A military guy in sudan

🔫💣Sudan: Army an’ Paramilitary Force Claim Controa Key Sites 🔫💣

At least tree peepo wen mahke aze da Sudan’s army an’ one notorious paramilitary force go fight wit’ heavy weapons inside da capital, Khartoum, ’round da tension ova one propozed transition fo’ civilian rule. 😨🌆

Da video wen show one civilian plane on fire inside Khartoum airport. Da Saudi airline Saudia wen say dea Airbus “get accident.” ✈️🔥

Da paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) say dey get control ova da airports an’ oddah key sites. Da army say no way, an’ dey get jets hitting da RSF bases. 🛫🎯

Peepo stay hiding from da battles. 🏠🙈

“Shooting still going on an’ peepo stayin’ indoors – get plenny panic an’ fear,” one eyewitness wen tell da BBC t’ru her Kenya-based sistah. 🇰🇪📞

Da residents neva expect da battles, she wen say, an’ plenny peepo wen get caught in transit wit’ bridges an’ roads closed an’ many schools in lockdown. 🚧🏫

Duaa Tariq wen talk to da BBC wen one military plane wen fly ova her building – “Dey shooting live ammo at da roof of da house nex’ door an’ we jus’ now taking shelter,” she wen say. 🏢🔫

US Ambassador John Godfrey wen say he “woke up to da deeply disturbing sounds of gunfire an’ fighting. I stay currently sheltering in place wit’ da Embassy team, az Sudanese t’ruout Khartoum an’ oddah places doing.” He wen urge da senior military leadahs fo’ stop da fighting. 🇺🇸🙏

Russia’s embassy wen get worried ’bout da “escalation of violence” an’ wen ask fo’ one ceasefire, Reuters wen report. 🇷🇺🚨

Da RSF claim control ova at least tree airports, da army chief’s house an’ da presidential palace. Get reports of battles at da state TV station too. 📺🚁

RSF commandah Gen Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, also known az Hemedti, wen tell al-Jazeera dat he goin’ fight on until all army bases wen get captured. 💂🏾‍♂️🚩

He wen say army chief Gen Abdel Fattah al-Burhan one “criminal” an’ going either mahke or “face justice.” ⚖️👮‍♂️

Earlya, da RSF wen say dat one of dea camps in da south of Khartoum wen get attacked. 🏕️💥

Fo’ dea part, da army wen say dat RSF fightahs wen try fo’ take ova da military headquarters. 🏢🔫

“Fightahs from da Rapid Support Forces wen attack several army camps in Khartoum an’ oddah places ’round Sudan,” da AFP news agency wen quote army spokesman Brig Gen Nabil Abdallah az saying. 📰🇸🇩

“Clashes stay going on an’ da army stay doin’ its job fo’ protect da country.” 🛡️🌍

Da Reuters news agency also wen quote witnesses az saying dat get gunfire in da northern city of Merowe. Da RSF deployed forces nea’ dat base on Thursday as tension wen stay going up. 🏙️🔥

Da generals stay running da country t’ru da Sovereign Council since one coup in October 2021. 🕒🗓️

Gen Burhan stay da president of da council while Hemedti stay da vice-president. 👥🎖️

But one propozed move to one civilian-led govment wen get stuck on da timetable fo’ integrate da RSF inside da national army – da RSF like delay ’em fo’ 10 years, but da army wen say suppose happen in two years. 🕑🤔

Hemedti stay one important guy in da conflict in Darfur dat wen start in 2003 an’ left hundreds of thousands mahke. 💀🌍

Da Western powers an’ regional leaders wen tell da two sides fo’ bring down da tension an’ go back to talks fo’ bring back civilian rule. 🗣️🕊️

Get signs on Friday dat da situation goin’ resolve. 📅🌤️

Da 2021 coup wen end one period of moa dan two years wea military an’ civilian leadahs wen share power. Dat deal wen come aftah Sudan’s long-term authoritarian President Omar al-Bashir wen get ovathrown. 🔄👋

Get plenny pro-democracy protests inside Khartoum evah since da coup. 🗣️✊

So, dass da whole story, bruddah an’ sistahs. Stay safe out dea an’ rememba fo’ watch fo’ updates on dis situation in Sudan. 📺📰🌍


🔫💣 Heavy Clashes in Sudan: Army and Paramilitary Forces Battle for Control 🔫💣

At least three people have died as Sudan’s army and the infamous paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) engage in intense combat using heavy weaponry in the capital, Khartoum. The conflict arises from tensions surrounding a proposed transition to civilian rule. 🌍🔥

A civilian plane was caught in the crossfire and set ablaze at Khartoum airport. Saudi airline Saudia reported that their Airbus “had an accident.” ✈️🔥

The paramilitary RSF claims to have control over airports and other strategic locations. However, the army denies this, stating that they are targeting RSF bases with airstrikes. 🛬🎯

Residents of Khartoum are seeking shelter from the ongoing clashes. An eyewitness told the BBC that “shooting is still ongoing, and people are staying indoors – there is so much panic and fear.” 🏠😨

The sudden outbreak of violence caught many off guard, with bridges and roads closed and numerous schools under lockdown. 🌉🚧

During an interview with the BBC, Duaa Tariq reported that a military plane flew over her building and opened fire. “They’re shooting live ammunition at the roof of the house next door, and we’re just now taking shelter,” she said. 🏢🔫

US Ambassador John Godfrey woke up to the “deeply disturbing sounds of gunfire and fighting.” He is currently sheltering in place with the Embassy team and urged senior military leaders to cease the fighting. 🇺🇸🛡️

Russia’s embassy also expressed concern over the “escalation of violence” and called for a ceasefire, according to Reuters. 🇷🇺🕊️

The RSF claims control of at least three airports, the army chief’s residence, and the presidential palace. Reports also indicate clashes at the state TV station. 📺🌆

RSF commander Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, also known as Hemedti, vowed to continue fighting until all army bases were captured. He labeled army chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan a “criminal” who would either be killed or “face justice.” ⚖️🔗

The RSF had previously reported that one of its camps in southern Khartoum had been attacked. In response, the army stated that RSF fighters were attempting to seize military headquarters. 🏰🔥

“Fighters from the Rapid Support Forces attacked several army camps in Khartoum and elsewhere around Sudan,” said army spokesman Brig. Gen. Nabil Abdallah. “Clashes are ongoing, and the army is carrying out its duty to safeguard the country.” 🇸🇩🛡️

Reuters cited witnesses who reported gunfire in the northern city of Merowe, where RSF forces were deployed near a base on Thursday as tensions escalated. 🔫🌃

Generals have been governing the country through the Sovereign Council since the October 2021 coup. Gen. Burhan serves as president of the council, with Hemedti as its vice-president. 🗳️👥

The proposed transition to a civilian-led government has stalled due to disagreements over the timeline for integrating the RSF into the national army. The RSF seeks a 10-year delay, while the army insists on a 2-year timeline. ⏳🤔

Hemedti played a significant role in the Darfur conflict, which began in 2003 and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. 💀🌍

Western powers and regional leaders have urged both sides to de-escalate tensions and return to negotiations aimed at establishing civilian rule. 🌐🕊️

There were indications on Friday that the situation might be resolved. However, the 2021 coup ended more than two years of shared power between military and civilian leaders, which was a result of the overthrow of Sudan’s long-term authoritarian President Omar al-Bashir. 🔄🕰️

Since the coup, pro-democracy protests have been a regular occurrence in Khartoum. The current clashes in the capital have left the nation on edge as the struggle for power and control continues between the military and paramilitary forces. The hope for a peaceful resolution and the establishment of a civilian-led government hangs in the balance. 🗣️📢

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