confirmed it. 😷🤒

For more than ten years now, Afghanistan has been witnessing these poisonings happening from time to time all over the country. Before having a government backed by Western countries, the blame for all the attacks was always put on the Taliban. But at that time, the Taliban denied involvement. 🤷‍♂️🚷

In 2012, nearly 300 schoolgirls fell sick in Takhar Province up north. A year later, around 200 schoolgirls fell sick in the capital, Kabul. Then, in 2016, approximately 600 schoolgirls in Herat Province, again in the north, were targeted with a gas that officials believed to be toxic. 😱🌡️🏥

This year, we heard about similar incidents in Iran. Many schoolgirls fell sick, and Iranian officials said, “Oh, maybe someone tried to poison them so that they don’t go to school.” 😢🇮🇷

Both schools facing problems are still closed on Monday so that the police and soldiers can conduct their investigation. But all over the province, parents are scared, especially those who were already afraid to send their daughters to elementary school. 😰🚧🔒

Since the Taliban took over and stripped away the rights of women, many parents are worried that people who oppose girls’ education feel more emboldened now to do things and even attack girls’ schools. They are expressing their concerns. 🙏🏫💔

“Everybody is scared, and we have every reason to be scared because what happened to the students is not a minor issue,” said Hassan Haidari. His daughter is a teacher at Kabod Aab School, and she ended up in the hospital on Saturday. She is still in serious condition and on a ventilator at the provincial hospital. 😭🙏💔

“We want to know who did this, so that it does not happen again,” said Mr. Haidari. “Otherwise, nobody will send their daughters to school.” 🤬🔍🙅‍♀️

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