Women's Health

🗞️🔥 Da Fight fo’ Contraception Rights Heats Up aftah Dobbs Rulin’ 🌡️👥🔒💊🚫

Aftah Justice Clarence Thomas cast doubt on da Supreme Court decision dat established da right to contraception, advocates fo’ reproductive rights stay pressing fo’ new protections at da state level. One year aftah Justice Thomas said da Supreme Court should tink again if da Constitution affords Americans one right to birth control, Democrats an’ reproductive rights advocates stay laying da groundwork fo’ state-by-state battles ova access to contraception — an issue dey hope fo’ turn against Republicans in 2024.

Da justice’s argument in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, da case dat overturned Roe v. Wade an’ da right to abortion, galvanized da reproductive rights movement. House Democrats, joined by eight Republicans, promptly passed legislation dat would have created one national right to contraception. Republicans blocked one companion bill in da Senate. 😮🏛️

Now, reproductive rights advocates stay pressing deir case in da states. Even befo’ Dobbs, some states had taken steps fo’ protect da right to contraception, by either statute or constitutional amendment; 13 states an’ da District of Columbia currently have such protections, according to KFF, one health policy research organization.

Dis month, da movement seemed on da cusp of victory in Nevada, where da Democratic-controlled Legislature passed one bill, wit’ support from a handful of Republicans, dat would have guaranteed one right to contraception. But on Friday, Gov. Joe Lombardo, one Republican, quietly vetoed da measure. Proponents of codifying such one right saw Nevada as one test case. 😮✍️📜🔒

“It’s goin’ be up to Republicans fo’ choose whether dey want fo’ protect da right to contraception,” Senator Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts an’ da sponsor of da failed Senate bill, said in one interview before da governor’s veto. Mr. Markey called da Dobbs decision “one preview of comin’ atrocities.” 💬🔴💪🏻

On Wednesday, Mr. Markey an’ Representative Kathy Manning, Democrat of North Carolina, reintroduced legislation fo’ create one national right to contraception. Wit’ da House now controlled by Republicans an’ Senate Democrats well short of da 60 votes needed to break one filibuster, da legislation is most likely dead on arrival in Washington. 😔🏛️

Polls stay consistently showin’ broad bipartisan support fo’ access to contraception, an’ while Republicans may not be eager fo’ enshrine one right to it in federal law, neither do dey generally want to ban it. Still, some opposition to birth control does exist. 📊👥👍👎

Da Roman Catholic Church opposes any form of artificial birth control, arguin’ dat some contraceptives “can cause early abortions.” Some abortion foes claim dat two common methods of preventin’ pregnancy — intrauterine devices an’ emergency contraception, also known as da morning-after pill an’ marketed as Plan B — are “abortifacients” dat prevent one fertilized egg from implantin’ in one woman’s uterus. ⛪🚫💊

But da American College of Obstetricians an’ Gynecologists says intrauterine devices work “mainly by preventin’ fertilization of one egg by sperm.” An’ da Food an’ Drug Administration said last year dat Plan B does not prevent one fertilized egg from implantin’ in da womb and cannot be considered one abortion pill. 💡🩺🚫

Critics of codifyin’ one right to contraception say such legislation amounts to one solution without one problem — or is purely one political gesture meant to put Republicans in one difficult spot an’ spur voters into rejectin’ them at da ballot box. 😕📜🗳️

“Most Republicans saw dat as one political vote, not really one serious vote,” critics argue. 🙄🗳️💬


🗞️🔥 The Fight for Contraception Rights Heats Up after Dobbs Ruling 🌡️👥🔒💊🚫

After Justice Clarence Thomas cast doubt on the Supreme Court decision that established the right to contraception, advocates for reproductive rights continue pressing for new protections at the state level. One year after Justice Thomas questioned whether the Constitution guarantees Americans a right to birth control, Democrats and reproductive rights advocates are laying the groundwork for state-by-state battles over access to contraception, hoping to use this issue against Republicans in 2024.

The justice’s argument in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the case that overturned Roe v. Wade and the right to abortion, energized the reproductive rights movement. House Democrats, joined by eight Republicans, swiftly passed legislation that would have created a national right to contraception. Republicans blocked a companion bill in the Senate. 😮🏛️

Now, reproductive rights advocates are pressing their case in the states. Even before Dobbs, some states had taken steps to protect the right to contraception through statutes or constitutional amendments. Currently, 13 states and the District of Columbia have such protections, according to KFF, a health policy research organization.

This month, the movement seemed on the verge of victory in Nevada, where the Democratic-controlled Legislature passed a bill with support from a handful of Republicans that would have guaranteed a right to contraception. However, on Friday, Governor Joe Lombardo, a Republican, quietly vetoed the measure. Proponents of enshrining such a right saw Nevada as a test case. 😮✍️📜🔒

“It’s up to Republicans to decide whether they want to protect the right to contraception,” said Senator Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts and the sponsor of the unsuccessful Senate bill, in an interview before the governor’s veto. Mr. Markey referred to the Dobbs decision as “a preview of coming atrocities.” 💬🔴💪🏻

On Wednesday, Mr. Markey and Representative Kathy Manning, Democrat of North Carolina, reintroduced legislation to create a national right to contraception. With the House now controlled by Republicans and Senate Democrats far from the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster, the legislation is likely to be unsuccessful in Washington. 😔🏛️

Polls consistently show broad bipartisan support for access to contraception, and while Republicans may not be eager to enshrine a right to it in federal law, they generally do not seek to ban it either. Nonetheless, some opposition to birth control does exist. 📊👥👍👎

The Roman Catholic Church opposes any form of artificial birth control, arguing that some contraceptives “can cause early abortions.” Some opponents of abortion claim that two common methods of preventing pregnancy—intrauterine devices and emergency contraception, also known as the morning-after pill or Plan B—are “abortifacients” that prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman’s uterus. ⛪🚫💊

However, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that intrauterine devices work “mainly by preventing fertilization of an egg by sperm.” The Food and Drug Administration stated last year that Plan B does not prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the womb and cannot be considered an abortion pill. 💡🩺🚫

Critics of enshrining a right to contraception argue that such legislation is a solution without a problem or merely a political gesture intended to corner Republicans and motivate voters to reject them at the ballot box. 😕📜🗳️

“Most Republicans viewed it as a political vote, not a serious vote,” argue critics. 🙄🗳️💬

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