Defcon Hackers Convention

😱🤖💻 Ho Brah, Hackahs Going Make Li’Dat Wit’ Da AI Robots, and Da Robots All Mix Up

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ey, howzit, my braddahs an’ sistahs! You guys heard about da kine hackers getting togetha fo’ mess around wit’ dem fancy AI robots? Da one dat went down in Las Vegas at one place called Defcon? Dass right, and guess what, dey had da blessing of da White House an’ all da big kahuna tech companies! 😮🏛️

So da story goes like dis: one guy, Avijit Ghosh, he was trying fo’ make one AI bot named Zinc do some shady stuff, yea? Like, trying fo’ make da bot choose job applicants based on race. But da bot wen’ say, “Eh, no can, das harmful an’ unethical.” 🚫🤔

But get dis part: Ghosh wen’ ask da bot fo’ rank job people based on da caste system from India. An’ da bot wen’ say can! 🤯👥

Ghosh neva had bad intentions, but he was acting like he did. He wen’ try all dis at da Defcon hackah conference, da kine event where all da geeky types go fo’ show off their skills an’ test da dark side of AI. 🤓🌒

Dey had 50 minutes fo’ try outsmart da bots. Some wen’ trick da bots into making all kine mistakes: like spreading fake news, surveillance instructions, an’ all kine of stuffs. 🕵️‍♀️🤥

Dis whole thing was even backed by da big shots, yea? Biden’s crew, Google, OpenAI, Meta, all dems guys. They all nervous ’bout how AI taking over, how get planny powah. 🚀💥

And Ghosh? He was there fo’ teach ’bout AI ethics. After all dis pau, he going write one report on all da kine things they found. 📝💡

Now, Defcon, da hackah conference, get planny history. From 1993, dey been detecting security flaws all ova da place. Dey even had rules fo’ da hackahs, like no go attack infrastructure or web pages. 🛑💾

Volunteers dey call “goons” or “thugs”, and da attendees just “humans”. Some of ’em even wen’ wear homemade tinfoil caps fo’ try block da mind control, I guess! 🤣👽

Dis year da AI village was all da rage, ’cause peeps worried ’bout da AI making up lies an’ all dat. Even da Pope wen’ chime in, saying gotta be careful wit’ dis new technology! 🙏📢

So da thing is, all dis testing fo’ see if da AI get holes in da system. Dey looking fo’ find da big problems, an’ fo’ bring creative ideas fo’ help find da hidden flaws. Cuz AI get all kine ways fo’ go sideways. 🛠️🔍

Dey even had participants wit’ no cyber background. One college kid wen’ find da chatbot wen’ translate “shot while dancing” to “died” in Hindi. Anotha person got da bot fo’ say young involuntary workers get “strong work ethic.” 😳💬

End of da day, Cody Ho from Stanford, wen’ win da big prize: one Nvidia A6000 graphics card worth ’bout $4,000. He even neva know he wen’ win ’til one journalist wen’ contact him. 🎉💰

So das da story, gang. We gotta be akamai ’bout dis stuff, cuz AI all ovah da place an’ getting more powahful. But also, gotta admit, was one wild ride! 🤙🎢

Stay tuned, cuz da kine world of AI, hackahs, an’ all da technology stuff only going get more action! Shoots den! 🤙🌈


Whoa, Hackers Put AI Bots to the Test, and The Results are All Over the Place 😱🤖💻

Hey, have you heard about this incredible event where hackers gathered to mess with artificial intelligence bots? It happened in Las Vegas at a conference called Defcon, and the really surprising part is that they got a green light from the White House and major tech companies to do it! 😮🏛️

Here’s how it went down: A guy named Avijit Ghosh was pushing an AI model known as Zinc to do some sketchy things. He wanted the AI to select job applicants based on their race. The AI flat-out refused, declaring it to be “harmful and unethical.” 🚫🤔

But then, Ghosh took a different angle. He asked the bot to rank job applicants based on the caste system in India. And believe it or not, the bot was okay with that! 🤯👥

Ghosh wasn’t really up to anything sinister; he was acting like he was. He was part of this Defcon hacking event, which is a gathering for tech whizzes to explore the darker possibilities of AI. 🤓🌒

Participants had 50 minutes to outsmart these AI models. And they got them to make all sorts of mistakes like disseminating false information, surveillance advice, and much more. 🕵️‍♀️🤥

Big names were behind this, folks! Biden’s administration, Google, OpenAI, Meta — they’re all becoming increasingly concerned about the growing power of AI technology. 🚀💥

And Ghosh? He was volunteering at the event to spread awareness about the ethics of AI. After everything, he plans to write a comprehensive report about the findings. 📝💡

Now, Defcon has a rich history that goes back to 1993. It’s been a hub for identifying all sorts of security flaws. They even set rules for hackers, like not attacking any infrastructure or websites. 🛑💾

Volunteers are affectionately called “goons” or “thugs,” and the attendees are simply termed “humans.” Some even wore homemade tinfoil caps — I guess to block out any would-be mind control! 🤣👽

This year, the AI ‘village’ was where the buzz was, as people are increasingly concerned about AI spreading lies and causing harm. Even the Pope weighed in, urging caution in the deployment of this disruptive technology. 🙏📢

The goal was to identify vulnerabilities in the AI systems. The organizers are looking to identify large-scale, systemic issues that might exist and to generate creative ideas that could help uncover hidden flaws. Because when it comes to AI, things can go sideways in countless ways. 🛠️🔍

The event also attracted people without any cybersecurity background. One student found inconsistencies in how a chatbot translated “shot while dancing” to just “died” in Hindi. Another tester got the AI to suggest that young forced laborers have a “strong work ethic.” 😳💬

And the winner of it all was Cody Ho from Stanford, who walked away with a whopping Nvidia A6000 graphics card valued at about $4,000. He didn’t even know he won until a journalist reached out to him. 🎉💰

So there you have it, folks. We have to be smart about this because AI is everywhere and growing in power. But you’ve got to admit, it was one thrilling journey. 🤙🎢

Stay tuned because the world of AI, hackers, and tech in general is just getting started with the action! Catch you later! 🤙🌈

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