Couples in love

🗺️ Mapin’ Da Loe: How Our Bodies Feel Love – Study 💕

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

Ages 18-35!! 😊 Lōkahi No Love: Da Study Dat Chart How Love Feel Inside Our Body 💗💘🤍 Wen dey ax dem fo color inside da body silhouette, so dat dey can show where each type of love feel, everybody know say a study get involved. 😊 Nowadays, Neuroscience News got someting special fo share wit us. Researchers jus unveil one brand new map dat show how different types of love physically an mentally experienced all ova da bodi.

Wen dey survey 27 diffrent kinds of luv forms – results come out an tell us bout continuum from weak to strong lovin sensations. All da luv forms mostly manifest up in our head but intensity vary eenodda parts too! 🤩 Dis key findings give light on how universal and distinct physical sensation for lovin really is! Da facts?

Dees study cover 27 diffrent types of luv like romantic luvin’, sexual feelins’, parental affection and even nature or God’s kind ov love too! While everyting stay centered around our head still all intensities differ throughout odda parts ovda body as well- some only reach up to the chest while odas spread out all ova!! Da correlation between physical and mental intensity fo’love stay real strong- mo’ powerful physical sensation lead to stronger emotion feelings plus more pleasant ones tooo!! 👏👏👏 Aalto University researchers make dis map so we can see exactly where in the bodi different kinds ov lovin feels strongest!!!

Pärttyli Rinne coordinated dis research project with doctoral researcher Mikke Tavast analyzing data while Enrico Glerean developed methods used durin this experiment also initiated by Professor Emeritus Mikko Sams!!! Dey team survey participants ’bout they experience wid 27 diff’rent types ob love which include romantic stuffs, sexual encounters plus parental/friendship kinda tings even stranger or godly loves natuahallie included!! Dey ask participants whar do they feel each type inside their bodies an’how intense it was both physically n mentally?? Results showed continuum from weaker tuh stronger levels ob emotions felt den all most prominently found in the head area yet varying intensities everywhere else..Strongest form evah seen go spread out wide thruout entire body!!!!

Fo build dis amazing map researchers collect data


Love Mapping: How Our Bodies Feel Love – Study

Ages 18-35!! 😊 Lōkahi No Love: Da Study Dat Chart How Love Feel Inside Our Body 💗💘🤍 Wen dey ax dem fo color inside da body silhouette, so dat dey can show where each type of love feel, everybody know say a study get involved. 😊 Nowadays, Neuroscience News got someting special fo share wit us. Researchers jus unveil one brand new map dat show how different types of love physically an mentally experienced all ova da bodi.

Wen dey survey 27 diffrent kinds of luv forms – results come out an tell us bout continuum from weak to strong lovin sensations. All da luv forms mostly manifest up in our head but intensity vary eenodda parts too! 🤩 Dis key findings give light on how universal and distinct physical sensation for lovin really is! Da facts?

Deese study cover 27 diffrent types of luv like romantic luvin’, sexual feelins’, parental affection and even nature or God’s kind ov love too! While everyting stay centered around our head still all intensities differ throughout odda parts ovda body as well- some only reach up to the chest while odas spread out all ova!! Da correlation between physical and mental intensity fo’love stay real strong- mo’ powerful physical sensation lead to stronger emotion feelings plus more pleasant ones tooo!! 👏👏👏 Aalto University researchers make dis map so we can see exactly where in the bodi different kinds ov lovin feels strongest!!!

Pärttyli Rinne coordinated dis research project with doctoral researcher Mikke Tavast analyzing data while Enrico Glerean developed methods used durin this experiment also initiated by Professor Emeritus Mikko Sams!!! Dey team survey participants ’bout they experience wid 27 diff’rent types ob love which include romantic stuffs, sexual encounters plus parental/friendship kinda tings even stranger or godly loves natuahallie included!! Dey ask participants whar do they feel each type inside their bodies an’how intense it was both physically n mentally?? Results showed continuum from weaker tuh stronger levels ob emotions felt den all most prominently found in the head area yet varying intensities everywhere else..Strongest form evah seen go spread out wide thruout entire body!!!!

Fo build dis amazing map researchers collect data

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