Food Additives

😠🚫🍔 Two States Trying Fo Ban Kine Additives Dat Stay Make Our Food Not So Ono

Eh, you guys hear da news? California and New York stay gettin’ serious about dese kine food additives dat stay cause health problems. Dese chemicals stay get added to food fo make ’em last longer o taste betta, but dey stay linked to cancer, hormone issues, and problems wit brain development. So now, da state legislators stay tryna put da brakes on dese kine additives and make ’em illegal fo use in food.

Da proposed bills stay targeting five main additives dat stay found mostly in baked goods, candy, and soda. Dey stay da worst of da worst and stay almost totally banned in Europe. But ova here in da U.S., we still using ’em like nothin’ wrong. Dat’s why California and New York stay taking action.

Da lawmakers stay saying dat dese bills stay gonna protect everybody, but especially our keiki. Dey da ones dat eat da most and dey da ones dat get affected da most by dese kine additives. Doctors stay saying dat dis can really mess up keiki’s organs wen dey still developing.

So, wat are dese kine additives dat stay causing all da trouble? Let me tell you:

🔴 Red dye No. 3 Dis kine dye stay used in almost 3,000 different food products, including icings, shakes, and candy wit flavors like peppermint, berry, and cherry. But get dis, it stay cause cancer in animals! And yet, da FDA still let companies use ’em in food. Plus, some studies show dat it can make kids hyper and cause behavior problems.

👻 Titanium dioxide Dis one stay used to make food look white o colorful, and it stay in tons of candy, baked goods, and frozen treats. But dis kine additive stay really bad fo us. Studies show dat it can damage our DNA and make our immune system go crazy. Dat’s why it stay banned in Europe now.

🌿 Brominated vegetable oil Dis kine oil stay in sodas and fruit drinks fo make ’em look cloudy o foamy. But it stay messin’ wit our hormones, especially da thyroid hormone. And it can even mess up our reproductive system. Even Coca-Cola and Pepsi stop using dis kine oil, but still get some smaller companies using ’em.

🍞 Potassium bromate Dis one stay used in bread, cookies, and tortillas fo make ’em fluffy and soft. But get dis, it stay “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” In udda words, it can cause cancer. And yet, it still legal fo use in da U.S.

🧪 Propylparaben Dis one stay a preservative, so it stay in lots of packaged baked goods, like pastries and tortillas. But it can mess up our hormones and cause problems wit male and female reproduction.

So, wat da FDA stay doing about all dis? Well, dey stay saying dat dey make sure food additives stay safe before dey allow companies fo use ’em. But, fo some chemicals, dey stay using a loophole dat lets companies use ’em witout even testing ’em first! And, get dis, da FDA mostly testing dis kine additives on animals, not on humans. So, we not really sure how bad dis kine stuff stay fo us.

Dat’s why California and New York stay taking matters into dea own hands. Dey stay proposing laws dat would make dese kine additives illegal fo use in food. If da laws pass, it could force companies all ova da U.S. fo stop using dese kine chemicals too. And, if dat happen, it could make our food much betta fo us.

But, even if da laws don’t pass, we can still protect ourselves by reading da labels and avoiding foods dat contain dese kine additives. Try fo stick to fresh ingredients and cook your own meals at home. And, if you gotta buy packaged food, look fo da ones wit short ingredient lists and no weird kine chemicals dat you can’t even pronounce.

Da bottom line is, we gotta take care of our bodies and make sure we eating food dat stay good fo us. So, let’s support da lawmakers dat stay trying fo make our food safer and let’s do our part too by choosing betta foods fo ourselves and our families.


🚫🍔😠 Two States Trying to Ban Additives That Ruin Our Food

Have you heard the latest news? California and New York are getting serious about food additives that are causing health problems. These chemicals are added to our food to make it last longer or taste better, but they’re linked to cancer, hormone issues, and brain development problems. That’s why state legislators are trying to make them illegal to use in food.

The proposed bills are targeting five main additives that are mostly found in baked goods, candy, and soda. They’re the worst of the worst and are almost entirely banned in Europe. But here in the U.S., we’re still using them like nothing’s wrong. That’s why California and New York are taking action.

Lawmakers are saying that these bills will protect everybody, but especially our kids. They’re the ones who eat the most and are affected the most by these additives. Doctors say that this can really mess up a child’s organs when they’re still developing.

So, what are these additives that are causing all the trouble? Let me tell you:

🔴 Red dye No. 3 – This dye is used in almost 3,000 different food products, including icings, shakes, and candy with flavors like peppermint, berry, and cherry. But it causes cancer in animals! And yet, the FDA still allows companies to use it in food. Plus, some studies show that it can make kids hyper and cause behavior problems.

👻 Titanium dioxide – This one is used to make food look white or colorful, and it’s in tons of candy, baked goods, and frozen treats. But this additive is really bad for us. Studies show that it can damage our DNA and make our immune system go crazy. That’s why it’s now banned in Europe.

🌿 Brominated vegetable oil – This oil is in sodas and fruit drinks to make them look cloudy or foamy. But it’s messing with our hormones, especially the thyroid hormone. And it can even mess up our reproductive system. Even Coca-Cola and Pepsi stopped using this oil, but some smaller companies still use it.

🍞 Potassium bromate – This one is used in bread, cookies, and tortillas to make them fluffy and soft. But it’s “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” In other words, it can cause cancer. And yet, it’s still legal to use in the U.S.

🧪 Propylparaben – This one is a preservative, so it’s in lots of packaged baked goods, like pastries and tortillas. But it can mess up our hormones and cause problems with male and female reproduction.

So, what is the FDA doing about all this? Well, they’re saying that they make sure food additives are safe before they allow companies to use them. But, for some chemicals, they’re using a loophole that lets companies use them without even testing them first! And, get this, the FDA mostly tests these additives on animals, not on humans. So, we’re not really sure how bad this stuff is for us.

That’s why California and New York are taking matters into their own hands. They’re proposing laws that would make these additives illegal to use in food. If the laws pass, it could force companies all over the U.S. to stop using these chemicals too. And, if that happens, it could make our food much better for us.

But, even if the laws don’t pass, we can still protect ourselves by reading the labels and avoiding foods that contain these additives. Try to stick to fresh ingredients and cook your own meals at home. And, if you have to buy packaged food, look for the ones with short ingredient lists and no ones with chemicals dat you can’t even pronounce.

The bottom line is that we need to take care of our bodies and make sure we’re eating food that’s good for us. Let’s support the lawmakers who are trying to make our food safer, and let’s do our part too by choosing better foods for ourselves and our families. It’s important to stay informed about what we’re putting in our bodies and to make conscious choices about the food we consume. By doing so, we can help protect our health and well-being in the long run.

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