📰 Delaware Lawmaker Fo’ Be Da First Openly Transgender House Member🌈🏛️

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Sarah McBride, she no stay new to bein’ da first in many tings: Back in 2012, she wen’ be da first openly transgender person fo’ work at da White House unda da Obama administration.

On Monday, State Senator Sarah McBride wen’ announce dat she goin’ run fo’ Delaware’s at-large U.S. House seat. If she win, she goin’ be da first openly transgender member of da U.S. Congress. Dis seat right now stay held by Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester, one Democrat who wen’ say on Wednesday dat she goin’ go fo’ da Senate seat dat Senator Thomas R. Carper stay leavin’ as he retire. Both elections goin’ happen next year. 🌈🇺🇸

Ms. McBride, she stay 32 years old, an’ like I said before, she no stranger to makin’ history. In 2012, she wen’ be da first openly transgender person fo’ work at da White House as one intern durin’ President Barack Obama’s time. In 2020, she wen’ win da State Senate seat based in Wilmington wit’ ova 70 percent of da votes, makin’ her da first openly transgender legislator in da whole country. An’ she wen’ run unopposed fo’ a second term last year. 🌟🗳️

Her decision fo’ run fo’ office come at one time wen’ Republican-led policies startin’ fo’ target da L.G.B.T.Q. community.

Dis year alone, 17 states wen’ pass bills aimin’ to restrict gender-affirming care fo’ transgender youth. Dis one big increase from da three states dat wen’ have restrictions before. Plus, dey even talkin’ ’bout bannin’ L.G.B.T.Q.-related education fo’ K-12 students in states like Florida, where da laws stop public schools from teachin’ ’bout sexual orientation an’ gender identity. 😔🏳️‍⚧️

Ms. McBride, she also one former national press secretary fo’ da Human Rights Campaign, one big L.G.B.T.Q. advocacy group in da country. She prob’ly goin’ face opposition in da primaries in her solidly blue district. But she get plenty political support in da state, partly because of her connection wit’ President Biden. He wen’ even write da foreword fo’ her memoir in 2018. She also worked on da attorney general campaigns fo’ Beau Biden, da president’s son who wen’ pass away in 2015. 🙌🤝

Da New York Times wen’ recently talk story wit’ Ms. McBride ’bout her campaign. We goin’ share some parts from da interview, but we made ’em a bit shorter and clearer.

What you like fo’ focus on in your campaign?

Plenny parts of da Build Back Better Act wen’ get left out, an’ it goin’ be crucial fo’ Congress fo’ bring back dose policies, like paid family an’ medical leave, affordable early childhood education, an’ care fo’ da elderly. Dem kinda policies goin’ be da heart of my campaign, along wit’ stuff I fought fo’ in da Delaware General Assembly, like gun safety an’ reproductive rights. One of da issues where we gotta make mo’ progress stay climate change. We no can build one fairer, more just world if we no protect our planet. 🌍🌱

We seen plenny bills come up recent years dat affect transgender people, like makin’ it harder fo’ keiki fo’ transition an’ restrictin’ which bathrooms transgender people can use. Wat you worried ’bout movin’ forward?

Dem kinda policies you talkin’ ’bout, dey wrong an’ against da Constitution. Dem MAGA Republicans tryin’ fo’ distract us from da fact dat dey no get any agenda fo’ families an’ workers in dis country. Dey lookin’ fo’ problems where dey no stay. Dey cruel, an’ we know dat policies dat target young people, parents, families, an’ vulnerable people in our society, dey no goin’ be remembered well in history. I truly believe dat democracy only work if everybody included. 💪🏳️‍🌈

Wat da members of your party gotta do fo’ respond to dese laws?

I feel real proud dat da Democratic Party always stand strong fo’ L.G.B.T.Q. rights. We seen Democrats from Montana, Nebraska, Virginia, an’ Delaware speak up an’ make clear dat attacks on vulnerable members of our communities, includin’ young L.G.B.T.Q. people, no goin’ be tolerated. We goin’ do everyting we can fo’ stop ’em.

Plenny folks in dis country like politicians fo’ focus on da important tings an’ come togedda. I no believe discriminating against keiki an’ parents should be one priority fo’ voters in Delaware or anywhere else. 🗳️🤝

As we go into 2024, President Biden stay facin’ challenges fo’ keepin’ public approval. From your perspective, wat should he an’ da otha Democrats be thinkin’ ’bout?

Democrats get one solid record to run on, but we still got work fo’ do. Dis president stay focused on workin’ families an’ understandin’ dat we all get one responsibility fo’ each odda. I think if dis president keep showin’ da contrast between his priorities an’ da made-up problems an’ culture wars from da right, he goin’ win.

Bein’ da first of anyting, gotta expect some tough times. You worried ’bout da backlash?

Fo’ sure, goin’ get some attacks, but I stay used to ’em. Wat I showed in da past few years is dat I can move forward despite da attacks an’ stay focused on wat matter to da people I represent. Congress different from da Delaware State Senate, but I stay confident dat wen’ I get there, by focusin’ on issues dat affect everybody, no matta dey political party or ideology, an’ no matta where dey stay in da state, I goin’ find common ground wit’ people I strongly disagree with. 🏛️🤝

Sarah McBride’s campaign goin’ bring excitement an’ hope fo’ many. Her candidacy as da first openly transgender House member carries significance fo’ da L.G.B.T.Q. community an’ beyond. As she navigates da campaign trail, she goin’ tackle important issues like family leave, education, gun safety, reproductive rights, an’ climate change. But she no face da journey alone, as she got da support of da Democratic Party an’ connections to prominent figures, includin’ President Biden. As we watch her campaign unfold, we see da importance of representation in our democracy an’ da continued fight fo’ inclusivity an’ equality. 🌈🗳️🤝


📰 Delaware Lawmaker Aims to Be the First Openly Transgender House Member 🌈🏛️

Sarah McBride is no stranger to breaking barriers. Back in 2012, she became the first openly transgender person to work at the White House during the Obama administration.

On Monday, State Senator Sarah McBride announced her bid for Delaware’s at-large U.S. House seat. If successful, she would make history as the first openly transgender member of the U.S. Congress. The seat is currently held by Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester, a Democrat who revealed her intention to pursue the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Thomas R. Carper. Both elections will take place next year. 🌈🇺🇸

At 32 years old, McBride has already left her mark on the political landscape. In 2012, she made headlines as the first openly transgender person to work at the White House as an intern during President Barack Obama’s administration. In 2020, she won her State Senate seat in Wilmington with over 70 percent of the votes, becoming the first openly transgender legislator in the country. Last year, she ran unopposed for a second term. 🌟🗳️

McBride’s decision to run for office comes at a time when Republican-led policies are targeting the rights of the L.G.B.T.Q. community.

This year alone, 17 states have passed bills aimed at restricting gender-affirming care for transgender youth. This represents a significant increase from the three states that had previously enacted such restrictions. In addition, there are discussions about banning L.G.B.T.Q.-related education for K-12 students in states like Florida, where laws prohibit public schools from teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity. 😔🏳️‍⚧️

McBride, a former national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, the largest L.G.B.T.Q. advocacy organization in the country, is likely to face opposition in the primaries in her solidly blue district. However, she enjoys significant political support in the state, partly due to her association with President Biden. In fact, Biden wrote the foreword for her memoir published in 2018. She also worked on the attorney general campaigns of Beau Biden, the president’s late son. 🙌🤝

The New York Times recently interviewed McBride about her campaign. The following excerpts have been edited for clarity and length.

Q: What issues do you hope to prioritize in your campaign?

A: There were many provisions of the Build Back Better Act that unfortunately did not make it into the final version, and it will be crucial for Congress to address these policies. Paid family and medical leave, affordable early childhood education, and elder care will be central to my campaign. I will also champion the issues I fought for in the Delaware General Assembly, such as gun safety and reproductive rights. Another critical issue where we must make progress is climate change. We cannot build a fairer and more just world if we do not protect our planet. 🌍🌱

Q: We have seen a wave of bills in recent years that have impacted transgender people, such as restrictions on transitioning procedures for children and limitations on which bathrooms transgender individuals can use. What are your concerns moving forward?

A: The policies you mentioned are not only wrong but also unconstitutional. They are an attempt by MAGA Republicans to divert attention from the fact that they have no real agenda for families and workers in our country. These policies are solutions in search of a problem. They are cruel, and history has shown that policies targeting young people, parents, families, and vulnerable individuals in our society do not stand the test of time. I firmly believe that democracy can only thrive when it includes everyone. 💪🏳️‍🌈

Q: What should members of your party do to respond to these laws?

A: I am incredibly proud that the Democratic Party has consistently supported L.G.B.T.Q. rights. Democrats across the country, from Montana to Nebraska, Virginia to Delaware, have made it clear that attacks on vulnerable members of our communities, including young L.G.B.T.Q. individuals, will not be tolerated. We will do everything in our power to oppose these discriminatory laws.

People across the nation are eager for politicians to address the issues that truly matter to them. I do not believe that targeting children and parents for discrimination is a priority for voters in Delaware or anywhere else. 🗳️🤝

Looking ahead to 2024, President Biden is facing challenges in maintaining public approval. In your opinion, what should he and other Democrats focus on?

Democrats have a strong track record to run on, but there is still unfinished work ahead. This president has prioritized working families and recognizes that we all have a responsibility to one another. I believe that if President Biden continues to highlight the stark contrast between his agenda and the manufactured problems and culture wars of the right, he will come out on top.

Being the first in anything often invites scrutiny. Are you concerned about potential backlash?

There will undoubtedly be attacks, but I am no stranger to adversity. I have shown over the past few years that I can rise above these challenges and remain focused on the issues that matter to the people I represent. While Congress may be different from the Delaware State Senate, I am confident that by prioritizing the concerns that impact individuals from all walks of life, regardless of political party or ideology, and regardless of their location within the state, I will be able to find common ground even with those I vehemently disagree with. 🏛️🤝

Sarah McBride’s campaign brings excitement and hope to many. Her candidacy as the first openly transgender House member carries immense significance for the L.G.B.T.Q. community and beyond. As she navigates the campaign trail, she will tackle critical issues such as family leave, education, gun safety, reproductive rights, and climate change. She does not embark on this journey alone; she enjoys the support of the Democratic Party and has connections to influential figures, including President Biden. As we witness the unfolding of her campaign, we are reminded of the importance of representation in our democracy and the ongoing fight for inclusivity and equality. 🌈🗳️🤝

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