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😷🏛️ Feinstein No Like Hear Talk She Slow Down Judicial Nominees, No Say Wen She Come Back

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday wen tell no way to da claims dat her long time away from da Senate an’ da Judiciary Committee, cuz she stay recovering from shingles, wen cause big kine delay fo’ move forward an’ confirm judicial nominees. Feinstein wen hint in da statement dat she still get plans fo’ come back, but nevah say wen dat goin’ happen. 📝⌛

“Da Senate stay continuing fo’ confirm real qualified peeps to da federal judiciary, including seven mo’ judicial nominees who wen get confirmed dis week. No get slowdown,” da California Democrat wen say in one statement. 🏛️🚀

But she wen admit dat some nominees wen get blocked from moving forward during her time away. No mo’ Feinstein, da committee stay tied. Undah da power-sharing agreement in da last Congress, wea had one 50-50 Senate, had one rule dat let one nominee wit’ tied votes fo’ get out of da committee an’ go on top da floor. Dat rule no stay in place now, ‘cording to one aide on da committee. So, unless one judge get support from both sides, da nominee no make ’em in da committee an’ no come to da floor. 🚧👩‍⚖️

“I stay disappointed dat Republicans on da committee stay blocking few from moving forward. I stay confident dat wen I come back to da Senate, we goin’ be able fo’ move da remaining qualified nominees out of da committee real fast an’ to da Senate floor fo’ one vote,” she wen say. 🗳️🤞

While Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin nevah wen call fo’ Feinstein fo’ step down, he wen tell CNN befo’ dat da 89-year-old senator’s time away wen slow down dea push fo’ confirm nominees. 🐢🏛️

“I no can tink about nominees in dis kine situation cuz one tie vote stay one losing vote in da committee,” Durbin wen say. 🤷‍♂️🗳️

Wen asked if her time away get mo’ long-term kine impact on da Democrats’ chance fo’ confirm nominees, da Senate chairman wen say, “Yes, fo’ sure it does,” an’ wen point to da long process fo’ get nominees scheduled fo’ votes during da limited floor time. ⏰🤔

In April, Feinstein wen ask Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer fo’ temporarily replace her on da Judiciary Committee, an’ he wen suggest dat Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin take her place. But, da Senate Republicans wen make ’em clear dat dey goin’ block any try fo’ put somebody else on da committee. 🚫🔄

Da committee’s top GOP member, Sen. Lindsey Graham, wen say at dat time, “She stay one dear friend an’ we hope fo’ her fast recovery an’ come back to da Senate. Wit’ all due respect, my colleague, Senator Schumer, dis stay about one handful of judges dat you no can get da votes fo’.” 🤝🏥

Feinstein wen announce in early March dat she wen catch shingles an’ wen stay in da hospital. From den, she stay recovering at her house in California. Feinstein nevah wen vote in da Senate since February 16. 🏠🌴


😷🏛️ Feinstein Denies Delaying Judicial Nominees, Doesn’t Say When She’ll Return

Senator Dianne Feinstein pushed back on Thursday against claims that her extended absence from the Senate and the Judiciary Committee, as she recovers from shingles, has caused a significant delay in advancing and confirming judicial nominees. Feinstein indicated in her statement that she still plans to return but did not say when that would happen. 📝⌛

“The Senate continues to swiftly confirm highly qualified individuals to the federal judiciary, including seven more judicial nominees who were confirmed this week. There has been no slowdown,” the California Democrat said in a statement. 🏛️🚀

However, she acknowledged that some nominees have been blocked from moving forward during her absence. Without Feinstein, the committee is tied. Under the power-sharing agreement in the last Congress, which had a 50-50 Senate, there was a provision that allowed for a tied nominee to be discharged from the committee and put on the floor. That rule is no longer in place, according to an aide on the committee. So, unless a judge has bipartisan support, the nominee fails in the committee and doesn’t come to the floor. 🚧👩‍⚖️

“I’m disappointed that Republicans on the committee are blocking a few from moving forward. I’m confident that when I return to the Senate, we will be able to move the remaining qualified nominees out of the committee quickly and to the Senate floor for a vote,” she said. 🗳️🤞

While Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin has not called for Feinstein to resign, he previously acknowledged to CNN that the 89-year-old senator’s absence has slowed down their push to confirm nominees. 🐢🏛️

“I can’t consider nominees in these circumstances because a tie vote is a losing vote in the committee,” Durbin said. 🤷‍♂️🗳️

When asked if her absence has longer ramifications on the Democrats’ ability to confirm nominees, the Senate chairman said, “Yes, of course it does,” pointing to the long process of getting nominees scheduled for votes during precious floor time. ⏰🤔

In April, Feinstein asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to temporarily replace her on the Judiciary Committee, and he proposed that Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin take her spot. However, Senate Republicans made it clear that they would block any attempt to put someone else on the committee. 🚫🔄

The committee’s top GOP member, Sen. Lindsey Graham, said at the time, “She’s a dear friend and we hope for her speedy recovery and return back to the Senate. With all due respect, my colleague, Senator Schumer, this is about a handful of judges that you can’t get the votes for.” 🤝🏥

Feinstein announced in early March that she had contracted shingles and was hospitalized. Since then, she has been recovering at home in California. Feinstein has not voted in the Senate since February 16. 🏠🌴

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