A court house

📵🤳 Eh, TikTok Sues Montana, Sayin’ State Ban Not Pono

Da Chinese-owned video app wen’ file one lawsuit aftah Montana 🌄 wen’ sign da ban into law, an’ TikTok stay tryin’ fo’ stop da ban, which goin’ be da first of its kind in da whole country.

In one lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court fo’ da District of Montana, da company wen’ claim dat Montana’s law violate da First Amendment 📜 an’ parts of da U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸 dat limit state powers. TikTok said da ban goin’ “shut down da platform where everybody on da app can talk,” in da lawsuit.

TikTok wen’ sue just days aftah Montana’s governor, Greg Gianforte, wen’ sign da ban into law. Da law goin’ fine da app if dey stay operate in da state o’ da app stores if dey let people download ’em.

Dis state law stay one test case fo’ see if dey can really ban TikTok, which owned by da Chinese internet company ByteDance, cause dey concerned ’bout national security. Da ban, which goin’ start on Jan. 1, wen’ raise questions ’bout how dey goin’ enforce ’em within Montana.

“We suing fo’ stop Montana’s ban on TikTok dat no follow da Constitution. We doing dis fo’ protect our business an’ da hundreds of thousands of TikTok users in Montana,” said Brooke Oberwetter, one TikTok spokeswoman. “We believe we goin’ win dis legal challenge ’cause we get strong precedents an’ facts.” 💼💪🏼

Emily Flower, one spokeswoman fo’ Montana’s attorney general, Austin Knudsen, said, “We know we goin’ get lawsuits, an’ we ready fo’ defend da law dat protect da privacy an’ security of da people in Montana.” 🕴🏼💼🛡️

Dis lawsuit just one more challenge to da ban. One group of TikTok users wen’ file one separate lawsuit, sayin’ Montana’s bill violate deir First Amendment rights an’ go beyond da state’s legal power. Dis law also wen’ make civil liberty an’ digital rights groups, like da American Civil Liberties Union and da Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, speak out against ’em. 🗽🔒📚

TikTok get ova 150 million users in da U.S. but been in limbo undah two presidential administrations as dey try address concerns ’bout deir Chinese ownership. Da company been waitin’ fo’ da Biden administration fo’ approve deir plan fo’ operate in da U.S., an’ dey already faced bans on government devices in mo’ than two dozen states, as well as from universities an’ da military. 📱🚫🤔

Dis Montana ban come from Mr. Knudsen, one Republican, an’ introduced by one Republican state senator dis year. Da lawmakers in da state said dis ban goin’ stop da Chinese government from gettin’ access to da personal info of da people in Montana. Da debate ’bout dis ban start aftah one Chinese spy balloon wen’ float ova da state, an’ das when everybody wen’ notice. 🏛️🕵️‍♂️🎈

Da new law goin’ stop TikTok from operatin’ da app in Montana. Da app stores like Apple and Google, dey no can let people download ’em in da state. If TikTok, Apple, o’ Google no follow da law, dey could face one $10,000 fine every day. 💻🚫💰

In da lawsuit, TikTok say Montana no get da power fo’ impose da ban ’cause dat regulate business between states, an’ dat da job of da federal government. Da ban also break one rule in da Constitution dat say you can’t target one individual o’ specific groups fo’ punishment, da lawsuit say. 🤷‍♂️⚖️📝

Da litigation ova da ban could take months fo’ resolve. Cause da ban wouldn’t start until next year, da court no need fo’ immediate action fo’ stop ’em from happenin’. 🗓️⌛🏛️

TikTok and its supporters have been successful in using da courts to stop one previous ban in da United States. In 2020, TikTok wen’ sue da federal government wen’ President Donald J. Trump use his emergency economic powers fo’ issue one executive order fo’ block da app from operatin’ in da United States. One judge sided wit’ da company, and anotha judge wen’ block da ban aftah one challenge from one group of creators. 🏢⚖️🔒

TikTok has been banned in some countries, including India 🇮🇳 in 2020. Britain 🇬🇧, Canada 🇨🇦, and France 🇫🇷 recently ban da app on official government devices. 📵🌐📱


📵🤳 TikTok Sues Montana, Saying State Ban Not Pono

The Chinese-owned video app filed one lawsuit after Montana 🌄 signed the ban into law, and TikTok is trying to stop the ban, which will be the first of its kind in the whole country.

In a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana, the company claimed that Montana’s law violates the First Amendment 📜 and parts of the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸 that limit state powers. TikTok said the ban is “shutting down the platform where everybody on the app can talk,” in the lawsuit.

TikTok sued just days after Montana’s governor, Greg Gianforte, signed the ban into law. The law will fine the app if it continues to operate in the state or the app stores if they allow people to download it.

This state law is a test case to see if they can really ban TikTok, which is owned by the Chinese internet company ByteDance, because they are concerned about national security. The ban, which will start on Jan. 1, raised questions about how they will enforce it within Montana.

“We are suing to stop Montana’s ban on TikTok that does not follow the Constitution. We are doing this to protect our business and the hundreds of thousands of TikTok users in Montana,” said Brooke Oberwetter, a TikTok spokeswoman. “We believe we will win this legal challenge because we have strong precedents and facts.” 💼💪🏼

Emily Flower, a spokeswoman for Montana’s attorney general, Austin Knudsen, said, “We knew we would get lawsuits, and we are ready to defend the law that protects the privacy and security of the people in Montana.” 🕴🏼💼🛡️

This lawsuit is just another challenge to the ban. A group of TikTok users filed a separate lawsuit, saying Montana’s bill violates their First Amendment rights and exceeds the state’s legal power. This law has also prompted civil liberty and digital rights groups, like the American Civil Liberties Union and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, to speak out against it. 🗽🔒📚

TikTok has over 150 million users in the U.S. but has been in limbo under two presidential administrations as they try to address concerns about their Chinese ownership. The company has been waiting for the Biden administration to approve its plan to operate in the U.S. and has already faced bans on government devices in more than two dozen states, as well as from universities and the military. 📱🚫🤔

This Montana ban comes from Mr. Knudsen, a Republican, and was introduced by a Republican state senator this year. Lawmakers in the state said this ban will prevent the Chinese government from accessing the personal information of the people in Montana. The debate about this ban started after a Chinese spy balloon floated over the state, and that’s when everyone took notice. 🏛️🕵️‍♂️🎈

The new law will stop TikTok from operating the app in Montana. The app stores like Apple and Google cannot allow people to download it in the state. If TikTok, Apple, or Google do not comply with the law, they could face a $10,000 fine every day. 💻🚫💰

In the lawsuit, TikTok says Montana does not have the power to impose the ban because that regulates business between states, and that is the job of the federal government. The ban also violates a rule in the Constitution that says you can’t target an individual or specific groups for punishment, the lawsuit says. 🤷‍♂️⚖️📝

The litigation over the ban could take months to resolve. Since the ban won’t start until next year, the court doesn’t need immediate action to stop it from happening. 🗓️⌛🏛️

TikTok and its supporters have been successful in using the courts to stop a previous ban in the United States. In 2020, TikTok sued the federal government when President Donald J. Trump used his emergency economic powers to issue an executive order to block the app from operating in the United States. One judge sided with the company, and another judge blocked the ban after a challenge from a group of creators. 🏢⚖️🔒

TikTok has been banned in some countries, including India 🇮🇳 in 2020. Britain 🇬🇧, Canada 🇨🇦, and France 🇫🇷 recently banned the app on official government devices. 📵🌐📱

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