Wedding in Iraq

🔥Da Iraq Weddin Hall Fire Take Out Ova 100: Sad Day Fo’ Realz 💔

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

🔥 Da Tragic Scene at Weddin Hall in Iraq Kills Ova 100 Peeps 🔥 Early Tuesday night, a devastating fire broke out at a weddin hall in Hamdaniya, Iraq. Da tragedy left more than 100 peeps dead and over 150 injured from burns or smoke inhalation. Da wedidng was being held for two local families who had gathered to celebrate da happy occasion with relatives from near and far.

Eyewitnesses say dat when da bride and groom were dancin’, flares were fired towards da ceiling as part of the celebration — an old tradition that went horribly wrong dis time around 😩😭😓 . In just three seconds, flames engulfed the entire buildin’ leavin’ many trapped inside without any way out 💔 . Da electricity also shut off immediately after which made it even harder for peeps to escape 👎🏽 .

One guest said “when de lights went out people didn’t know where to go so dey started hittin chairs n tables n fall on top each odda” 😳 . Anudda guest described how quickly it all happened: “da roof caught fire within 3 seconds n den everyting jus got bigger real fast” 🤯 ! Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al Sudani called fo an investigation into what caused da blaze but meanwhile many survivors are still searchn fo loved ones they lost during dat tragic event ⛈️☹️⚰️.

People have been pickn through burned mobile phones tryna find clues of their missing family members while hospitals are overloaded wit victims needn medical attention ❗❗❗ To make matters worse some onlookers reported that firefighters had difficulty gettn water thru dere hoses when they first arrived ☹️☹️☹️! But eventually bulldozers knocked down walls so peeps could get outside ✊✊✊! Dis disaster has left hundreds of families heartbroken across Iraq 💔 but hopefully justice will be served soon as officials investigate further into wat caused dis horrific incident ☠👮♂👮♀


Iraq Wedding Hall Fire Kills Over 100: Tragic Loss

🔥 Tragic Scene at Wedding Hall in Iraq Kills Over 100 People 🔥 Early Tuesday night, a devastating fire broke out at a wedding hall in Hamdaniya, Iraq. The tragedy left more than 100 people dead and over 150 injured from burns or smoke inhalation. The wedding was being held for two local families who had gathered to celebrate the happy occasion with relatives from near and far.

Eyewitnesses say that when the bride and groom were dancing, flares were fired towards the ceiling as part of the celebration — an old tradition that went horribly wrong this time around 😩😭😓 . In just three seconds, flames engulfed the entire building leaving many trapped inside without any way out 💔 . The electricity also shut off immediately after which made it even harder for people to escape 👎🏽 .

One guest said “when de lights went out people didn’t know where to go so dey started hittin chairs n tables n fall on top each odda” 😳 . Another guest described how quickly it all happened: “da roof caught fire within 3 seconds n den everyting jus got bigger real fast” 🤯 ! Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al Sudani called fo an investigation into what caused da blaze but meanwhile many survivors are still searching for loved ones they lost during that tragic event ⛈️☹️⚰️.

People have been picking through burned mobile phones trying to find clues of their missing family members while hospitals are overloaded with victims needing medical attention ❗❗❗ To make matters worse some onlookers reported that firefighters had difficulty getting water thru their hoses when they first arrived ☹️☹️☹️! But eventually bulldozers knocked down walls so people could get outside ✊✊✊! This disaster has left hundreds of families heartbroken across Iraq 💔 but hopefully justice will be served soon as officials investigate further into what caused this horrific incident ☠👮♂👮♀

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