An image of a diverse group of men

🕰️💔 Da Buggah Kine Drop in Men’s Life Expectancy

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Brah, check dis out: da gap in how long guys and wahines (that’s women, yeah?) stay alive in da United States wen go big big, da mostest in like 30 years. 📉 Das all cuz more bruddahs wen pau (that’s finish, or die) from da Covid kine sick and from taking too much drugs. Dis one study in da journal JAMA Internal Medicine wen tell all about it.

So, in 2021, da wahines wen get chance for live about 79.3 years, but da bruddahs only had like 73.5 years. 🚺🚹 Da guy who wen run da study, Dr. Brandon Yan from University of California, San Francisco, he wen look all kine death data from da Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Yan say, they gotta figga out which groups losing more years so can help dem out. 🤔🏥

Way back in da day, like start of 1900s, wahines only wen live like two years more than da guys. But den, things wen change cuz more guys wen smoke and get sick with heart trouble or lung cancer. 🚬💔 As guys wen smoke less, less of dem wen pau.

But, ho, around 2010, da gap wen start for grow again, all cuz of da opioid kine drugs. Dat year, guys wen get chance for live 76.3 years, and wahines had 78.1 years. Guys wen also get more chance for get diabetes and heart disease, and had more chance for get killed or kill themselves.

Den bumbye, Covid wen come and drop everybody’s chance for live long. From 2019 to 2021, life expectancy in da US wen go from around 79 to 76 years. But da guys wen catch Covid more worse than da wahines. Das all complicated, get plenty kine reasons like body stuff and how guys and wahines do different kine work and live different kine life. Wahines also more likely for get da vaccine. 💉🦠

Covid wen make da biggest kine difference in da life expectancy gap from 2019 to 2021, like nearly 40 percent. But no forget, overdose and getting killed wen go up too.

Mostest of da difference in how long guys and wahines live wen come from drug overdoses and getting hurt by accident. But more guys wen also get killed or kill themselves during dat time.

Dr. Yan wen say all dis mean da mental health kine stuff wen get worse for everybody, but more worse for da bruddahs. He also wen mention they neva include transgender or other gender identities in da study cuz da death certificates no stay show dat kine info.

So das da scoop, guys and wahines. Da kine life we live, how we take care ourselves, all dat makes big difference in how long we stay around in dis world. Take care, yeah? 🌺🤙🏽


🕰️💔 Life Expectancy Gap for Men Hits a 30-Year High

Here’s the deal: the difference in how long men and women live in the United States has hit the largest margin in nearly three decades. This significant gap has been primarily attributed to more men dying from COVID-19 and drug overdoses, as revealed by a study in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

In 2021, women had an average life expectancy of 79.3 years, while men lagged behind at 73.5 years. 🚺🚹 This concerning trend was highlighted by Dr. Brandon Yan, a resident physician at the University of California, San Francisco. The study was based on an extensive analysis of death data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Yan emphasized the importance of identifying which groups are most affected by this decrease in life expectancy to target interventions effectively. 🤔🏥

Looking back, at the turn of the 20th century, women only lived about two years longer than men. However, this gap started widening over the years, mainly due to higher rates of smoking among men, leading to increased cases of cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer. 🚬💔 As smoking decreased among men, so did the excess mortality rates.

Yet, in 2010, the gender gap in life expectancy began increasing again, driven by higher rates of opioid overdose in men. That year, life expectancy for men was 76.3 years, compared to 78.1 years for women. Men also faced a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and higher rates of homicide and suicide.

The advent of COVID-19 led to a significant drop in overall life expectancy. Between 2019 and 2021, life expectancy in the United States fell from about 79 to 76 years. Men were more severely impacted by COVID-19 than women, a phenomenon influenced by a mix of biological factors and differing social and behavioral patterns. Women were also more likely to be vaccinated against the virus. 💉🦠

COVID-19 was the primary factor behind the widening life expectancy gap between men and women from 2019 to 2021, accounting for nearly 40 percent of the disparity.

Additionally, there was a noticeable increase in deaths due to overdoses and homicides. Unintentional injuries, predominantly drug overdoses, accounted for over 30 percent of the life expectancy gap. The rates of men dying from homicide and suicide also increased during this period.

Dr. Yan noted that these trends indicate a general decline in mental health, particularly more pronounced among men. He also mentioned that their analysis did not include transgender or other gender identities due to limitations in the available death certificate data.

So, there it is: the choices we make and the way we care for ourselves significantly impact our longevity. Stay safe and take care! 🌺🤙🏽

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