
🗳️🎤 Who Score Da Win? Pundits Talk Story ‘Bout Da Debate!

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Brah, everybody stay talking story after da first Republican debate on Wednesday night. Was like one big kanikapila wit all da local braddahs, but no sign of da big boss, Donald J. Trump. 😎🎉

Choke people stay wondering, if da main man no show up, then who da real winner? 🤷‍♂️💬

All da TV talkers wen’ grind after da debate, chinwagging ’bout which of da eight other candidates wen’ shine da most. But mostly, dey all nod dey head da same way: no mattah wat, looks like Trump still da top dog. 🐕🥇

Ho, but had some tita and braddah say, no Trump gave da rest chance fo’ show dea colors. Like, dey could stand out more, you know? But who going be Trump’s main competition, dat one still all hamajang! 😵🔄

Ron DeSantis 🌴🐊
Da Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, had da most eyes on him. Like, he was da one to watch, yeah? But even with all da drama ’bout money and his team, da guy neva let nobody bring him down. 🛑👀

Da big kahuna from National Review, Rich Lowry, was waiting fo’ see if anybody going beef with DeSantis. But aftah everything, he say DeSantis did good, stay on track, and no get any flak. 🙅‍♂️🗣️

Had other peeps saying how DeSantis stay solid with his conservative mana’o from his Florida days. Like he showing he can lead da Republicans fo’ win. 🏆🔥

Vivek Ramaswamy 🎩🤓
Dis entrepreneur guy, Vivek, he had some spicy moments! Like he was enjoying da jabs and also trowing some punches at da old-timers ’bout dea past. Some liked his no-script style, but oddahs found ’em kinda too much. 🎭🥊

David Urban, who wen’ work with Trump before, say Vivek was da one to watch. But some, like da Fox News host, tita Laura Ingraham, thought maybe he went little over da top, but still, she say, “Brah, das ballsy.” 📺🤔

Nikki Haley 🌟🇺🇸
Den had Nikki Haley, da former South Carolina governor, who wen’ step up and make noise, especially when she wen’ beef with Vivek ’bout foreign tings. She wen’ call him out on his ideas, and people noticed. 🌍💥

Had one former Trump crew, Alyssa Farah Griffin, say Haley wen’ really show Vivek wat’s wat. And da fact she was da only wahine on stage, she had choke mana when she spoke ’bout big issues like abortion. 🌸💡

Donald Trump 🦁👑
Now, da million dollah question: Trump neva show, so did he lose out? Most peeps, even dose not too fond of da guy, say, nah, he still da king. No one wen’ really come close. 🚫🤴

Amy Walter, da big boss of The Cook Political Report, say Trump must be all smiles aftah dis one. And one former Barack Obama advisor, David Axelrod, said Trump “wen’ score big time”. Nobody wen’ step up to be his main rival. 💪🃏

Rob Godfrey, one longtime Republican strategist, said Trump missed out on da chance fo’ show everybody up, kinda like da old days when he wen’ kill ’em in da debates with his jokes and jabs. 🎙️🤣

So, brah and titas, we gotta wait and see how da next round going go! Stay tuned fo’ more action, and no forget your slippahs! 🍿🌺🤙🏽


Tougher Hurdles for Round 2 of GOP Debate 🏆: New Rules and Higher Stakes Ahead!

Hello everyone! Remember the Republican National Committee’s first primary debate that took place this past Wednesday? A total of eight candidates fought for the limelight, with some even resorting to gimmicks and giveaways to meet the party’s criteria. 🤹‍♂️💰

Well, brace yourselves, because the stakes are going to be higher for the next round! 🚀

Mark your calendars for September 27; that’s when the second GOP debate will take place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. However, this time the qualifications are stricter. Candidates now need at least 3% support in two national polls approved by the Republican National Committee, which is a jump from the previous 1% requirement. 📈📊

Moreover, organizers are allowing a combination of one national poll and additional polls from at least two of the early-voting states: Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. 🗺️

And there’s more. The R.N.C. has also increased the financial support a candidate must receive to make it to the debate stage. 🤑 Candidates must receive contributions from 50,000 donors, 10,000 more than what was needed for the first debate. Additionally, they must have at least 200 donors in 20 or more states or territories. 🌐💸

Just like before, candidates will still need to sign a loyalty pledge, committing to support whoever becomes the GOP nominee. 📝 But as you may recall, Donald Trump skipped Wednesday’s debate and refused to sign such a pledge. He’s indicated that he’s unlikely to participate in the next one as well. 🤷‍♂️🏛️

So, who’s currently leading? 🏁 According to national polls, seven Republicans are holding strong with at least 3% support. The list includes Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President Mike Pence, Senator Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, and Chris Christie. 👥🗳️

With the R.N.C.’s new criteria, two candidates—Doug Burgum of North Dakota and former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson—are at risk of not qualifying for the second debate, which will be televised by Fox Business. 📺

Burgum, who is quite wealthy, offered $20 gift cards to anyone who contributed at least $1 to his campaign. 😂💳 Meanwhile, Hutchinson reportedly paid college students for each donor they could recruit. 🎓💵

So there you have it! Stricter qualifications, higher stakes, but always entertaining to watch these debates, right? 🍿🎬 Pull up a chair, grab some popcorn, and get ready for another round of political drama! 🎪🇺🇸

Stay tuned; you won’t want to miss the excitement of the next GOP debate. 📻🎉

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