
🕵️‍♂️🚫 Mexican Prez Say He Told Ally No Worry ‘Bout Spying

Da leader acknoʻledge dat he wen hear da top human rights official stay get spied on, but he wen try fo’ make ’em small-kine on Tuesday.

Da Mexican prez acknoʻledge on Tuesday dat he wen hear dat his top human rights official stay get spied on, but he wen tell ’em no need worry ’bout it.

Dis wen come out one day afta Da New York Times wen spill da beans dat Alejandro Encinas, da Mexican government’s undah secretary fo’ human rights, wen get hacked by da world’s mos’ notorious spyware wen he stay doin’ investigation ’bout abuses by da military.

“He wen tell me ’bout ’em, an’ I wen tell ’em no need take um serious ’cause no get da intention fo’ spy on anybody,” Prez Andrés Manuel López Obrador wen say afta somebody wen ask him ’bout da Times’s report in his regular morning news conference on Tuesday.

Mr. López Obrador, who wen start fo’ run tings in 2018, wen make promise fo’ stop da “illegal” an’ “immoral” surveillance from da past, an’ he stay say dat his government no spy on nobody. Mr. Encinas wen get targeted plenny times by da spyware dey call Pegasus, even jus’ last year, da Times wen say. Four people who wen talk wit’ him ’bout da spying, an’ one independent forensic analysis by Citizen Lab, one group dat stay keepin’ an eye on da kine, wen confirm da cyber attacks on Mr. Encinas.

Pegasus, dis one spy tool made in Israel, can go inside cellphones an’ leave no trace dat dey wen invade, an’ den can steal everyting from ’em: every text message, every email, every photo. Dis ting can even watch people wit’ da phone’s camera an’ listen to ’em wit’ da microphone. 📱🔍🕵️‍♂️

Dis kine spy tool wen infect plenny cellphones all ova da world, an’ da license fo’ sell ’em stay only fo’ government agencies.

No stay get one solid proof who stay behind da hacks on Mr. Encinas’s phone, but in Mexico, da only people dat can use Pegasus is da military, according to five people dat stay familiar wit’ da contracts fo’ da spyware.

Mr. Encinas, he stay leading da government’s truth commission fo’ da 2014 case when 43 students wen vanish, one real big violation fo’ human rights in da country’s recent history. Him an’ his team wen accuse da military dat dey had some kine part in da mass kidnapping of da students. 👨‍⚖️👥🕵️‍♂️


🕵️‍♂️🚫 Mexican Prez Say He Told Ally No Worry ‘Bout Spying

The leader acknowledged that he had been informed that the top human rights official was being spied on, but he tried to downplay it on Tuesday.

The Mexican president acknowledged on Tuesday that he had been informed that his top human rights official was being spied on, but he told him not to worry about it.

This came out one day after The New York Times revealed that Alejandro Encinas, the Mexican government’s under secretary for human rights, was hacked by the world’s most notorious spyware while he was conducting an investigation about abuses by the military.

“He told me about it, and I told him not to give it any importance because there was no intention of spying on anybody,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said after being asked about The Times’s report in his regular morning news conference on Tuesday.

Mr. López Obrador, who took office in 2018, made a promise to stop the “illegal” and “immoral” surveillance from the past, and he stated that his government does not spy on anyone. Mr. Encinas was targeted repeatedly by the spyware known as Pegasus, even as recently as last year, The Times reported. The cyber attacks on Mr. Encinas were confirmed by four people who spoke with him about the spying, and by an independent forensic analysis conducted by Citizen Lab, a watchdog group based out of the University of Toronto.

Pegasus, this spy tool made in Israel, can infiltrate cellphones without leaving any trace of an intrusion, and then can extract everything from them: every text message, every email, every photo. This tool can even watch people through the phone’s camera and listen to them through its microphone. 📱🔍🕵️‍♂️

This spy tool has infected numerous cellphones worldwide, and its license is only sold to government agencies.

There is no definitive proof of who was behind the hacks on Mr. Encinas’s phone, but in Mexico, the only entity that has access to Pegasus is the military, according to five people familiar with the contracts for the spyware.

Mr. Encinas leads the government’s truth commission for the 2014 case of the disappearance of 43 students, which is one of the most significant human rights violations in the country’s recent history. He and his team have accused the military of playing a part in the mass kidnapping of the students. 👨‍⚖️👥🕵️‍♂️

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