a photo of Joe Biden

😎🏛️🤙 Da White House Show Face Wit Big Time Plan Fo’ Fight Antisemitism

Check it out, braddahs an sistahs! Da White House wen bust out one powaful plan fo’ scrap antisemitism all ova da U.S. 🇺🇸💪 Da big kahuna behind dis plan stay on top three main tings: get mo’ edumacation about da Holocaust, secure da Jewish kine institutions, an squash all kine weirdkine theories floatin’ round on top da internet. 🎓🔐🕍💻

Da whole shmall kine blueprint stay standing on top four solid rocks: up da knowledge an understanding about antisemitism, improve da safety fo’ da Jewish ohana, reverse da normalizing of antisemitism, an build one united front wit all kine religious groups. 🧱🤝🌍

Da main man, President Joe Biden, wen speak out strong dat antisemitism an all kine hate an violence no belong in America. He say dis plan da most ono U.S. government-led move to fight antisemitism in da history of America. 👊🦅

Vice President Kamala Harris’ hubby, Doug Emhoff, who stay da first Jewish spouse of one vice president, wen share his mana’o at da event. He say antisemitism stay cutting America in half, threaten our democracy, an go against our American values of aloha, ohana, an pono. He say antisemitism push all kine simple, false, an pilau stories dat lead to some real buggahs doin’ harm to da Jewish people. 🌈🇺🇸💔

Da outgoing White House domestic policy adviser, Susan Rice, wen share dat next year, da United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. gonna open up da first U.S.-based Holocaust edumacation research centa. She also say dat da National Endowment fo’ da Humanities goin’ put more kala into K-12 edumacation about Jewish history, an dat da federal agencies committed to include info about antisemitic bias an discrimination in their diversity, equity inclusion an accessibility training programs. 🏛️📚🤓💰

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Biden’s homeland security advisor, wen talk story about how da administration wen put more kala into making synagogues an Jewish institutions more safe. She say they wen ask Congress fo’ more resources, an da Department of Homeland Security going reach out to da Jewish communities to make sure they stay getting an using all da training an resources dey can get. 🛡️🏦📲

Fo’ stop antisemitism from becoming da kine, Sherwood-Randall say da White House plan calling tech companies to get one no-tolerance rule for hate speech on top their platforms an make sure their computer programs no spread hate speech an extreme stuff. 📵🌐💡

Deborah Lipstadt, da U.S. special envoy fo’ watch an fight antisemitism, call dis plan one “historic moment in da modern fight against what’s known as the world’s oldest hatred.” She make note dat dey introducing da strategy in da same building dat once wen house the State and War departments where one form of Jew-hatred took shape as official policy as State Department officials built so-called paper walls around dis country to keep us from coming inside. 📜🚧

Unda da plan, da FBI an National Counterterrorism Center goin’ do one annual threat assessment”bout antisemitic drivers of transnational violent extremism dat can be shared wit technology companies an other no-gov’ment kine partners,” da White House wen say. Dey wen let out one unclassified version of their first assessment on Thursday. 🚀🕵️‍♂️🌐🗂️

So, all da ohana out dea, stay tuned, ’cause da White House stay all in fo’ make da place safe an pono for everybody, no mattah your race, religion or where you come from. Wit dis ono plan, dey hoping fo’ bring da aloha spirit back into America, one step at a time.🤙🌺🌈💖


😎🏛️🤙 The White House Unveils Major Plan to Battle Antisemitism

Attention, folks! The White House has rolled out a potent plan to combat antisemitism across the U.S. 🇺🇸💪 The key priorities of this plan are enhancing education about the Holocaust, reinforcing security at Jewish institutions, and debunking numerous conspiracy theories circulating on the internet. 🎓🔐🕍💻

This comprehensive strategy rests on four solid pillars: boosting awareness and understanding of antisemitism, improving safety for Jewish communities, reversing the normalization of antisemitism, and fostering unity among various religious groups. 🧱🤝🌍

President Joe Biden has asserted emphatically that antisemitism and all forms of hatred and violence are unacceptable in America. He stated that this plan is the most aggressive and wide-ranging U.S. government-led initiative to tackle antisemitism in American history. 👊🦅

Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris and the first Jewish spouse of a vice president, shared his views at the event. He stated that antisemitism has been a divisive force in American society, threatening our democracy and contravening our American values of love, community, and decency. He commented that antisemitism fosters simplistic, false, and harmful narratives that have incited extremists to perpetrate violence against Jews. 🌈🇺🇸💔

Outgoing White House domestic policy advisor, Susan Rice, revealed that next year, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. will inaugurate the first U.S.-based Holocaust education research center. She also mentioned that the National Endowment for the Humanities will increase its investment in K-12 education on Jewish history, and federal agencies are committed to incorporating information about antisemitic bias and discrimination in their diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training programs. 🏛️📚🤓💰

Biden’s homeland security advisor, Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, discussed the administration’s efforts to enhance security at synagogues and Jewish institutions, with additional funding to bolster the physical security of these establishments and a request to Congress for extra resources. The Department of Homeland Security is also reaching out to Jewish communities to ensure they are availing of all the training and resources at their disposal. 🛡️🏦📲

To prevent antisemitism from becoming mainstream, Sherwood-Randall stated that the White House plan urges tech companies to adopt a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech on their platforms and ensure their algorithms do not propagate hate speech and extremist content. 📵🌐💡

Deborah Lipstadt, the U.S. special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, described the plan as a “historic moment in the modern fight against what’s known as the world’s oldest hatred.” She noted that the strategy was unveiled in the same building that once housed the State and War departments, where an official policy of Jew-hatred was once instituted as State Department officials erected so-called paper walls around this country to keep us from entering our borders. 📜🚧

Under the plan, the FBI and National Counterterrorism Center will conduct an annual threat assessment “on antisemitic drivers of transnational violent extremism that can be shared with technology companies and other non-governmental partners,” said the White House, which released a declassified version of its first assessment on Thursday. 🚀🕵️‍♂️🌐🗂️

So, everyone out there, stay tuned, because the White House is all in to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone, regardless of race, religion, or origin. With this impressive plan, they aim to reintroduce the spirit of love into America, one step at a time.🤙🌺🌈💖

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