A Judge in America

🔄🤰 Kennedy Jr. Flip Flop on Top Abortion Law Issue

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

So, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., da guy trying fo’ da big presidential seat as one Democrat, had some choke confusion recently. He wen talk Sunday dat he down for put one federal ban on abortion aftah da first three months, but den, bam 💥, he flip the script real quick. Dis jus shows dat even within da Democratic race, some issues real hot, and abortion going be one big kine topic come next election.

Kennedy Jr., who trying fo’ battle against President Biden, wen talk all dis stuffs at the Iowa State Fair. One NBC News reporter wen ask him if he would make legal da right to abortion dat was before protected by Roe v. Wade. Plenty Democrats been rallying around dat since da Supreme Court wen flip Roe last year. But da party no mo’ enough “yes” votes right now fo’ make ’em happen.

He wen say, “I tink one wahine should decide if she going abort during da first three months.” But den, wen da reporter wen ask more, Kennedy Jr. wen say he would sign the paper fo’ put restrictions aftah three months. Some from da Republican side like dat idea, but almost all da elected Democrats say, “Nah, we no like dat.” Most abortions happen within dat first three months, but Roe wen protect da right until the baby can live outside da mommy, which is around da end of the second three months.👶

But aftah all dat, Kennedy Jr.’s people wen come out saying he nevah hear da question right ’cause was so noisy at da Iowa State Fair. 🎡🎪🔊

Dem said, “Kennedy Jr. always believes da wahine get da right to choose. He no like any law dat bans abortion.”

But, ho brah, da video wen show him saying all dat stuff about da first three months, and da reporter wen make sure fo’ ask plenty times fo’ understand what he meant.

Da reporter wen ask, “So, you like put one stop at 15 weeks?”

Kennedy Jr. wen say, “Yup.”

“Or 21 weeks?”

“Yeah, three months,” he said.

“So you going make one federal law for stop at three months?” da reporter wen ask again.

“Yup, I would,” Kennedy Jr. wen say.

His campaign nevah answer any questions da next day.

Even though he was clear about wanting one stop aftah three months, kinda looked like he nevah get da whole timeline for when da baby can live outside da mommy. He wen try explain, saying wen da baby can live outside, den da government should protect ’em. But dat time, when the baby can live outside, is usually around 24 weeks, or six months. 📅

Kennedy Jr., from da famous Kennedy family and one environmental lawyer guy, get known for no liking vaccines and he likes talking about conspiracy kine stuff. Even if he running as one Democrat, some of his tinking more like da Republicans.

Brah, politics always get some drama, yeah? 🍿🎭🤙


🔄🤰 Kennedy Jr. Changes Tune on Abortion Stance

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democratic presidential hopeful, recently faced some eyebrow-raising moments. On Sunday, he voiced support for a federal abortion ban after the first three months, but quickly pivoted on his statement. This incident highlights the heated debates within the Democratic party, emphasizing that abortion is going to be a pivotal issue in the upcoming election.

Kennedy Jr., aiming to challenge President Biden, made these remarks at the Iowa State Fair. An NBC News reporter probed him on whether he’d advocate for the abortion rights previously protected by Roe v. Wade. The Democratic party has been rallying around this right ever since the Supreme Court overturned Roe last year. Yet, the party is currently short of the necessary votes to make it law.

He commented, “I believe a woman should have the choice during the first three months.” However, when pressed further, Kennedy Jr. confirmed he’d support federal restrictions after three months. This idea has some backing from Republicans, but nearly all elected Democrats oppose it. Most abortions occur within that first trimester, but Roe originally protected the right until viability — the point where a fetus can survive outside the womb, which typically marks the end of the second trimester.👶

Yet, in a twist, Kennedy Jr.’s campaign later mentioned that he might have misinterpreted the question, blaming the bustling and noisy atmosphere of the Iowa State Fair 🎡🎪🔊.

They clarified, “Kennedy Jr.’s stance has always been pro-choice. He doesn’t endorse any legislation that bans abortion.”

But the video evidence shows him specifically discussing the first trimester, and the reporter even sought multiple confirmations on his viewpoint.

When queried, “So, you’re suggesting a cap at 15 weeks?”

Kennedy Jr. responded, “Yes.”

“And at 21 weeks?”

“Yes, three months,” he affirmed.

“So, you’d back a federal restriction at three months?” the reporter persisted.

“Yes, I would,” Kennedy Jr. confirmed.

However, his campaign remained silent when further questions were posed the next day.

Though Kennedy Jr. seemed adamant about his three-month cutoff, his grasp on pregnancy timelines appeared shaky. While trying to explain, he mentioned the state’s interest in protecting a child once it’s viable outside the womb. But this viability varies, generally occurring around 24 weeks or six months 📅.

Kennedy Jr., hailing from the renowned Kennedy lineage and known as an environmental lawyer, has gained attention for his skepticism towards vaccines and his affinity for conspiracy theories. Even though he’s running on a Democratic ticket, some of his views resonate more with Republican ideologies.

Certainly, the political scene never falls short of intriguing twists and turns 🍿🎭🤙.

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